Red Sea Trace-Colors Test Kits – Reef Care Program Recipes User Guide

June 6, 2024
Red Sea

Red Sea Trace-Colors Test Kits – Reef Care Program Recipes

Red Sea Trace-Colors Test Kits - Reef Care Program

Red Sea’s Reef Care Program – Recipes

The complete Reef Care program is the result of years of research into the physiological demands of SPS, LPS & Soft Corals in the reef aquarium. Reef Care RecipesTM translates the many years of practical experience with Red Sea’s Reef Care Program on tens of thousands of diverse reef tanks worldwide into a simple to implement regimen of water management activities specifically for the most common types of hobby reef aquariums. Water management refers to all of the water related activities such as water changes, testing and supplementing that needs to be done on a regular basis to ensure the success of your reef aquarium. This is not just limited to maintaining the ideal balance of the seawater but also deals with controlling nuisance algae and coral nutrition for their long term health and vitality.

In addition to the Trace-Colors™ program, which is fully described below, the complete Reef Care program also includes the following:

Foundation™ – Provides biologically balanced levels of the foundation elements (Calcium, Carbonates and Magnesium) that ensures the optimal water conditions for a sustainable, vibrant coral reef.

Algae Management Program – Controlled nitrate & phosphate reduction that prevents nuisance algae and provides the fine control of Zooxanthellae populations that significantly affect coral growth rates and coloration.

Reef Energy® – Provides the carbohydrates, vitamins, amino and fatty acids that fuel all metabolic processes of corals. For optimal results you should implement the complete program.


Red Sea’s research into the metabolic demand of 3 different coral types (SPS, LPS, soft corals) has identified 31 minor and trace elements that in addition to the foundation elements are
present in the skeleton and soft tissue of all corals. These elements are known as important bio-catalysts in thousands of metabolic processes in marine organisms and therefore must be  readily available in all reef aquariums. Many of them however become toxic in concentrations above the levels found in natural sea water and therefore their correct dosage is crucial to the long term success of any reef aquarium.

Our research has identified 4 distinct groups of elements with similar biological functions as well as a direct connection to specific coral pigments that enabled the division of the 31 elements into the 4 supplements Trace- Colors™ Iodine+, Potassium+, Iron+ & Bioactive Elements. Trace-Colors™ supplements have been formulated such that the ratio of the elements in each supplement are the same as are found in the combined coral skeleton and soft tissue. All of the Trace-Colors™ should be supplemented regularly to all mixed reefs and SPS aquariums without connection to the colors of the specific corals.

In reef aquariums corals often have higher than natural populations of Zooxanthellae algae that give a deep brown tint obscuring the natural vivid pigments of the corals. Lowering the Zooxanthellae populations by fine control of algae nutrients (with NO3:PO4-X) will remove the brownish tint and induce the production of pigments (chromoproteins) that protect the delicate inner layers of the coral soft tissue from intense UV radiation, similar to the tanning of human skin when exposed to direct sunlight.

Our research has shown that the pigments can only be produced by the soft tissue of the coral if the specific elements required for the bio-chemical process are available in the correct concentration. Each of the natural pink, red, green/yellow & blue/purple pigments are connected with specific elements that correlate with the elemental grouping of the Trace- Colors™ Iodine+, Potassium+, Iron+ & Bioactive Elements.

Dosing by calcium demand
Our research has identified a constant ratio between each of the Trace-Colors™ and the overall consumption of calcium, which is proportional to coral growth and metabolic activity. Therefore, by measuring the uptake of calcium by the corals we are able to replenish all of the elements that have definitely been depleted from the water by the corals, without the danger of reaching toxic levels.

Dosing by total elemental demand
Trace-Colors™ Iodine+, Potassium+ & Iron+ each contain a leading element (Iodine, Potassium & Iron) that is accurately measurable with Red Sea’s unique Trace-Colors™ Pro test kits enabling the replenishment of each of these supplements according to the total demand of the reef.

The Trace-Colors™ Supplements

Trace-Colors Iodine+ Complex of halogen elements
Main elements Iodine, Bromine and Fluorine
Test for dosing Calcium or Iodine


| The halogens act both as antioxidants and oxidative agents within the soft tissue and mucus layer of corals, reducing the possibilities for coral

bleaching. In active reef systems these elements are depleted very quickly due to their high oxidative abilities and reactivity with organic materials.

Coloration| Iodine and bromine are related to the pink chromo-protein (pociloporin)
Level in NSW| Iodine 0.06 ppm; Bromine 65 ppm; Fluorine 1.3 ppm


| Halogens can have adverse effects on the soft tissues of corals and all

micro-fauna. Common indication of overdose is a severe regression of the soft tissues of hard corals and pale colors in soft corals. In case of over dosing change 50% of the water and reduce the supplementing dosage by 50%.

