FALLEN LAND A Post Apocalyptic Board Game User Guide

June 9, 2024

LAND A Post Apocalyptic Board Game

© 2005-2022 Fallen Dominion Studios, LLC. All Rights Reserved. © 2005-2022 Fallen Dominion Studios, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Quick Start
This book is a quick guide to the Fallen Land. If questions arise, consult the rulebook for more in-depth explanations and examples.
Number of Players
Fallen Land plays 1-6 players at approximately 1 hour per player

Town Play mat

How to win
A player wins the game by achieving either 20 Prestige (Orange track on the map) or 80 Town Health (Green track on the map) at the end of a Phase. In the event of tie, use the secondary Victory Condition where 1 Prestige equals 4 Town Health, followed by the player with the most Resources.
A Short Game is played to 10 Prestige or 50 Town Health. This format reduces play time to less than 30 minutes per player. When the Short Game ends the group may opt to continue playing until the normal game victory conditional are met.
Game Setup
1. Set up the Play area
(see Common Play Area diagram):
· Lay out the game map. · Set out the chip trays. · Shuffle each deck of cards. · Flip the top card of each deck to
start their discard piles.

2. Place Mission Chips: Roll 2d10 for a numbered hex on the map and place a numbered Mission chip on that hex. Repeat this process for all 7 Mission chips. Re-roll duplicates.
3. Assign Factions: Roll 1d12 and take
the Town Play Mat with the matching number on it. Re-roll duplicates.
4. Give each player:
a. Faction chips b. Party Marker c. Starting Town Technology chips
d. Cards gained from Faction Perks (these cards have a gray border)
e. 10 Salvage Coins

Common Play Area

5. Place your Factions on the Map:
a. Put a Faction chip and Party Marker on your Starting Town Location.
b. Put a Faction chip on the 30 of Town Health Victory Track.
c. Put a Faction chip on the 0 of the Prestige Victory Track.
6. Deal Cards to each player:
a. 6 Character cards b. 10 Spoils cards c. 3 Action cards
7. Set up each Party
(see Town Play Mat diagram above): a. Attach 5 Characters to the
numbered Character Crowns at the bottom of your Town Play Mat. b. Place the sixth Character face down in your Town Roster. c. Equip Spoils cards to your Party Characters without exceeding their Carrying Capacity. d. Add up modifiers on Town Technologies and cards equipped to your Party. Place a clip to mark that number on the Movement Bonus Track of the Town Play Mat.

8. Determine First Player:
a. Place the Turn Marker chip on the 1 Town Health Track.
b. Roll 1d10 to determine the First Player. Lowest roll wins and ties are re- rolled.
c. The First Player takes the First Player Sheet.


Town Play mat
The Town Play Mat is your Town and Party. See the Town Play Mat Diagram.
Faction Perks: Unique Faction skills and assets.
Starting Town Technologies: Start the game with 2 Town Technologies. These TTs
cannot be destroyed, stolen or sold.
Character Crowns (CC): Across the bottom of each Town Play Mat are 5 triangles. Each
Character card in the Party is attached to a CC. The color of each CC triangle matches and indicates the color of the d10 used to roll Skill Checks and Psychological Status Checks for that Character.
Auction House: On the left side of the Town Play Mat, place Spoils cards that are not equipped to the Party. These cards are stored face up. These Spoils cards may only be equipped to your Party when it passes through your Starting Town Location.
Town Roster: On the right side of the Town Play Mat, place unused Character cards face down. You may only add Characters from your Town Roster to your Party when it passes through your Town.
Resource Marker Track: Mark the number of Resources owned by the Faction with a clip on this track. The track shows the Town Health and Salvage Coins produced during the Resource Production Sub-Phase.
Movement Bonus Track: Mark the total movement bonuses with a clip. If the Movement bonuses exceeds eight, place a second clip on the track.
Town Technology
Town Technologies (TTs) provide bonuses to your Town or Party, granting extra successes for Skill Checks or extra cards during the Deal Sub-Phase. A maximum of seven TTs may be owned.
Once per turn during the Financial SubPhase each player may purchase a Tier 1 TT (Silver), or upgrade a TT to Tier 2 (Gold). A Faction gains 1 Prestige and 5 Town Health when they attach a Tier 1 TT to their Town. Only 1 of each type of TT may be attached to a Town.

