TAiMA Lightweight Rollator User Manual

June 8, 2024

DIETZ Rehab logo1

User manual Version 3.2.0 EN
Lightweight rollator

TAiMA logo1


Thank you for purchasing a TAiMA rollator from DIETZ.

The TAiMA rollator is exceptionally light, strong and can easily be folde to stow away. It provides ideal support during all your daily ventures as well a seat to rest.

Before using the rollator for the first time please read this ma nual carefully and make sure to be familiar with all features of the product.

In addition, you will receive information that will aid operational and traffic safety and the preservation of your investment in your rollator.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the specialist retailer which supplied the wheelchair to you.

You can always find the latest information about your product on our website.

For information or queries concerning product safety and on recalls, please contact DIETZ in writing or by telephone. You will find our contact information on the back of this user manual.


For better visibility find our user manual also online under www.dietz- rehab.de as PDF file with zoom function.


The TAiMA rollator is designed for persons with restricted mobility with a maximum body weight of 150 kg for use as a walking aid and, to a limited extent, as a seating device for temporary rest.

It is used both indoors as well outdoors and is designed exclusively for use on solid and level surfaces.

The intended purpose may differ for products which were manufactured as custom models and which have been labelled as such. In this case, please refer to the documentation supplied with the product.


The use of the TAiMA is indicated for:

  • Restricted mobility due to a restriction of the active or passive musculoskeletal system
  • Coordination problems when walking
  • Reduced load-bearing capacity

The use of the TAiMA is not indicated for

  • False sensations,
  • Severe disequilibrium
  • User weights of above 150 kg

The rollator is not suitable for children.
The TAiMA must not be used as a climbing aid, transport aid for large loads/persons or for similar purposes.


These symbols indicate passages of text that are helpful for using and operating the product in every day life.

Safety hazard! It is mandatory to observe and comply with warnings.
They inform you of circumstances that could result in injury and/or damage to the wheelchair or surroundings if the warnings are not observed.

Tips and advice to simplify using the functions.


The scope of delivery of the TAiMA includes the following components and accessories:

  • TAiMA rollator
  • User manual
  • Standard bag
  • Cane holder (left/right mount)
  • Curb climber

On receipt of the rollator, please immediately check to make sure that the contents are complete and undamaged. If the contents are noticeably damaged, inform the freight company immediately.


The following optional accessories are available for your TAiMA rollator:

  • Shopping bag for rollator
    Art. 290101

  • Backrest “Standard”
    Art. 290007

  • Backrest “Comfort” soft, extra wide
    Art. 290038

  • One hand brake system
    Art. 290105 (left)
    Art. 290104 (right)

  • Extended push handles
    Art. 290106

  • Umbrella to protect from sun or rain
    Art. 601270 (rot)
    Art. 601271 (macchiato)

  • Tray
    Art. 280009


TAiMA Lightweight Rollator - SET UP

  1. Ergonomic handgrips
  2. Brake lever
  3. Cane holder
  4. Height adjustment screw
  5. Locking pin
  6. Brake
  7. Curb climber

The TAiMA rollator is fully assembled at the factory. The following chapters describe how to set up the rollator, adjust it to suit your requirements and enable you to use it comfortably.


  1. Position the rollator in front of you with the handles pointing towards you.

Push the side tubes of the seat apart and down until the rollator has unfolded completely A. The folding lock (red button) B must audibly click into place.


Safety hazard! Only use the rollator if the folding lock is correctly engaged.

Risk of trapping!
Take care not to trap your hands, fingers or clothing when operating the folding lock and when unfolding/folding the rollator!


  1. Loosen screw B and remove it completely.
  2. Adjust the grip handles to the height desired.
  3. Place screw B back in it´s hole and tighten it firmly.

TAiMA Lightweight Rollator - ADJUSTING THE HANDLE

To use TAiMA correctly, it must be adjusted to your individual size. You should have an employee of your medical supply store or another trained person do this.


Familiarise yourself thoroughly with your TAiMA rollator before using it for the first time so that you feel safe and confident handling the rollator. It is advisable to be accompanied by a second person.

