EVENSKYN LUMO 0013 Anti-Aging Skin Tightening Device User Manual

June 5, 2024


EVENSKYN LUMO 0013 Anti-Aging Skin Tightening Device


  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation Titanium Electrodes

  • LED Phototherapy Ring

  • Stainless Steel Radiofrequency Electrodes

  • LCD Display

  • Multi-Functional Keys

  • Charging Port

  • LUMO Charging Base

  • Charging Port


  • 7 x Lumo Handset




  • Level Indicator
    The level indicator on the screen of the LUMO shows the level strength when using a certain mode. The left key on the circular multi-functional key panel located in the front-center area of the LUMO handset can be used to reduce the level strength. Similarly, the right key can be used to increase the strength of a selected mode. There are five level strengths to choose from, and the higher the strength applied, the more of the desired effect is applied. The level helps you select the mode, and factors such as age, frequency of usage, the duration the device is used for, comfort level of the user, among other factors, can all play a role in determining what level strength is used.

  • Power Icon
    The power icon found on the top-right corner of the screen displays the charge level of the device.

  • RF Graphic
    The RF graphic in the middle of the screen shows that radiofrequency will be applied. The radiofrequency function can be used in a standalone form to activate collagen and reverse the effects of aging, or it can be used in conjunction with other modes.


RF thermal collagen stimulation, regrowth & remodeling. (Frequency Rate: 1 M hz) 20s Warming up to 740°F (60°C)

Microcurrent firms and tones muscles for a sculpted look. (Frequency Rate: 700hz)

Active ionic export of excess oils, dead skin and build-up. (Frequency Rate: 100hz)

Electric Nutrient iontophoresis: active absorption of water-based skin products. (Frequency Rate: 9-70hz)

Pore shrinkage & skin calming. 30s Ice Cool to 57°F (13°C)

Light-based collagen stimulation (red light) and acne treatment (blue light).

  • 465nm Blue Light
  • 623nm Red Light


The Lumo has five modes:

  • The first four modes engage radiofrequency (and this will be shown on the screen when you turn it on and select a certain mode).
  • The multi-function keypad is used for mode and intensity selections. Modes can be toggled through using the up and down keys, while the right and left keys help increase or lower a selected mode’s intensity. Pressing the OK button in the middle of the keypad will engage the selected mode. All five modes of the Lumo are described below in the order in which they are programmed into the device.

Radiofrequency-Only Mode:

lMhz of radiofrequency (RF) is applied to the dermis to boost collagen growth. The RF initially heats the dermis to 140°F for 20 seconds, after which a constant temperature between 704°F and 707°F is maintained. In addition to RF, this mode also has red light phototherapy.

Ionic Deep Cleansing Mode:

Radiofrequency and ION export function are synchronized to assist with deep facial cleansing. An electric gradient in favor of exporting unwanted pore- clogging build-up is created to actively cleanse the skin. The outer-most detachable metal ring on the head of the handset (magnetically attached) can be removed and reattached if the usage of a makeup cleaning cloth/pad for this mode is desired by the user.

Electric Nutrient iontophoresis Absorption Mode:

****iontophoresis, RF, red light and sonic vibrations come together to assist in the absorption of skin products (such as water-based anti-aging serums) in this mode. This mode is operated after the face has been washed, or otherwise cleaned using the previous ION cleansing mode.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation Mode:

The most powerful mode of the Lumo. It leverages all the anti­aging technologies to stimulate collagen production, while simultaneously helping tighten the skin. RF, alternating red and blue light therapy, sonic massing, as well as face-lifting EMS micro currents are applied concurrently.

Calming & Pore Shrinkage Mode:

Semiconductor refrigeration cools the skin rapidly to 57°F, resulting in the shrinkage of pores, as well as overall reduction in skin redness and inflammation. This mode is ideal as a finishing step to soothe skin after a user has spent time using any of the aforementioned modes of the Lumo.