Character Card

Each Character has six Base Skills, a Health Stat, a Psychological Stat, a Special Ability, and a Link.
New Characters may replace Characters in the Party. Character cards received from Town Events or Characters that are swapped out of your Party are placed in the Town Roster. Character cards can never be sold or traded among players.
Character Links: Specifies a Spoils category or Spoils card. The Link Bonus is applied when a Spoils card of this type is equipped. Multiple Spoils cards of the same type do not grant extra bonuses unless the Link specifically states the bonus is Cumulative.
Health Stat: The total amount of damage the character can take before being killed and discarded.

Psychological Stat (Psych): Indicates a Character’s mental strength. Roll 1d10 for a Psych Check on Encounter cards with a Psych symbol. If the roll is greater than the Psych Stat, that Character takes 1 point of Psych damage. Any Character with 3 or more Psych Damage may not unequip Spoils cards. During the Effects Phase, discard any Characters with 3 or more Psych Damage along with their equipment.
Carrying Capacity: The max amount of Carrying Cost from equipped Spoils cards. Any Spoils cards that exceed Carrying Capacity can be equipped to another Party Character or put in the Auction House.
The Six Base Skills
The Six Base Skills are located along the bottom of the Character card.







Omega Symbol: Represents all Six Base Skills.

Spoils Card

Spoils cards add their Base Skill modifiers and abilities to a Character or Vehicle. Equip Spoils cards by tucking them under the equipped card and lining up the Base Skills.
Spoils cards can be reassigned at any time except during Encounters, Missions, PVP, or while an Action card is being played.
Spoils cards received during the Town Business phase go into the Auction House. Ally and Jinxed cards are immediately equipped to the Party and Event cards are played when drawn.
Spoils Category: The classification(s) of a card. Used for Character links.


Salvage Coin Value: Amount the card can be sold to the Bank for.

“NA” values cannot be sold.

Carrying Cost: The weight of the Spoils card when equipped.

Vehicle: These Spoils cards participate in Party Skill Checks using the Black d10. Only 1 Vehicle may be equipped to a Party.

Party Equipment: Equipped to entire Party or to none. If a Character can’t equip it place it in the Auction House.

Stowable: May be equipped to either Vehicles or Characters.

First Strike: Grants a surprise attack before the first Round of PVP.

Psych Bonus: Increases the Psychological Status by 1 of the Character carrying this Spoils item.

Armor: Reduces Physical and Infected Wounds Damage by 1 to equipped Character.

Movement Bonus: When equipped to the Party, adjust the Bonus Movement Track.

Vehicle Equipment: These cards may only be attached to Vehicles.

Permanent Equipment: Permanently attach to another Spoils card equipped.

Jinxed: Automatically equipped when drawn. Cannot be unequipped, sold, or traded.


Action card

Encounter card

Mission card
Optional Skill Check

Each player has a hand of Action cards that can help them or hinder others.
· Players discard down to 7 cards at
the end of each Phase.
· The first sentence states when the
card may be played. If it is played during the wrong phase discard it.
· Red Dot cards target another
player. Remove Red Dot cards during solo play.
· Some cards attach themselves to
other cards. When a card with an attachment is discarded the attracted card is also discarded.
NPCM (Non-Player Character Mercenary)
NPCM are Action cards that are hired to perform an assignment or task.
During the Hire Sub-Phase pay the listed Hire cost
and select an assignment.
Place the matching NPCM chip on your Starting Town Location.
During the NPCM Sub-Phase, the NPCM moves to their assignment and attempts to complete it. NPCMs are discarded when their assignment is completed. NPCMs can never attack other NPCMs.
NPCM First Strike: Deal first strike damage without requiring a Skill Check.
NPCM Movement: A fixed number of hexes the NPCM may move. Each hex cost 1 Movement.
Omega Symbol: The Total Skill for each of their Six Base Skills.
NPCMs Maximum Health: All damage types are treated as Physical Damage for NPCMs. NPCMS do not take damage from Radiation hexes.

