SKY DEVICES Elite B5 Plus Smartphone User Manual

June 3, 2024

SKY DEVICES Elite B5 Plus Smartphone User Manual
SKY DEVICES Elite B5 Plus Smartphone

General Information


Please read this pamphlet carefully in order to make your phoneinperfectcondition. Our company may change this mobile phone without prior writtennoticeandreserves the final right to interpret the performance of this mobilephone.Due to different software and network operators, display onyour phonemaybe different, refer to your phone for details.

Safety warning and Attentions Safety warning

    Do not use a hand-held phone while driving. Use hands-freefittingswhencalls are unavoidable while driving. In some countries, dialingor receivingcalls while driving is illegal!

    Wireless devices can cause interference in aircraft. Using amobilephoneinflight is illegal and risky. Please make sure that your mobile phone is powered off in flight.

    Strictly observe the relevant laws, codes, and regulations ontheuseof mobile phones in risky areas. Turn off your mobile phone beforeenteringaplace susceptible to explosion, such as an oil station, oil tank, chemical plantor a place where a blasting process is under way.

    Follow any special regulations in force in any area such as hospitalsandalways switch off your phone whenever it is forbidden to useit or, whenitmaycause interference or danger. Properly use your mobile phonenear medicalapparatuses, such as pacemakers, hearing aids and some other electronicmedical devices, as it may cause interference to such apparatuses.

    The conversation quality of any mobile phone may be affectedbyradiointerference. An antenna is built inside the mobile phone andlocatedbelowthe microphone. Do not touch the antenna area during a conversation, lestthat the conversation quality deteriorates.

    Only qualified personnel may install or repair phone equipment. Installingorrepairing the mobile phone on your own may bring great danger andviolatesthe warranty rules.

    Use only approved accessories and batteries.

    Use only in a normal and proper manner.

    Ensure the phone is switched on and in service, enter the emergencynumber,e.g. 911, then press the Dial key. Give your location and stateyour situationbriefly. Do not end the call until told to do so. Note: Just like all other mobile phones, this mobile phonedoesnotnecessarily support all the features described in this manual duetonetworkor radio transmission problems. Some networks even donot supporttheemergency call service. Therefore, do not rely solely on themobilephoneforcritical communications such as first aid. Please consult thelocal networkoperator. Precautions This mobile phone is well designed with fine art. Please exercisespecial carewhen using it. The following suggestions will help your mobilephonesurvivethe warranty period and extend its service life:

  • Keep the mobile phone and all its fittings beyond children’sreach.

  • Keep the mobile phone dry. Keep away fromrain, moisture, liquidorother substances that may corrode electronic circuits.

  • Do not use or store the mobile phone in dusty places; lest that activeparts of the mobile phone be damaged.

  • Do not store the mobile phone in a high-temperature place. Hightemperature will shorten the life of electronic circuits anddamagethebattery and some plastic parts.

  • Do not store the mobile phone in a chilly place. Otherwise, moistureswillbe formed inside the mobile phone to damage electronic circuitswhenthe mobile phone is moved to a constant temperature place.

  • Do not throw, knock or shock the mobile phone, as that will destroytheinternal circuits and high-precision components of the mobilephone.

Your phone

Phone overview

Phone overview

Functions of Keys

The mobile phone provides the following keys:

Power key

Power key situates at the right side of the phone. While usingthephone,youcan press this key to lock screen; if you press and holdthiskey,aphone-options dialog would pop out. Here, you can power off, reboot,emergency call or screenshot.

Volume key

Volume key situates at the right side of the phone. You canpressit toadjustringer volume.

The Google Assistant button

Get more done on the go with help from Google. Easilymanagetasks and to do lists, keep in touch, get answers and more. Just pressandholdthe Home button (in the center of the button deck inthebottomofthescreen) to start Google Assistant.