  • Anti-Aging Goal:
    ENI→ RS→ EMS

  • Cleansing:

  • Product Penetration:

  • Toning Facial Muscles:
    Ems→ cool

  • Soothing Skin:

1| RF| Collagen stimulation| Radio frequency & Phot rejuvenation (Red Light)| 5 minutes
2| ION| Ion cleansing| Radio frequency, iontophoresis &

Sonic Vibrations

| 3 minutes
3| ENI| Product absorption| Radio frequency, Photo rejuvenation (Red Light), iontophoresis & Sonic Vibrations (intermittent)| 2 minutes
4| EMS| Muscle toning &
firming| Radio frequency, Micro-current, Phot rejuvenation (Red & Blue Light) & Sonic Vibrations (continuous)| 5 minutes
5| COOL| Skin calming &
soothing| Semiconductor Refrigeration &
Phot rejuvenation (Blue Light)| 2 minutes

  • As shown in the “Ways of Using the Lumo” section, a user may manually select one or more modes
    to achieve a certain skin outcome in a given session, instead of using all the modes of the Lumo. For example, as illustrated, if a brief anti-aging-only session is desired, a user may apply skin serums and/or conduction gels, use the ENI mode to help with deep product penetration, and follow use of the device in the RF and EMS modes to their preset maximum durations for maximum anti-aging benefit.

  • The Lumo may be used in order of the pre-programmed mode sequence, i.e., first RF, followed by ION, then ENI, then EMS, and finally the COOL mode.

  • Each mode has a pre-programmed maximum duration, after which the Lumo will revert to being in standby mode. The maximum duration are noted above in the ‘Timer Duration’ column.

  • If all the modes of the device are used to the pre-programmed maximum duration, this should be the maximum usage in a single session, as the amount of radio frequency wave usage duration should be limited (as delineated in the table in this manual under the “Usage Frequency” section).

  • The intensity with which each mode is used can be varied at any time (before or during use), to adjust to the user’s comfort level.

In order to safely make use of the Lumo device, a user must:

  • Thoroughly Cleanse: Ensure that the area to be treated has been thoroughly cleansed immediately prior to use, or where all the modes of the device are used, that the device be first used in the ION cleansing mode, before other modes of the device are used.

  • Use Oil-free Products: Ensure that the skin in the area to be treated is free of oils when
    using the device in its first four modes (RF, ION, ENI & EMS). Therefore, the requirement that the area to be treated be oil-free extends to any products that may be used for
    enhancing the effects of, or assisting with use in, any of the first four modes of the device.

  • Oil-based Products: Oil-based creams, lotions or other products may be used once the device has been used in either or all of the first four modes of the device, and prior to use of the device in COOL mode.

When applying gels, serums, or moisturizers to the skin prior to use, note as follows:

  • Active Absorption with ENI mode: The ENI mode can significantly help aid in the absorption of serums and other water-based skin products. Thus, although not required prior to use of the device in the primary skin tightening modes (the RF and EMS modes), a user of the device may benefit from the active iontophoresis-based absorption offered by this mode for a duration of around 2-3 minutes for a given area (such as face or neck), or for 4-6 minutes if treating all of
    the face & neck.

    • Order of Use: Once the face has been cleansed, but before the ENI mode is used, the application of water-based serums or gels is recommended.

    • Use of Gels: The Lumo has been designed to work without the need for any ‘conduction gels,’ however, using such products can help with conduction-of both microcurrent and
      RF waves, and the viscosity of a gel can certainly aid a user in moving & gliding the device over the areas to be treated, with ease.

    •   Recommended Ingredients: Gels, serums, moisturizers, or other water-based/oil-free containing helpful ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid, Glycerin, Peptides, Aloe Vera, among a host of other helpful anti-aging ingredients, are recommended for use with the Lumo.


  1. Ensure the Lumo is fully charged prior to commencing use.

  2. To ensure that the device is fully charged prior to the first use, plug the device into a power outlet using the power adapter provided.

  3. To begin use, short-press the “OK” button on the front of the multi-function keys on the front of the device until you see the device’s screen turn on.