There are three different types of Encounter decks: Plains, Mountains, and City/Rad. Each deck matches a type of terrain found on the map. A player draws from an Encounter deck based on the terrain of the hex their Party is on.

When an Encounter is drawn.

· Read the Title, Category, Main Text,

and Directions out loud.

· Receive the Salvage Coins #

· Fight or Flight: If there is a Combat

Skill check you may attempt to

discard this Encounter before

attempting the Skill Checks. Roll 1d6

and add your Movement Bonus.

Compare the result to the highest

Combat Skill Check on the card.

If the result is greater than the

Combat Skill Check, the Encounter

is discarded and the Party moves

1 hex away. If the roll is equal to or

less than the Combat Skill Check,

skip straight to the Failure portion of

the Encounter or Mission card.

· A Character Crown

on the card

designates special directions for a

specific Character in the Party.

· Perform the Skill Checks. The

number before the symbol is the

number of Necessary Successes a

Party or Character must achieve.

· If the Skill Checks are successful

read the Success portion. If the Party

fails a Skill check read the failure.

· If there is a Psych Check each

Character rolls a d10. If the roll is

greater than their Psych Stat, that

Character takes 1 Psych Damage.

World Cards
World Encounters are marked with World card at the top. These may affect multiple players, or may create a Point of Interest. A Point of Interest cost 1 Week to activate.

To attempt a Mission perform the Mission Deed on a hex with a Mission chip .
After a numbered Mission is attempted, place the Mission chip on a new random location determined by rolling 2d10.
When a Mission card is drawn, follow the card’s directions and perform the listed Skill Checks. If the checks are succeeded then the player may attempt the Optional Skill Check (OSC) if the Mission card has one listed. The OSC has its own Success and Failure.

Town Defense Chips

Players may own up to 5 Town

Defense Chips (TDCs). TDCs

are equipped by placing them on their

Starting Town Location under the Faction


During the Financial

TDC Cost

Sub-Phase each player

1st 10

may purchase 1 TDC. The first TDC costs 10 Salvage Coins, and each

2nd 15 3rd 20

subsequent TDC costs a 4th 25

cumulative 5 more Salvage 5th 30 Coins.

During the Resource Deed when a Party attempts to claim an Owned Resource, the Faction that owned the Resource inflicts 1 Physical Damage to each Party Character for each TDC on the owner’s Starting Town Location. This Damage ignores Armor . TDCs have no effect when a Resource is claimed with an Action card or by other means.
Once per Turn, when a Party ends their movement on a Starting Town Location, the owner of that Town may inflict 1 Physical Damage per TDC to each Character in that Party, ignoring Armor.
TDCs may be discarded at any time to prevent a loss of 1 Town Health to their Faction.

