MISSOURI STAR Beginner’s Footing Patchwork Sewing Machine User Guide

June 3, 2024

MISSOURI STAR Beginner’s Footing Patchwork Sewing Machine User Guide

1/4 inch foot

The perfect patchwork sewing machine foot.
The ¼” foot is best used for quilt piecing. This foot creates ¼” seam allowances, hence the name. The ¼” seam is created by the distance from the center needle opening to the right hand edge of the needle being ¼”. The time to use this sewing machine foot is during straight stitch sewing. Use this foot to piece quilt tops or whenever a quarter inch seam is recommended like bags and pillows.

Universal foot

The best thing about this foot is that it’s just what it’s name says- universal. This foot is often the default for most sewing machines because of its countless uses. Universal feet have a perpendicular slot for the needle to pierce through fabric on both sides of the central axis to create a zig-zag stitch, which makes seam finishing a breeze. The universal foot is great for applique, straight, and zig-zag lines. Given how many uses this foot has, it’s a dream for all those decorative stitches created with machines.

Walking foot

This foot is a walk in the park to use! The walking foot has built-in feed dogs to grip the fabric and guide it through the sewing machine.
The feed dogs make sure that all layers of fabric move through at the same pace and ensure that the fabric will not shift while sewing. As quilters, this foot is the best at quilting straight lines and working with extra layers of fabric.
Tip: Be careful with turns while using a walking foot; keep the needle down and pivot for best results.

Zipper foot

The zipper foot is self-explanatory—it’s used for inserting zippers and making and inserting piping or cording. The foot allows the needle to stitch close to the zipper’s coils, meaning the zipper will be secured tightly to the fabric.
The zipper foot also allows the needle to stitch close to a raised edge, making this the ideal foot for making purses, bags, and decor. Tip: A zipper foot is also the best friend of those who
enjoy making their own Halloween costumes!

Open Toe

The open toe allows a clearer view of the fabric as it goes through the sewing machine. This is good for small stitches, intricate designs, or if you’re following a guiding line.
While the open toe foot is great for general use, it’s especially good for extra visibility while sewing

Closed Toe

The closed toe has a piece of metal or plastic surrounding the foot. This is often harder to see through, even if the plastic is clear. The closed toe foot is great for use with smoother fabrics
because there are no pesky toes to catch on the fabric. This foot is best for free motion quilting over applique or decorative embellishments.


If your sewing machine foot doesn’t exactly match the ones shown here, don’t fret! Different brands of sewing machines have their own unique accessories. Just
look for the one that is the most similar, and you should be good to go.

Free Motion Quilting foot

Some free motion feet come with springs, allowing for more movement. Jenny made a tutorial for those who are beginners with free motion quilting, which is available to watch on the Missouri Star Quilt Company YouTube channel. Free motion quilting feet come in two styles: closed toe and open toe. It may be easy to mistake these feet for one another, given the only physical difference between them is the open and closed toes.

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