Functions of icons

Menu icon
Touch this icon to access recent app screen, that lists recentlyaccessedactivities and tasks, the user can navigate through the list andselect atasktoresume, or the user can remove a task from the list by swipingit away;

Home icon
Touch it to open home screen. If you’re viewing the left or right extendedHome screen, touch it can enter the home screen.

Back icon
Touch this icon to return to the previous screen

Getting started

Installing the SIM Card

A SIM card carries useful information, including your mobilephonenumber,PIN (Personal Identification Number), PIN2, PUK(PINUnlockingKey),PUK2(PIN2 Unlocking Key), IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity),network information, contacts data, and short messages data. Note: After powering off your mobile phone, wait for a few seconds beforeremovingor inserting a SIM card. Exercise caution when operating a SIM card, as frictionor bendingwilldamage the SIM card. Properly keep the mobile phone and its fittings such as the SIMcardsbeyondchildren’s reach. Installation

  • Hold the power key for a while and select power off topoweroffthemobile phone.
  • Take off the battery cover.
  • Install the SIM card according the label.

Note: The SD card is a miniature object. Keep it out of the reach of childrenforfearthat children swallow it!

Charging the Battery

  • Your mobile phone can monitor and display the battery state.
  • Normally the remaining energy of the battery is indicatedbythebatterylevel icon at the upper right corner of the display screen.
  • When the battery energy is insufficient, the mobilephoneprompts”Battery low”.
  • Using a travel adapter:
  • Install the battery into the mobile phone before chargingthebattery
  •  Connect the adapter of the travel charger with the chargingslot inthemobile phone. Ensure that the adapter is fully inserted.
  • Insert the plug of the travel charger to an appropriate power outlet.
  • During the charging, the battery level grids in the batteryiconkeepflickering till the battery is fully charged.
  • The battery icon does no longer flicker when the chargingprocessends

Note: Ensure that the plug of the charger, the plug of the earphone, andtheplugofthe USB cable are inserted in the right direction. Insertingtheminawrongdirection may cause charging failure or other problems. Before the charging, ensure that the standard voltage andfrequencyofthelocal mains supply match the rated voltage and power of thetravel charger

Optimizing battery life

You can extend your battery’s life between charges by turningoff featuresthat you don’t need. You can also monitor how applicationsandsystemresources consume battery power. To guarantee the optimal performance of your battery, pleasesticktothefollowing rules:

  • Turn off radios that you aren’t using. If you aren’t usingWi Fi®,Bluetooth®, or GPRS, use the Setting application to turnthemoff.
  • Turn down screen brightness and set a shorter screen timeout.
  • If you don’t need them, turn off automatic syncing for Gmail, Calendar,Contacts, and other applications. Note: On the Home screen, press Menu icon and touch Settings>Battery.The Battery Use screen lists the applications that have beenusingthebattery,from greatest to least battery use. The top of the screendisplaysthetimesince you were last connected to a charger or, if you’re currentlyconnectedtoone, how long you were running on battery power before youconnectedtoacharger. Then each application or service that used battery power duringthattime is displayed, in order of the amount of power they used. Touchanapplication in the Battery Use screen to learn details about itspowerconsumption. Different applications offer different kinds of information.

Linking to the Networks and devices

Your phone can connect to a variety of networks and devices, includingmobile networks for voice and data transmission, Wi-Fi®datanetworks,andBluetooth® wireless connection devices, such as headsets. Youcanalsoconnect your phone to a computer, to transfer files fromyour phone’sSD card and share your phone’s mobile data connection via USB.

Connecting to mobile networks

When you assemble your phone with a SIM card, your phoneisconfiguredtouse your provider’s mobile networks for voice calls and for transmittingdata.