Starting Town Locations Movement Cost: 1 Encounter type: None
These are Faction Towns. Player Factions have a Faction chip on their Starting Town Location. Neutral Factions remain bare.
Resource Locations: Movement Cost: 1 Encounter type: Plains, Mountains, or City/Rad
Random Locations: There are 100 numbered hexes. A Random Location is determined by rolling 2d10.
Plains Hexes: Movement Cost: 1 Encounter type: Plains
Mountain Hexes: Movement Cost: 2 Encounter type: Mountains
City Hexes: Movement Cost: 3 Encounter type: City/Rad
If a Party attempts a City/Rad Encounter, they receive a free Spoils or Action card. Spoils cards may be immediately equipped to the Party.
Radiation Hex: Movement Cost: 3 Encounter type: City/Rad
If a Party ends their movement on a Radiation hex each Character sustains 1 Radiation Damage.
If a Party attempts a City/Rad Encounter, they receive a free Spoils or Action card. Spoils cards may be immediately equipped to the Party.
Multiple Terrain Hexes: Many hexes contain more than one terrain. A hex’s Movement Cost is equal to the highest Movement Cost of the terrains on the hex. Choose an Encounter card to draw based on the available terrains on the hex.
A Radiation hex causes 1 Radiation Damage to each Character in a Party that ends their movement in that hex.
Water Hexes and Terrain: These hexes are impassable, unless the hex has a Mission or Point of Interest chip.

Skill Checks
A Skill Check is a challenge to one or more Base Skills. The Skill Checks are performed left to right as listed. The number next to the Base Skill represents the Necessary Successes. Roll d10s to determine the number of Successes achieved. If the number of Successes equals or exceeds the Necessary Successes then the check is a Success. If it is less then it is a Failure.

Necessary Successes


Base Skill

  1. Base Skills: Match the Skill Symbol of the Base Skill Check with the Character’s skill.

  2. Find the Target Number: Find the Character’s Total Skill by adding the Character’s Skill and Equipment Skill bonuses.
    Total Skill Less Than 10 The Total Skill is the Target Number.
    Total Skill Greater Than 10 Gain an automatic Success for each increment of 10 (at 20 gain two Successes, at 30 gain three Successes, etc.). The remainder becomes the Target Number.
    A Total Skill of exactly 10 is functionally the same as having a 9 in that Skill, a 20 is the same as a 19, 30 is the same as 29, and so on.
    Total Skill is a 0 If the Total Skill is 0 don’t roll a d10.

  3. Roll a d10 die
    · If the roll is less than or equal to the
    Target Number gain a Success.
    · Rolling a “1” is a Success and may
    be re-rolled for a chance at another Success. Additional “1”s may be re-rolled repeatedly, gaining additional Successes until something other than a “1” is rolled.
    · “10” is a Failure and negates ALL
    Successes granted by this Character/ Vehicle for this Skill Check.

Party Skill Check

This is the default Skill Check. All

Party Characters add their Successes

together towards the number of

Necessary Successes. All d10 dice are

simultaneously rolled for each member of

the Party, and the Successes are totaled

starting with the Character Crown (CC)


and proceeding left to right and

ending with the Vehicle CC .

Successes gained by Vehicles and granted by Town Technologies are used for this Skill Check.

Solo Skill Check

This Skill Check is performed by a

single Character, determined by

the Character Crown in the

card’s directions. If the Character Crown

has a question mark

roll a d6 to

determine a random Character.

Vehicles and Town Technologies are not used in this Skill Check. There is no Fight or Flight option.

Individual Skill Check
This Skill Check is attempted by each Party Character separately. The outcome is applied to each Character individually.

The d10 dice are rolled for each member of the Party simultaneously and outcomes are determined in Character Crown order.
Vehicles and Town Technologies are not used for this Skill Check. There is no Fight or Flight option.
If at least one Character Succeeds, the Encounter is considered a Success.

Melee Weapons Only Skill Check
Spoils cards with the Ranged Weapon type do not grant their Skill Bonus or abilities for this Skill Check.

Multiple Party Skill Check
A card will dictate when multiple parties are making this type of Skill Check. The Skill Check will be attempted when the last Party arrives at the location. Participating Parties on this hex may not PVP, Steal, or play Red Dot cards on each other while on the hex together. This protection ends after the card is completed and either party leaves the hex.