  4. You may now press the up and down buttons on the keypad, and this help you toggle through the five modes of the Lumo.

  5. Once a mode is selected, press the OK button to engage the mode.

  6. Select the intensity level of a given mode using the right and left buttons on the keypad. The bars beside the “LEVEL”
    text on the display screen indicate which intensity level (of total 5 available, with 1 being the least amount of intensity, and 5 being the highest intensity of a mode) is selected.

  7. To turn off the Lumo, simply press and hold the power button again until the screen goes blank.


Step 1

Glide the device from the chin area, along the jawline, towards the ears in a linear motion. You may also move the device in small circular motions as you continue the linear upwards and outwards glide (from the center of the face).

Step 2

Begin by lightly pressing the Lumo again the side of your mouth and slowly move the device sideways and upwards in the general direction of your ears (ideally, towards the Tragus area).

Step 3

For both sides of the face, move the Lumo slowly from the philtrum area of the upper lip towards the temple regions (beside both eyes on the side of the head), as indicated in this illustration.


Move in a slow, gliding, semicircular fashion away from the nasal sidewall (well below the tear trough), towards the temples, over the bony upper cheek area. Make sure to avoid direct coverage over the eye socket area.

Step 5

Lift skin from the nose bridge, upwards and outwards, towards the hairline. You may also go over the eyebrow area in a diagonal fashion, so as to cause lifting of the underlying skin tissue.

Step 6

Treat all neck skin by moving the device slowly from the lower neck region (adjacent to the collar bone) towards the jawline. It is recom­mended that use of the device directly over the thyroid/ Adam’s apple area be avoided.

Constant Motion Required

The Lumo needs to be in slow but constant motion when being used. This is to ensure uniform dermal stimulation, and to avoid over­heating (which can lead to skin damage and discomfort).

Circular & Linear Motions

When being used in any given mode, the device should be kept in a mix of circular and linear motion that move outwards and upwards, away from the centre of the face.

Low Intensity Around Eyes

Use lower intensities (up to level 3 intensity) when treating the areas immediately around the eyes, such as when trying to tighten skin in the Crow’s Feet region.

Eye-area Prohibition

****Please note, in sharp contrast to the EvenSkyn® Venus, the EvenSkyn® Lumo is not suitable for treating the eyes, upper or lower eyelids, or any skin contained within the eye socket. The device should also not be used over the Thyroid/Adam’s Apple area (as illustrated in the Treatable Areas section of this manual).

Spot/Block COOL Treatment

****Since the COOL mode is the only mode that does not use radio frequency, it may be used for as long as desired (although the pre­programmed duration for which is only 3 minutes). When using the COOL mode, cold compression of certain areas can be done block by block, such that the handset can be held in the same spot for 5-70 seconds by the user, before moving on to other untreated areas.


During the first two weeks of use, it is recommended that the EvenSkyn® Lumo be used once per week, for a single-session duration of five to eight minutes. This will help the user adjust and acclimatize to the sensations resulting from use of the device.
After the first two weeks of use, if comfort allows for it, usage frequency can be increased to twice a week. It is recommended that session be equally spaced out temporally.

To avoid over-stimulation, and allow for sufficient healing & skin tightening time between sessions, total duration in the first four modes-all of which engage RF-for a 7-day period, should be limited to 15 to 20 minutes for individuals below 40 years of age. For those over 40 years of age, 20 to 25 minutes of use in the first four modes of the device are allowable. Further, for the above 40 age group, it
is recommended that users failings into this category opt for using the device at higher intensity levels (as tolerable to the user). No limit exists for use in the COOL mode for any user group.

No. of session per week lto 2 2 to 3
Duration per session 5 – 8 minutes 5 – 8 minutes
Minimum days between sessions Min. 3 days Min. 2 days
Intensity per session Up to level 4 Up to level 5
Total max. duration per week (face) – 75 minutes -20 minutes
Total max. duration per week (face & neck) -20 minutes -25 minutes


  • Eyes
  • Thyroid/Adam’s Apple


  • Area treatable by the Lumo
  • Areas to be avoided


  • Selecting Intensity Level: Choosing the right mode and intensity level that works for one’s skin type and comfort level is very important. If unsure, it is recommended that first-time users start with the lowest intensity level and gradually select the appropriate level that they feel comfortable using, especially since skin sensitivity, as well as pain tolerance, can vary tremendously from person to person.