Check that the rollator has been correctly assembled before using it:

  • Are all attached parts firmly fixed in place?
  • Have all screws been firmly tightened?
  • Do the brakes work?
  • Does the rollator rest on all four wheels?
  • Is the folding lock properly engaged?

Position yourself inside the rollator. Grab the handgrips with both hands.
As soon as you stand safely, you can loosen the parking brakes.

Safety hazard! The following points are important for your safety!

  • Do not push the rollator too far in front of you. In order to give good support, the rollator should be kept close to your body.
  • Control your speed by gently applying both brakes evenly.
  • Walk upright and look forwards to be able to avoid any upcoming obstacles early. Walking backwards with your rollator is difficult, and not recommended.
  • Use the brake (pull the brake lever upwards) on sloping paths and do not use paths that are excessively steep.
  • It is inadvisable to walk backwards using the rollator.

It is easier to overcome curbs and other obstacles by tipping the rollator.

  1. Ensure that you have a firm footing.

  2. Gently press the toe cap with your toe.
    This slightly lifts the front wheels of the rollator.

  3. Push the rollator onto the obstacle and take your foot back off the toe cap.

TAiMA Lightweight Rollator - CURB CLIMBER

Tipping danger! Keep in mind that pressing the curb climber can impair your balance.


To reduce speed while walking just pull both levers evenly and gently upwards. Always apply the same amount of power on both brake levers A.

TAiMA Lightweight Rollator - BRAKING


  1. To block the brakes (parking brake), press the brake levers downwards B. They will click into place audibly and automatically.
  2. To release the brakes, press the levers back upwards A (See drawing above).

TAiMA Lightweight Rollator - PARKING BRAKE


Check that the brakes are correctly adjusted as follows:

  • The brake lever and the Bowden cable must not be loose (they must not have any play).

  • When you release the brake lever, the wheels must turn without making any scraping noises.

  • If necessary, the braking effect can be adjusted using the adjusting screw C of the Bowden cable on the brake pads of the rear wheels.

Safety hazard! If problems occur when adjusting the brakes, please contact an authorised specialist retailer! This is the only way of ensuring the safe use of the rollator.
Safety hazard! Never fully unscrew the screw, otherwise the brake will no longer work.


It is easy to fold up the TAiMA rollator. It can stand freely when folded, which has the great advantage of saving storage space.

  1. To fold the rollator, release the folding lock A by pulling the red button towards yourself.
  2. At the same time, pull the seat upwards using strap B.
  3. The rollator will fold up automatically.


Risk of trapping! Take care not to trap your hands, fingers or clothing when operating the folding lock and when unfolding/folding the rollator!


Your TAiMA rollator is equipped with a shopping bag and cane holder as standard. Optional additional accessories can be purchased (see chapter “Optional accessories”).


The standard bag is approved for transporting objects up to a maximum weight of 5 kg.

  1. To attach the bag, take hold of the two side loops A and hang them over the two holding rods.
  2. To remove the bag, take hold of the two loops again and pull the bag forwards and off the rods.
  3. To pick up the shopping bag using the carrying straps B , place the bag briefly on the ground and then take hold of the straps on both sides.

TAiMA Lightweight Rollator - SHOPPING BAG


Your TAiMA rollator can optionally be equipped with a shopping bag that is approved for carrying up to 15 kg in weight.

These bags are attached, removed and carried in exactly the same way as the standard shopping bag (see description in previous chapter). The shopping bag can also be closed using a zip.


If you wish to have the optional backrest “Standard” A or “Comfort” (soft & extra wide) on your TAiMA, please contact your medical supply store to install the backrest.

The backrest allows you to seat yourself safely and helps you to find the correct position on the seat of the TAiMA.

TAiMA Lightweight Rollator - BACKREST

Tipping danger! Make sure that the brakes are locked before you sit down, and be aware that leaning against the backstrap will reduce the tilt stability.

Tipping danger! Before you sit down, make sure that the backrest is not turned upwards or downwards. You could otherwise lose your balance and fall.