Order of Play
The First Player announces each Phase and goes first. The Turn passes clockwise. Victory Conditions are checked at the end of each Phase.
I Effects Phase
A. Resolve: In the following order:
1.World Encounter cards and other card effects.
2.Each Character with an Infected Wounds Damage chip receives another Infected Wounds chip.
3.Each Character with 3 Psych Damage chips is discarded along with their equipment.
II Town Business Phase
A. Deal: · Each player is dealt 1 Action card. · If the Town Events deck is being
used, draw a Town Events card.
· Deal any Spoils or Action cards
awarded by Town Technologies (TTs). Place Spoil cards received in the Auction House. Ally Spoils cards are equipped to the Party. Event Spoils card are played.
B. Resource Production: Each player receives Town Health and Salvage Coins # according to the number of Resources they own.
C. Financial Phase:
Auction House: Players may sell Spoils cards in their Auction house to other players for any amount. Spoils cards purchased are transferred to the buyer’s Auction House.
Sell: Sell items to the Bank: · Spoils and Action cards: # · Town Technologies : 25 · Town Defense Chips: 10. Purchase: Buy one Tier 1 TT (for 30 or 40 as listed) or upgrade an existing TT to
a Tier 2.
Purchase one Town Defense Chip for the listed cost.
Hire: Pay the NPCM’s hire cost and declare their assignment.

III Party Exploits Phase
A. NPCMS: Move NPCMs toward their objective and resolve their assignments.
B. Party Exploits: Each player spends four weeks on the following Deeds:

~ Movement Deed ~ Cost: 1 week

· Roll 1d6 and add your Movement Bonus.

· Move your Party accounting for the terrain Movement Cost. (See Chart)
· If the Party ends their movement on a Rad hex each Character in the Party takes 1 Radiation Damage, ignoring Armor.

1 Movement Plains
Starting Town Location 2 Movement Mountain
3 Movement City

The Party’s next Deed must be an Encounter, PVP, or Mission, even if their next Deed is the following month. A Party on a Starting Town Location
or Water hex may perform another Movement Deed after this one.

~ Encounter Deed: ~ Cost: 1 week
Draw an Encounter card from the appropriate deck or activate a Point of Interest location. If your Party is on a City or Rad hex and draws City/Rad Encounter, you may draw a Spoils or Action card before attempting it. You may immediately equip Spoils cards.

~ PVP Deed ~ Cost: 1 week Engage another Party or NPCM on your hex in PVP. The opposing Party receives a 1 Week Penalty Chip. 1. Deal your First Strike damage. 2. Fight or Flight. 3. Each Party rolls a Combat Skill Check. 4. Repeat Steps 2 – 4. 5. The winner gains Prestige and the loser loses Prestige.
6. Loot Spoils cards if appropriate.

~ Resource Deed ~ Cost: 2 weeks
A Party on a Resource hex may attempt to claim or destroy it.
Neutral: Draw a card from any Encounter deck and successfully complete it to claim the Resource. Encounter cards with no Skill Checks count as a Success.
Owned: If the Resource is owned by another Faction, no Encounter card is drawn. The owner’s Town Defense Chips each deal 1 damage to every Party Character. This damage ignores Armor.
When you claim a Resource:
· Place your Faction chip on the hex.
· Gain 1 Prestige. · Move your Resource Track Marker
up 1 space.
· If it was owned by another player,
they move their Prestige and Resource Track Marker down 1.
Destroying a Resource costs you 2 Prestige and the Owner also loses an additional Prestige.
~ Healing Deed: ~ Cost: 2 weeks
Perform a Party Medical Skill Check and remove 1d6 Physical Damage for each Success. If the Party is healing in a Starting Town Location, they may remove 1 additional point of damage per Character and heal Radiation or Infected Wounds damage.
Neutral Town: Pay 5 Salvage Coins to perform this Deed.
Player Town: The Town owner must consent and sets their price to allow
you to heal in their Town.
~ Mission Deed ~ Cost: 3 weeks
A Party on a hex with a Mission chip can draw a Mission card. After
completing a Mission, roll 2d10 to move the Mission chip to a new random hex.