  • Over Usage: Please do not use this device more frequently than recommended. Frequent use that goes beyond EvenSkyn’s recommendations (as found in the Usage Frequency section of this manual) may, in some cases, negatively affect skin health, as the skin requires downtime to repair, regenerate & tighten after each use. The higher the intensity used, and the longer the duration of a given session, the longer
    (duration) one should allow for before doing another session (a minimum of 48 hours between low intensity sessions, and ideally up to 7 to 10 days to achieve full dermal healing, especially after session using higher mode intensities).

  • Gels & Conduction Mediums: The Lumo handset does not ‘require’ gels or other conduction products to be used on the face prior to use, however, use of a conduction medium can go a long way in helping achieve results much quicker, and in a more pronounced manner, given the synergistic effects of using both in concert. Users of the device, however, ought to ensure that all products applied to the area to be treated with the Lumo are free of any oils, and are water-based (to allow for smooth conduction).

Note: A highly conductive medium such as a dedicated conduction gel may not necessarily be the ideal choice in every usage scenario given the high power of the Lumo. For example, generally, the more conductive the medium, the more sensitive an individual might be to the sensation of the micro current and/or radio frequency waves. Therefore, determining the right amount, brand or type of gel or medium (such Aloe Vera, or Hyaluronic Acid-based gels) may help a user ascertain what combination works well in conjunction with the Lumo for their specific skin type, comfort level and sensitivity threshold.


  • PRODUCT NAME: EvenSkyn® Lumo
  • LCD: 1.5 inches
  • ADAPTER: Input 100~240V,0.35A Output 9V 1.5A RATED POWER: About 10W
  • BARE WEIGHT: About 350g 1.5A
  • FULL-CHARGE TIME: About 2 hours
  • BUTTON: The upper and lower keys select mode, the left and right keys adjust level, long-press the middle key to turn on/off, short press the middle key to start/stop function.
  • EXECUTIVE STANDARD: GB 4706.1-2005, GB 4706.15-2008

Note: In order to better serve the consumers, the relevant parameters of the product may be optimized or changed without prior notice.


  • Before using the handset, please clean the electrode head of the instrument with a wet paper towel or cotton pad.
  • After use, wipe the magnetic ring and the electrode head with cotton or a soft dry/lightly moist cloth.
  • Before cleaning, make sure the handset is powered off, and that the power adapter has been disconnected from the power source.
  • When cleaning the adapter, make sure to pull it out of the power supply and wipe the adapter only with a dry cloth.
  • After each use, please clean the product to avoid the accumulation of grease and other residues to ensure optimal long-term product performance.
  • Make sure all components are dry before reconnecting to the adapter.


The EvenSkyn® Lumo has been designed with facial skin care in mind. If anything unusual is observed when using the machine, please stop usage immediately and contact EvenSkyn® Corporation at
support@evenskyn.com or by calling our toll free number (1-866-EVN-SKYN).
Continued usage after the machine exhibits physical (or other defects such as irregular, physical or other defects such as irregular, unusual or uncustomary performance) is not recommended and can leads to secondary failure and may lead to the manufacturer’s warranty being voided.

Continued usage of defective product can lead to damage to the user.
Improper use that does not comply with the instructions contained in this User Manual and/or other advice and instructions provided by EvenSkyn® Corporation on its official website
(www.evenskyn.com), and through other means and mediums, can lead to harm and damage for which the Manufacturer and/or Seller shall not be liable.

When charging this product, please use the adapter in the packing box, and appropriately connect the charger plug to the household socket to avoid malfunction and fire (such as fire caused by over­heating).

Especially given that this product has a built-in rechargeable battery, do not place the product in or near a fire. Also avoid using it in extremely high temperatures and superheated environment as this may lead to irreversible damage to the product and lead to malfunction or other unintended outcomes.