The seat is only designed to be used for short periods, such as when taking a short break when walking. For longer breaks, use conventional seating!


The cane holder is already fitted on the righthand side of your rollator on delivery.

  1. To insert your walking stick, first position the rubber base of the walking stick in the lower section of the cane holder A.
  2. Then use slight pressure to click the stick into the upper clip of the cane holder B.

TAiMA Lightweight Rollator - CANE HOLDER
If having the cane holder positioned on the left-hand side would be more practical for you, the upper and lower sections of the cane holder can be released and attached to the left-hand side. Please contact your authorised specialist retailer to have this installed.


The tray is designed for transporting small items up to a maximum of 5 kg but only for use indoors.

Place the tray on the seat cover. There are four pins on the bottom of the tray. Position the pins in the four holes in the seat cover.
When transporting objects on the tray, always push the rollator with extra care. If you make jerky movements, the objects could tip over or fall off.

TAiMA Lightweight Rollator - TRAY

Risk of burns! Do not use the tray to transport hot items or hot drinks. You could burn yourself if the transported items tip over


If one of your hands is not sufficiently strong to operate the brake safely, the TAiMA M can be equipped with a one-hand brake. This must be mounted on the rollator by an authorised specialist retailer.

  • Your rollator must only be fitted with a one-hand brake if the hand with which the brake will be operated is sufficiently strong to guarantee safe handling.
  • The same usage and maintenance instructions apply as for the version with brakes on both handlebars.

The TAiMA M can be equipped with extended push handles. This is advisable if you are not able to walk upright when pushing the rollator due to your size.

Safety hazard! Please contact your authorised specialist retailer to have extended push handles installed.

Setting the precise handle height, using the brakes and adjusting the brakes are performed in exactly the same way as for conventional push handles. For information on these tasks, read the chapters “Adjusting the handle height”, “Brakes”, “Parking brakes” and “Adjusting the brakes”.


Your TAiMA rollator can be equipped with an umbrella, which can also be used as a sunshade. The installation of this optional accessory is described in a separate user manual supplied with the product. Have the umbrella fitted by an authorised specialist retailer, who will hand over the user manual to you. Please observe all of the usage and safety instructions in the separate user manual for the umbrella!

Tipping danger! Fitting an umbrella may affect the tilt stability of your rollator influence negatively!
Safety hazard! Please observe all usage and safety instructions stated in the separate user manual for the umbrella!


As a general principle, only original accessories from DIETZ GmbH are to be used. If thirdparty products are installed on the rollator, responsibility for the safety of the product passes to the person who installs the accessories or carries out the installation. The compliance of the combination of accessories or add-on and product is then new, and must be declared by the person who attaches it. The compliance declared by DIETZ according to MDR 2017/745, Annex II expires.

Product safety! Should add-ons or accessories that are not sold by DIETZ be used, the safety of the product cannot be guaranteed.
Product safety! If accessories or add-ons are added to the rollator, the safety instructions in the user manual for the accessories or add-ons must be observed.


By observing the intended use and following the safety instructions, there is no danger of using the TAiMA rollator.

Follow all safety instructions, otherwise there may be a risk of injury!