Trace-Colors Potassium+ Complex of Potassium and Boron
Main elements Potassium and Boron
Test for dosing Calcium or Potassium


| Potassium has an essential role in the transportation of coral nutrients within the soft tissue including the nutrients provided by the Zooxanthellae. Potassium and boron have a significant effect on the alkalinity inside the coral soft

tissue and play a role in the formation of aragonite in the coral skeleton.

Coloration| Potassium is related to the red chromo-proteins (peridinin, neo- peridinin)
Level in NSW| Potassium 400 ppm: Boron 4.6 ppm



Common indication of overdose is a darkening of the corals due to excessive Zooxanthellae growth and the outbreak of nuisance algae. In case of over dosing change 25 % of the water and reduce the supplementing dosage by 50%.

Trace-Colors Iron+ Complex of 8 “light” metals
Main elements Iron, Manganese, Cobalt, Copper, Aluminum, Zinc, Chrome and

Test for dosing| Calcium or Iron


| Essential micro-elements with fundamental roles in many bio- chemical metabolic processes including respiration and production of energy, chlorophyll and photosynthetic catalysts.

These elements precipitate into the coral skeleton which act as a reservoir for their use in the soft tissue.

Coloration| C elements are related to the green/yellow chromo-proteins (GFP)
Optimal level| 0.15 ppm of total iron (chelated and non-chelated) in an artificial reef aquarium


| Toxic to all invertebrates above recommended levels. Common indication of overdose is a darkening of the corals due to excessive Zooxanthellae growth and the outbreak of nuisance algae. Can cause regression

of the soft tissues in SPS corals. In case of over dosing change 50 %

of the water and reduce the supplementing dosage by 50%.

Trace-Colors Bioactive Elements| Complex of 18 trace elements
Main elements| Silver, Gold, Vandium and Tungsten
Test for dosing| Calcium


| These 18 elements (out of all the trace elements in NSW) participate in different metabolic processes inside coral skeleton and soft tissue.
Coloration| D elements are related to the blue/purple chromo-proteins (pociliporin , diadinoxanthin and dinoxanthin)


| Can cause severe regression of the soft tissues of corals and stress to crustaceans. Common indication of overdose is a darkening of the corals. In case of over dosing change 50 % of the water and reduce the supplementing dosage by 50%.

Testing and Supplementing
Test either Calcium or the Color Elements every week and dose all 4 Trace- Colors™ supplements on a daily basis.

The Trace-Colors™ Test Kits
Red Sea’s Iodine Pro test kit is an advanced colorimetric test, measuring the level of total Iodine as Iodide (I-) & Iodate (IO3) to an exceptionally high accuracy of 0.01 ppm. This test kit enables the accurate dosing of Trace- Colors™ Iodine+ supplement. Red Sea’s Potassium Pro test kit is an advanced titration test, measuring the level of potassium to an exceptionally high accuracy of 3 ppm. This test kit enables the accurate dosing of Trace-Colors™

Potassium+ supplement.
Red Sea’s Iron Pro test kit is an advanced colorimetric test, measuring the level of total Iron (chelated and non-chelated iron) to an exceptionally high accuracy of 0.05 ppm. This test kit enables the accurate dosing of Trace- Colors™ Iron+ supplement.

Important notes for using the Trace-Colors™ Test Kits

  • Before carrying out any water testing always check the salinity and make adjustments as necessary. If you have made adjustments to the water wait 10 minutes for the water parameters to stabilize. (e.g. 1 ppt increase in salinity due to evaporation of fresh water will result in approximate increases of 13ppm Ca and 40ppm Mg)
  • Before testing clean the glass vial and the large syringe by rinsing with the water to be tested.
  • After testing rinse all syringes and vials with RO or distilled water before storing. If vials are left unwashed a residue can form that will affect the results of future tests. Use a slightly acidic solution such as citric acid to remove the residue.
  • In order to ensure an accurate drop size always hold reagent bottle vertically above the test vial, and gently squeeze out each drop. Close all reagents tightly immediately after use.
  • The test reagents are stable up to the date stated on the pack when stored closed between 15 – 25 °C.
  • Store the reagents and color card in the plastic box to prevent damage from prolonged exposure to light.