Connecting to Wi-Fi® networks

Wi-Fi® is a wireless networking technology that can provideInternet accessat distances of up to 100 meters, depending on the Wi-Fi®router andyoursurroundings. Touch Settings>Network > Wi-Fi®. Check Wi-Fi®to turnit on. Thephonescans for available Wi-Fi® networks and displays the names of thoseitfinds.Secured networks are indicated with a Lock icon. Note: If the phone finds a network that you connectedtopreviously,itconnects to it. Touch a network to connect to it. If the network is open, youarepromptedtoconfirm that you want to connect to that network by touchingConnect.Ifthenetwork is secured, you’re prompted to enter a password or other credentials.

Connecting to Bluetooth® devices

Bluetooth® is a short-range wireless communications technologythatdevices can use to exchange information over a distance of about 8meters.The most common Bluetooth® devices are headphones for makingcallsorlistening to music, hands- free kits for cars, and other portabledevices,including laptops and cell phones. Touch Settings> Network > Bluetooth®. Check Bluetooth®toturnit on. You must pair your phone with a device before you can connect toit.Onceyou pair your phone with a device, they stay paired unless youunpairedthem.Your phone scans for and displays the IDs of all available Bluetooth®devicesin range. If the device you want to pair with isn’t in thelist, makeitdiscoverable.
Connecting to a computer via USB
You can connect your phone to a computer with a USBcable, totransfermusic, pictures, and other files between your phone’s SDcardandthecomputer.

Using the touch screen

Touch-screen tips


To act on items on the screen, such as application and settingsicons, totypeletters and symbols using the onscreen keyboard, or topressonscreenbuttons, you simply touch them with your finger

Touch & hold
Touch & hold an item on the screen by touching it and not liftingyourfingeruntil an action occurs. For example, to open a menu for customizingtheHome screen, you touch an empty area on the Home screenuntil themenuopens

Touch & hold an item for a moment and then, without liftingyour finger,moveyour finger on the screen until you reach the target position.

Swipe or slide
To swipe or slide, you quickly move your finger across thesurfaceofthescreen, without pausing when you first touch it (so you don’t draganiteminstead). For example, you slide the screen up or down to scroll alist

Lock screen
When Screen lock in Security setting is enabled, press Power keytolockthehandset. This helps to prevent accidental touching of keys andaswellaspower saving. When Sleep function in Display setting is enabled, afterthehandset device has been idle for preset period, the screenwill belockedautomatically to save power.

Unlock screen
Press Power key to switch on the handset device. The lock screenappears.Touch and slide right to unlock screen, and the screen beinglockedlasttimewill show.

Using the onscreen keypad

You enter text using the onscreen keyboard. Some applicationsopenthekeyboard automatically. In others, you touch a text field whereyouwanttoenter text to open the keyboard. You can also enter text by speakinginsteadof by typing.

To enter text
Touch a text field, and the onscreen keyboard opens. Someapplicationsopen the keyboard automatically. In others, you touch a text fieldwhereyouwant to enter text to open the keyboard.
Touch the keys on the keyboard to type.
The characters you’ve entered appear in the text field, withsuggestionsforthe word you are typing below.
Use the Delete icon to erase characters to the left of thecursor
.After finishing typing, touch Back icon to close the keyboard.

Dialing Calls

Dialing a call to a number in the contacts
Touch the Phone icon or the phone application icon on theHomescreen,then select the Contacts tab. Swipe or slide upward/downwardtopickoutthetarget contact. Then you can touch the dial icon to originateacall.
Dialing a call to a number in call log
Touch the Phone icon or the phone application icon on theHomescreen,then select the call log tab. Swipe or slide upward/downwardtopickoutandtouch the target contact. Then you can originate a call.

Answering incoming calls
Touch the Answer icon to answer an incoming call. Touch the End icon to end the current conversation. To reject an incoming call, touch the Decline icon.
Managing multiple calls
If you accept a new call when you’re already on a call, youcantouchtheAnswer icon to answer the current calls.

