Richard Scarry s Busy Day Game Instructions
- June 8, 2024
- Richard Scarry s
Table of Contents
Scarry s Busy Day Game
- Game Board
- 16 Busytown Items (4 each of FARM, AIRPORT, MARKET and BEACH)
- 1 Pop-up Busytown Entrance
- 1 Jumbo Foam Die
- 4 Backpacks
- 4 Vehicle Pawns and Bases
- 1 Busytown Prize Card
Object of the Game:
The player who can fill their Backpack with one Item from each area of the
Game Board (FARM. AIRPORT MARKET, AND BEACH) and race to enter Busytown first
wins the Busytown Prize and the game!
Set Up:
If it is your first time playing the Busy Day Game, punch out each Vehicle
Pawn, the Backpacks, the Busytown Entrance, the Busytown Prize Card and the
Items from the cut-out sheets. Place each Vehicle Pawn in a Base and select
one for each player. All Vehicle Pawns start at the Trading Post.
Lay the box bottom next to the Game Board, place the Pop-up Busytown Entrance
in one side of the bottom of the box between the platform and the edge of the
box (so that the panel stands straight up), and place that panel close to the
Game Board.
Place the 16 Items face down. The Items go in their respective home bases. For
example, an item labeled FARM goes to the space with the blue farmhouse. Each
player chooses a Backpack to hold their Items and places it in front of them.
On the back of the Backpack is a space for the four Items each player must
collect throughout game, one from each area of the Game Board.
How to Play:
The youngest player will go first by rolling the Jumbo Foam Die. The Jumbo
Foam Die will show a number, and the player can move their Vehicle Pawn in any
direction that many spaces on the Game Board, moving in only one direction
during a turn. Players will land on special spaces and collect Items but can
only have a maximum of four Items on their Backpack at a time.
Special Spaces:
EARN AN ITEM SPACE If a player lands on an EARN AN ITEM SPACE, while all
the other players close their eyes, the player can select an Item from any
area of the Game Board. This player then describes the Item to the other
players without saying the name of the object or action on the Item. Whoever
correctly guesses the object or action receives the Item. If there is a space
open on their Backpack, they place the Item on the Backpack. If the player
already has the space filled on their backpack, they set the extra Item next
to their Backpack. The first player gets to select an Item from anywhere on
the Game Board to place on their Backpack. If no player guesses correctly, the
Item goes back onto the Game Board face down. There are no limits to the
number of guesses per player.
ACT IT OUT SPACE If a player lands on an ACT IT OUT space, that player
chooses an item from the area (FARM, AIRPORT MARKET, and BEACH) they are in
and acts out what is on the Item. The first player to properly name the Item,
wins the Item and the person acting gets to select any remaining Items on the
board. If there are Items remaining in that area, then play passes to the next
If a player lands on a TRADE PLACES space, the player can trade places on
the Game Board with any other player of their choice.
When a player lands on the corner space in each Game Board area, they can
collect one Item from that area of the Game Board and add it to their
Backpack. TRADING
Anytime a player lands on the Trading Post space in the middle of the board,
they can trade any Item from their Backpack or in their possession with
another Item from another player. Players do not have to trade if they do not
wish to.
Winning the Game:
Once a player has one Item from each of the four areas of the Game Board on
their Backpack, they can head toward Busytown (the Pop-up Busytown Entrance).
The first player to place their Vehicle Pawn through the Entrance to Busytown
wins the Busytown Prize and the game!
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All RICHARD SCARRY® characters and trademarks are the intellectual property of
The Richard Scarry Corporation AG. Richard Scarry® series is published by
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MADE IN CHINA. B012970 07/21
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