  • The rollator may only be on level, firm ground.
  • Use the service brake on sloping paths (pull the brake lever upwards).
  • If your TAiMA is equipped with pneumatic tyres, check regularly that the tyre pressure is correct.
  • The rollator must be securely upright on all four wheels.
  • Before each use of the rollator, check that all attached parts are properly fastened, that the brakes are working and that the folding mechanism is locked.
  • Always lock both brakes before sitting on the rollator’s seat.
  • The rollator’s seat is only designed to be used for short periods, such as when taking a break when walking!
  • Attention: Please note that a shift of balance due to body movements may increase the risk of the rollator tipping over. Always make sure the load on the rollator is evenly!
  • Do not hang any bags on the handles or other parts of the rollator, as this will increase the risk of it tipping over!
  • Take care not to trap your hands, fingers or clothing when operating the folding lock and when unfolding/ folding the rollator! Risk of crushing!
  • Never exceed the maximum combined load of 150 kg for user and load!
  • Avoid exposing the wheelchair to direct sunlight, heat sources or low temperatures for long periods of time as parts of the product (e.g. frames, footrests, brakes and side panels) may b come very hot (> 41°C) or very cold (<0°C) and this may cause skin injuries.
  • Ensure that the rollator is not parked in direct vicinity of emergency exits and escape routes and blocks them.
  • Never use the rollator under the influence of alcohol or other substances that can negatively affect your attention and reaction ability!
  • Only ever use the rollator in accordance with its intended use! When using the rollator, never approach obstacles such as steps or curbs without applying the brakes.
  • The rollator must not be left to children to play and must not be subjected to improper use!
  • When sitting on the rollator, you must not walk with your feet or be pushed by other persons! This is an injury risk and may cause damage to the product!
  • Observe the road traffic regulations on public road traffic.
  • Wherever possible, wear light, eye-catching clothing. This will allow you to be seen more easily by other road users.
  • Never use the rollator as a seat in a vehicle or on public transport. This poses an increased risk of falling!
  • Never use escalators. The risk of falling and injury is very high!
  • Stairs must only be negotiated with the help of accompanying persons if no elevators or ramps are present.
  • The wheel bearings can be damaged by sand, seawater and road salt. Clean the rollator thoroughly if it has been exposed to conditions such as these.
  • If they cannot be bypassed, ruts, rails or similar obstacles must always be crossed at right angles (90°).
  • The rollator must not be used to transport heavy loads. Items must only be transported using the rack, basket or tray, as described in the “Accessories” section.
  • Serious incidents that occur in relation to the rollator must be reported to the manufacturer and the responsible authorities!
  • If you notice any limitations in the functioning of your rollator, please take it to your authorised specialist retailer for repair immediately.
  • If stored for over one year, all mandatory inspections stipulated in the maintenance plan must be performed before putting the rollator back into service.

We recommend performing the inspections listed in the maintenance schedule at regular intervals to ensure that the rollator is always safe to use.

Defective or neglected care and maintenance of the rollator limits liability. The maintenance schedule does not give any information concerning the amount of work actually required on the rollator.

Safety hazard! Repairs on the rollator must only be performed by specialist shops using DIETZ original spare parts to maintain the operational safety of the rollator. The relevant spare parts catalogue can be found on our website in the information of the product in question.

The inspections and measures stipulated in the maintenance schedule must be performed by the user or assistant if not otherwise stated.

As the user, you will be the first to notice possible damage. If you notice a fault as described in the maintenance schedule or further defects and functional impairments, contact an authorised specialist dealer immediately.

If the user indicates abnormalities on the rollator, check all the inspection points listed in the maintenance schedule on the rollator. The checks must also be performed before putting the rollator back into operation and after longer storage periods (> 4 months).


What Description

Brakes/parking brakes:
Function| If the brake handles are pushed down/locked (parking brake) or the brake handles are actuated (service brake), the rear wheels must not turn.

The brakes must be reconfigured after replacing the Bowden cables or rear wheels. This must only be performed by the authorised specialist retailer.

| X|
Push handles:

  1. It must be possible to firmly lock the star screws on the push handles.
  2. The push handles must not wobble.

| X|
Folding lock and folding mechanism:
Function & safety|

  1. It must be easy to pull out the folding lock (red button) and engage it again.
  2. It must be easy to push the two parts of the frame together and apart. 

| X|
Screw connections:
securely fastened| All screw connections must be securely fastened.