Using the Menus

Google Chrome

Fast, easy and secure browsing with Google Chrome. When you open Browser, your home page opens. The webaddress(URL)ofthe current page is displayed at the top of the window.
Call History
You can use this function to manage your calls:
All: All calls will be in the list.
Missed: You can view a list of missed calls. If there aresomemissedcalls, you can drag the Column notice down to view it.
Outgoing: You can view and manage the dialed calls.
Incoming: You can view and manage the received calls.


Touch the Camera icon in the main menu interface or on thehomescreen,camera opens in Landscape mode, ready to take a picture. Inthismode,youcan touch the camera icon to take a photo, touch photo iconandsliderighttoswitch between photo and video


In the contacts screen, touch menu icon and you can performthefollowingoperations:
Contacts to display : you can select the contacts on different grouptodisplay.
Import: you can
import the contacts form SIM card or storage; youcanalsoshare the visible contacts.
Blocked numbers: select this option to enter the call firewall.
Accounts: you can sync with your account.
Settings: you can set the display options in this interface.
Send contacts by Messaging : select this function, then youcanchoosesome contacts to share by messaging
Batch delete : Select this function, then you can mark the target contacts.Todelete all contacts, you just need to touch all at the top of contactsscreen.Last, touch OK and confirm to delete contacts.

Advanced options: you can view the SIM capacity and Clear upcontac

Email by Google: secure, smart, and easy to use. Touch Gmail icontoaccessit. If the Gmail Account has not been set up, you can set upanGmail Accountin a few steps.
Compose and sending an email To compose and send an email:

  1.  Touch the create icon to compose a new an email.
  2.  Enter Gmail address (es) for intended recipient(s).
  3.  Touch Menu → Attach file to attach a file.
  4.  After completing the email, Touch send icon to sendtheGmail. Touchfolder icon to check the account status. For each Gmail Account therearefivedefault folders, i.e., Inbox, Drafts, Outbox, Send and Trashfolders. Toviewsent Gmails, open Sent folder and tap refresh icon.

FM Radio

Please plug in the compatible earphone to the device andthenturnontheradio. The earphone cable can be used as FMAntenna. Pleaseadjustappropriate volume when listening to the radio. Continuetousehighervolume is harmful for your ear.

Gallery Go

Gallery Go is a light, fast, and offline gallery optimized for your phone. Yourphotos will look great with one-tap editing, and easily find that photowithautomatic organization.

Google Play

Download thousands of apps on Google Play such as music, movies, TV,books, magazines, apps and games.



If you find exceptions when operating the mobile phone, restorethefactorysettings and then refer to the following table to solve theproblem.Iftheproblem persists, contact the distributor or service provider.

Fault Cause Solution
SIM card error The SIM card is damaged. Contact your network service

The SIM card is not in position.| Check the SIM card
The metal face of the SIM card is polluted.| Clean the SIM card with a clean cloth
Poor received signal quality| Signals are obstructed. For instance, radio waves cannot be effectively transmitted nearby a high building or in a basement.| Move to a place where signals can be effectively transmitted
Line congestions occur when you use the mobile phone in high-traffic hours| Avoid using the mobile phone in high-traffic hours
The mobile phone cannot be powered on| The battery energy is exhausted.| Charge the battery
Calls cannot be dialed| Call barring is activated| Cancel call barring
The mobile phone cannot connect the network| The SIM card is invalid| Contact your network service provider
The mobile phone is not in a service area of the GSM network| Move to the network operator’s service area
The signal is weak| Move to a place where the signal quality is high
The battery cannot be charged| The charging voltage does not match the voltage range indicated on the charger| Ensure the charging voltage matches the voltage range indicated on the charger
An improper charger is used| Use the charger specially designed for the mobile phone
Poor contact| Ensure the charger plug is in good contact with the mobile phone


This device meets international guidelines for exposure to radiowavesThis device has been tested and found to comply with the SpecificAbsorptionRate (SAR) RF exposure requirements set by international agencies. Google, Google Play, YouTube, Gmail and other marks aretrademarksofGoogle LLC.

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