Directions for Iodine Pro Test Kit

  1. Rinse the vial marked “standard” & syringe with RO or distilled water and dry thoroughly.
  2. Using the syringe provided, place exactly 5 ml of RO water into the standard vial, close the vial firmly with the cap and place the vial into the aquarium for 10 minutes to allow the water in the vial to reach the temperature of the aquarium water.
  3. After 10 min. take the standard vial out of the aquarium and add 1 level measuring spoon of Iodine standard 0.06 ppm powder. Close the vial with the cap and shake until the powder is fully dissolved.
  4. Using the syringe provided, place exactly 5 ml of the water to be tested into the other vial (sample vial).
  5. Add 5 drops of Iodine Pro Reagent A to both the sample and standard vials.
  6. Add 8 drops of Iodine Pro Reagent B to both the sample and standard vials.
  7. Stand both of the vials in their designated positions on the color card.
  8. The standard vial acts as a timer for reaction. Check the color of the water in the standard vial by looking into the vial from above and watch to see when the color in the standard vial matches the color of 0.06 ppm on the color card. This is the end point of the test reaction, which will take approximately 5 – 15 minutes for an aquarium at 25°C (77°F). The warmer the water the quicker the reaction.
  9. When the end point of the test reaction has been reached look into the sample vial from above and compare the color in the vial to the colors on the card and choose the Iodine level that gives the closest color match. If necessary, estimate an intermediate value.
  10. The color in the sample vial will remain stable for 5 minutes. Do not relate to the color in the sample vial after this time.

Directions for Iron Pro Test Kit

  1. Using the syringe provided, place exactly 17 ml of the water to be tested into the glass vial.
  2. Add a leveled measuring spoon of Iron Pro Reagent A, close the vial with the cap and shake for 15 seconds.
  3. Add 6 drops of Iron Pro Reagent B, close the vial with the cap and shake for 15 seconds.
  4. Wait 15 minutes for the color in the vial to stabilize.
  5. Move the vial between the designated positions on the color card, look into the vial from above and compare the color in the vial to the colors on the card. Choose the Iron level that gives the closest color match and if necessary estimate an intermediate value.
  6. The color in the reaction vial will remain stable for 5 minutes. Do not relate to the color in the reaction vial after this time.

Directions for Potassium Pro Test Kitdirection 1

  1. Prepare the filtration kit as follows:

  2. Lay a clean dry filter paper (II) above the funnel (III)

  3. Place the top cylinder (I) on the filter paper and push down, trapping the filter paper between the cylinder and the funnel

  4. Place the assembled filter onto the filter cup (IV)

  5. Using the large syringe provided, place exactly 2 ml of the water to be tested into one of the glass vials.

  6. Add exactly 3ml of RO or distilled water to the 2 ml water sample.

  7. Add 4 drops of Potassium Pro Reagent A, close the vial with the cap and shake for 15 seconds.

  8. Using the 1ml syringe provided, add exactly 0.5ml of Potassium Pro Reagent B to the vial, close with the cap and shake for 15 seconds.

  9. Wait for 10 minutes (use a stopwatch) and then pour all of liquid from the glass vial into the top of the filter.

  10. Wait (approx 7 minutes) until at least 3ml of clear liquid has collected in the filter cup (above the line), remove the filter and dispose of any remaining liquid. Using the 5ml syringe take exactly 3ml of the filtered clear liquid from the filter cup and put it into the 2nd glass vial.

  11. Add 2 drops of Potassium Pro Reagent C and mix gently. The test sample will now have the titration start color as shown on the instruction card.

  12. Ensure that the dispensing tip is on the 1 ml titration syringe and fill with 0.5 ml of Potassium Pro Titrant (D).
    Note for filling the 1ml titration syringe: Raise the plunger of the syringe until the bottom ring of the plunger (see arrow in diagram) is at the 0.5 ml mark. The surface of the liquid will be approximately 0.1 – 0.15 ml below the plunger. Do not try to remove the air trapped between the liquid and the plunger. This small volume of air corresponds to the liquid held inside the plastic tip.direction 2

  13. Insert the syringe into the center of the Titrator so that the volumetric scale on the side of the syringe is visible. The graduations of the volumetric scale are 0.01 ml, equivalent to 3 ppm of potassium.

  14. Screw the glass vial onto the bottom of the Titrator.

  15. Add one drop at a time of Potassium Pro Titrant (D) by pressing the plunger of the syringe and gently swirling after each drop, until the end color is achieved. Pay careful attention to the color of the test sample from the addition of the first drop.
    Note : The amount of titrant used is inversely proportional to the level of potassium in the aquarium water sample. If you reach the end color on adding the first drop the potassium level is 467 ppm or above.

  16. Note the amount of titrant used (according to the initial and final position of the plunger not the liquid surface) and use the table to calculate the level of potassium in the water sample.

  17. Dispose of any unused quantity of titrant. Rinse all syringes, glass vials and filter kit with RO or distilled water before storing.

  18. Filter papers are for single use only and cannot be reused.

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