Repeated loosening and re-tightening causes self-locking nuts and screws to lose their effectiveness. These must therefore be replaced by an authorised specialist retailer if they become loose.

| X|
Steering and running wheels:
Mobility, function & damage|

  1. The wheels must run in a straight line and must not wobble.
  2. The wheels must move easily and quietly during travel.
  3. The wheels must not be damaged.

| X|
Steering and running wheels:
Mobility, function & damage|

  1. The wheels must not be damaged and must run quietly, in a straight line and without wobbling.
  2. Please clean the wheel hub if it is dirty or if fluff has accumulated.

| | X
Push handles:
Stability & damage|

  1. The handles and brake handles must be firmly secured.
  2. The push handles must not have any external damage/distortion and must not wobble.
  3. It must be possible to firmly lock the star screws.

| | X
dirt & damage|

  1. The seat cover must be firmly positioned in the side rails.
  2. If the seat is dirty, clean it according to the cleaning instructions.
  3. If damaged, have the seat replaced.

| | X
Frame, entire:
Function & damage|

  1. The two frame parts and cross struts must not be damaged or cracked.
  2. Functional damage or surface damage must be rectified.

| | X
Visual inspection:
loose parts, fractures, corrosion or other damage| If this type of damage is detected, the rollator must no longer be used, as safe operation is no longer guaranteed!| | X
entire rollator| The entire rollator must be cleaned depending on how dirty it is, but at least once a month (see chapter “Cleaning”).| | X


What Possible causes Measures
The front wheels do not run in a straight line. The wheel bearings are
defective or the wheel suspension is no longer correctly attached. Consult an

authorised specialist retailer.
The rollator is hard to push.| The wheel axles/wheel hubs are dirty.| Remove the dirt.
The brakes are incorrectly adjusted.| Consult an authorised specialist retailer.
The wheel bearings are defective or the wheel suspension is no longer correctly attached.
The brake function is insufficient or uneven.| The brakes are incorrectly adjusted or the brake pad has worn out.| Consult an authorised specialist retailer.
The seat cover is not taut or not firmly connected to the rollator.| The rollator is not fully unfolded.| Fully unfold the rollator and engage the folding lock.
The seat cover is not correctly fixed in the side rails or is defective.| Consult an authorised specialist retailer.
The cross struts or folding mechanism are defective.
Squeaking or grinding noises| Various causes| Consult an authorised specialist retailer.
The rollator does not provide secure support or does not stand reliably. | The push handles are not fixed in place properly or have been incorrectly adjusted for the user. | Check the position of the push handles.
Check whether the clamping levers on the push handles are securely tightened.
The rollator has not been fully unfolded and the folding lock has not been engaged.| Fully unfold the rollator and engage the folding lock.
The rollator frame or the push handles are damaged.| Consult an authorised specialist retailer.


Material damage! Do not use high-pressure cleaners, strong, corrosive chemicals or scouring agents for cleaning purposes.
Material damage! After cleaning, ensure that all materials are completely dried in order to preserve their quality.

  • Clean the rollator by regularly wiping the frame parts with a damp cloth. If the rollator is very dirty, you can use a mild detergent and warm water.
  • The seat cover and shopping bag can be hand-washed in mild soapy water of up to 40°C.
  • The wheels can be cleaned using a damp brush with soft plastic bristles.
  • Remove dirt and fluff from the wheel hubs.
  • Only ever use standard mild cleaning and disinfection products to clean the rollator. Detailed information on disinfection can be found in the following section.

Material damage! Observe the use and processing instructions issued by the cleaning agent/ disinfectant manufacturer.

When manually reconditioning a used aid for reuse, all of the aid’s components must be thoroughly treated/wiped with a disinfectant. Take particular care to disinfect surfaces that come into frequent contact with hands/skin, such as handles.

Please only use the following disinfectants; use of other chemicals might damage the rollator:

  • Aldehyde-free disinfectants based on alcohol (max. 70% propylalcohol)

The number of times the rollator can be reused depends on the material wear conditions and the functional capabilities of the respective product. If the rollator is passed on to a new user or specialist dealer for reuse, please remember to hand over all technical documents that are necessary for safe usage. The rollator must be cleaned and disinfected, and must be checked for damage and approved by the specialist retailer. To do so, please check all the inspection points listed in the maintenance schedule on the rollator.


Material damage!
Do not store the rollator near a heat source or store objects on it.

To store the rollator, ensure that it is stored in a dry place protected against direct, strong sunlight and at a temperature of 0°C to +45°C. Secure the rollator against unintentional rolling away. Do not use the parking brakes for this, as these can damage the tires over a long period of time when they are activated.