IV End Turn Phase

A. Town Events Phase:
Each player rolls 1d10 and consults the Town Events Chart.

If the Town Events Deck is being used, then resolve those cards instead of rolling on the Town Events

Town Events Chart
Roll 1d10:

  1. Gain 2 Prestige, 4 Town Health, and an Action, Spoils or Character card.
  2. Gain 1 Prestige and 2 Town Health.


  1. Gain 1 Town Health.

4-7) No effect.

  1. Lose 1 Town Health.

B. Adjust the Turn Marker Chip: Move the Turn Marker

  1. Lose 1 Prestige and 2 Town Health.
  2. Choose a Resource you own. It reverts to Neutral. All penalties apply.

up 1.

C. Pass First Player Sheet: The player to your left becomes the First Player.

Sample First Turn
After the game setup, you take the First Player Sheet and announce the Effects Phase.
I Effects Phase
You play the Action card Government Transparency, attaching it to your Town Play Mat. This card reduces your Town Events Chart roll by 1.

II Town Business Phase
A. Deal: Deal an Action card to each player.
B. Resource Production: None of the players have resources.
C. Financial Phase:
Auction House: You Sell the Cheap Mountain Bikes Vehicle Spoils card to another player for 10 Salvage coins. You could sell it to the Bank for 7, but the other player doesn’t have a vehicle and is willing to pay a premium.

Sell: You sell a Spoils card and a few Action cards to the Bank for a total of 20 Salvage Coins.
Purchase: You have 40 Salvage Coins (10 Salvage Coins from the start of the game + 10 for the card you sold to another player + 20 for the cards you sold to the bank).
Looking at your options, you purchase the Marketplace Town Technology. Next turn during the Deal Phase, you will receive a Spoils card along with the normal Action card. After placing the chip above your Town Play Mat, you move your Town Health up 5 and your Prestige up 1 on their tracks.
NPCM: Another player pays to hire an NPCM from their hand of Action cards. The merc’s assignment is to claim a Resource. You are relieved your opponent didn’t give them the assignment to attack you in PVP.
III Party Exploits Phase
A. NPCMS: The NPCM moves to the target Resource and claims it.
B. Party Exploits: You have four weeks to spend on deeds. You started on your Starting Town Location and need to move.
Week 1: Movement Deed
You roll 5 on the d6 and add your 4 Movement Bonus, which will be more than enough to move your Party to a nearby Resource.
Week 2 and 3: Resource Deed
You are feeling pretty good about your Party. So you go with a Mountain Encounter and immediately gain the 6 Salvage Coins listed on the card. You succeed at the Combat skill check, but fail on the Mechanical skill check. You read the Failure portion and roll 5d6, taking a total of 15 damage. You distribute the damage among your Party. You failed to claim the Resource.

Week 4: Resource Deed
Not to be dissuaded by failure, you want to try again but only have 1 week left. You take a 1 Week Penalty Chip, which means next month you will only have 3 weeks to spend. but allows you to try again.
You take stock of your previous loss and consider the dubious wisdom of selling those Spoils cards and Action cards. You draw a Plains Encounter and gain 3 Salvage Coins. After reading the story, you perform a Survival Skill Check. This time you Succeed and gain the rewards from the Success portion of the card.
You have successfully claimed the Resource, which increases your Prestige by 1 and moves the marker on your Resource Track up by 1. Next turn during the Resource Deed, you will receive 1 Salvage Coin and 1 Town Health.
IV End Turn Phase
A. Town Events Phase:
You roll a 3 on the Town Events Chart and subtract 1 thanks to Government Transparency, making the total a 2 which yields you 1 Prestige and 2 Town Health.
Finally, you move the Turn Marker Chip 1 space up the track and pass the First Player Sheet to the next player.