After longer periods of storage (> 4 months), please check all the inspection points on the rollator listed in the maintenance schedule before reusing/redeploying it.


If you no longer need the rollator, please contact your specialist dealer. They will then pick up the rollator and either dispose it properly or make further use of it. If this is not possible, please take the wheelchair to your local recycling facility.


The type plate must always remain legible. On the TAiMA model it is located on the left cross strut.
Please have any illegible or missing signs/ stickers replaced by your specialist retailer immediately. This includes the reflector stickers.

The following section explains the symbols and information on the type plate in detail. (The type plate shown here is only an example.) The type plate also contains the serial number of your rollator.

TAiMA Lightweight Rollator - PRODUCT LABELLING

DIETZ Rehab logo1| Trademark
| TYPE/Modell
| REF = Item number
| UDI = Unique Device Identifier
(01) UDI-DI
(10) Order number
(21) Serial number
| Manufacturer/manufacturer’s trademark/contact address
| Maximum load capacity/load incl. payload
| Date of manufacture
| Total width of rollator
| Total hight of rollator
(min.- max.)
| The rollator can be used in – and outside
| Follow the user manual
| Caution – note the safety information in the user manual
| Medical Device
| The product is compliant with Regulation (EU)2017/745 on medical devices

Products with the following designation are custom-made devices:


Custom-made devices are products which are customised for a particular user. The type plate, warnings and, where applicable, the intended use differ in this case. Please pay attention to the additional documentation!


Warranty services refer to all product defects which are verifiably attributable to material or manufacturing flaws. The warranty period is 24 months as of receipt of notification of readiness for shipping, but following delivery at the latest. Damage which has occurred due to natural wear, intent, and negligent or improper operation or usage is excluded from the warranty obligation. This also applies to the use of unsuitable care products, lubricating oils or greases.


The expected product service life is five years when used daily and if used as intended. This assumes compliance with the maintenance and safety specifications stipulated in this manual.


The DIETZ GmbH is only liable if the product is used under the specified conditions and for the specified purpose. We recommend that the products be handled appropriately and cared for according to the instructions. DIETZ GmbH is not liable for damage caused by components and spare parts that have not been approved by DIETZ GmbH. Repairs must only be carried out by authorised specialist retailers or by the manufacturer itself.






Item number| |


material / color| |

Alu / brown metallic

material / color / size|



rubber (EVA) / black / 20 × 3,5

Brake leaver:
material / color| |

Polyamid with glasfiber

Grips: material / color| |

Thermoplastic rubber / black

seat cover| |

PVC-textile with polyester coating

shopping bag| |


Length / width / height|



680 / 630 / 790

Width when folded|




Seat height/seat width|



590 / 450

Total height min. / max.|



790 / 950

Handle height, adjustable| |

5 × 4 cm

Turning width|




Static stability EN ISO 11199-2| foreward|
















Maximum user weight incl. payload|




Max. load accessories|



Tray: 5 / Standard rollator bag: 5 / Shopping bag:15

recomendet body height|



1,60 – 1,85


Complete test according rollator norm EN ISO 11199-2
Biocompatibility of plastic parts ISO 10993
Flammability textile parts EN 1021-2

Ambient operation temperature -10°C to +50°C
Ambient storage conditions 0°C to 45°C

We recommend to write down your product identification data below, so that you have these on hand, when you require any further information about your product. You`ll find these data on the label attached to your product. (see chapter product labeling)

Item nr. /REF:|
Serial number (21):|
Date of manufacture:|
Other information:|

  • The identification data or the type plate may differ in the case of custom-made products

DIETZ Rehab logo1

Product group: rollators
Products: TAiMA M
User manual version 3.2.0 EN (MSC)

Reutäckerstraße 12
76307 Karlsbad (Germany)
Tel.: +49 7248.9186-0
Fax: +49 7248.9186-86

Misprint, falsities, price and product changes reserved.
© DIETZ GmbH, Karlsbad
Reproduction, either in part or in whole, only with written permission of DIETZ GmbH, Karlsbad.


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