PVP Rules
A Party may attack another Party or NPCM by performing the PVP Deed. NPCMs cannot attack other NPCMs.
I Select the pvp deed
A Party may perform the PVP Deed if it is on the same hex as an NPCM or another Party. The Defender receives a 1 Week Penalty chip.
II First strike
Attacking Characters with the First Strike ability roll a Combat Skill Check. Each Success grants 1d6 damage, ignoring Armor . An NPCM’s First Strike simply deals the listed damage with no Skill Check.
III Fight or Flight
The Attacker declares Fight or Flight, followed by the Defender. NPCMs can’t declare Flight. If neither player chooses flight, move to Step IV.
Both Players Choose Flight: PVP is over. The Defending player moves 1 hex away.
One Player Chooses Flight: Both players roll 1d6 and add their Movement Bonus .
Flight Party wins: PVP ends. The Fleeing Party moves 1 hex away for each Movement point greater than the other Party.
Fight Party wins: Fleeing Party takes 1d6 damage for each Movement point less than the other Party.
Tie: Both parties add a d6 to their total.
IV Combat Skill Checks
· Both players roll a Party Combat
Skill Check.
· The Party with the most Successes
deals 1d6 damage for each success greater than their opponent.
· The opponent reduces their damage
by 1 for each equipped Armor .
· On a tie, each Character takes 1
damage, ignoring Armor .
· Each player sets aside the Spoils
cards from dead Characters.
V Repeat Steps III and Iv
Repeat until one Party is eliminated.

PVP Outcome
Both Parties Escape:
Both players redistribute Spoils cards from their dead Characters to the remaining Characters in their Party. Excess Spoils cards go to their Auction House. No Prestige is lost.
One Party Escapes:
The victorious Party gains 1 Prestige. The fleeing Party loses 1 Prestige. Any Spoils cards from dead Characters are shuffled to create a Loot Deck.
One Party is Eliminated:
The victorious Party gains 2 Prestige. The eliminated Party loses 2 Prestige. Spoils cards from dead Characters and Vehicles are shuffled to create a Loot Deck. Both Parties are Eliminated: No Prestige is lost. Discard all Spoils cards from dead Characters.
Loot Deck
Set aside any Permanent Attachment Spoils cards and note the card they were attached to. Shuffle the remaining Spoils cards into the Loot Deck.
The Victor is dealt a card from the Loot Deck for each opposing Character killed plus 1. Spoils cards drawn that had a Permanent Attachment gain them as well. Discard remaining Spoils cards.
Notes on NPCMs
· All four damage types reduce an
NPCM’s Health Stat.
· When an NPCM is victorious, the
hiring player gains Prestige but receives no cards from the Loot Deck.
· Defeated NPCMs yield 1 Prestige
and 5 Salvage Coins to the Victor. The hiring player does not lose Prestige.
· After an NPCM attacks a Party they
are discarded at the end of PVP.

Solo PVP
1. No Flight is possible.
2. Apply the Attacker’s First Strike damage.
3. Both players roll a Combat Skill Check that excludes Town Technology bonuses.
4. The player with the most Combat Successes deals 1d6 damage for each Success greater than their opponent’s total Successes.
5. The opponent reduces 1 point of damage for each Armor . On a tie each Character takes 1 damage, which ignores armor.
6. Repeat step 3 through 6.
The outcome is determined by the card that initiated the Solo PVP.
Replacing Dead Characters
Characters may be rotated into a Party from the Town Roster when their Party is in or passes through their Town.
Party Death
A Party is eliminated when there are no Characters attached to Character Crowns on their Town Play Mat. Their Party Exploits Phase ends and they discard all Week Penalty Chips. A new Party is formed during their next Effects Phase. They first equip Characters from their Town Roster, then draw new Character cards for the remaining empty Character Crowns. Each Character card drawn from the deck costs 1 Prestige or 4 Town Health apiece. Once all five Character Crowns are filled, the player draws 10 Spoils cards to equip to their new Party.


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