This product’s battery is a dedicated battery. If you continue to use it when it has surpassed the service life of 10,000 hours, chemical reactions may lead to expansion and deformation. Additionally, the product may be deformed at high temperatures or under extreme pressure such as by heavy blows or drops from significant heights. If the product is deformed, please do not use it to avoid the risk of electric shock and fire.


  • Please do not use a broken charger and/or a loose socket attachment, since an improperly inserted socket or broken charger may lead to electric shocks, short circuits, fire, among other problematic outcomes.
  • Do not use the adapter with voltage in excess of your normal electricity voltage (either lO0V or 240V) to avoid any damage.
  • Do not disassemble or modify the product by yourself as this can result in serious harm. If repairs are required, please contact EvenSkyn® Corporation or a professional.

Please do not use the EvenSkyn® Lumo for any other purposes than are recommended in this manual, i.e., the Lumo should only be used for anti-aging, skin tightening, pore shrinkage, collagen activation, skin lifting, electrical muscle stimulation and phototherapy.

This product is intended to be used by adults (defined as persons over the age of majority in the respective jurisdiction where the purchaser of the Lumo resides) only, and by person who have apprised themselves of, and are accepting of the benefits and risk of associated with this product, as well as the technologies and apparatus it incorporates.

While moderate heat is to be expected, both on the user’s skin, as well as for the device and the charging adapter, under no circumstances it is normal and acceptable to feel extreme heat from the device or on the skin of the user and if this is observed, the use of the LUMO should immediately cease usage and EvenSkyn® Corporation needs to be contacted for further guidance and advice.

Prior to use, please ensure that the device and charger appear free of defect (despite us checking the device at multiple stages of manufacturing and even prior to shipping to our customers). Also, please ensure that no heat above 40 degrees Celsius is observed emanating from the device.

Prior to use, please ensure that you are clear on the usage procedure of the product. Helpful information can be obtained from www.evenskyn.com, from pages, articles, and video content that we post (such as helpful How-To videos available on our Youtube channel), but users are also encouraged to contact us to obtain clarification, instructions and guidance to make safe use of the EvenSkyn® LUMO.

While the LUMO is waterproof and has a IP65 rating, do not keep the product submerged in water for extended period of time as this is not recommended for long-term longevity of the product.

The LUMO has been manufactured with state-of-the-art materials such as medical grade stainless steel (316) heads and titanium electrodes, however, severe impact can impair its ability to function at optimal levels, and it is thus recommended that the device be handled with care and severe impact to the device ought to be avoided.

After using this product, please pay careful attention to ensuring all cleaning products used as part of your beauty or skin care routine (that the LUMO has come in contact with, including but not limited to residual oils and other moisturizer or acidic residues), are wiped clean and removed from the device, ideally with a dry or lightly-moist cloth (so as to avoid residue from building up and affecting the efficacy of the product in the long-run).

This handset is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or those lacking experience and knowledge on how to safely and optimally operate the LUMO, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the device by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device.

This product has built-in rechargeable lithium batteries. Please pay attention to the following items when discarding the product.

  • The battery must be removed from the handset before it is scrapped;
  • The handset must be disconnected from the supply mains when removing the battery;
  • The battery is to be disposed of in a safe manner.
  • This handset contains batteries that are non-replaceable.

For the purposes of recharging the battery, only use the detachable supply unit provided with this handset.
If you have any questions about the product and how best to use it, beyond the information available on our website and on other online platforms, you may contact us by email support@evenskyn.com or call our toll-free phone number (7-866-EVN-SKYN) to obtain the relevant information.

To avoid electrical shocks and as a precaution against other possible dangerous conditions developing, please avoid submerging the product in water which may create a hazardous situation whereby electrical current may inadvertently transfer to unintended surfaces or persons (usually only in the case of malfunctioning devices, but caution is recommended in the interest of safety).


This product, by default, is covered by a standard one year Manufacturer Warranty. The manufacturer, EvenSkyn® Corporation, warrants this product to be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal residential use and conditions, for a period of one 7 year for the original invoice date. Shipping and handling fees are to be paid for by the customer.




email us at support@evenskyn.com or call us at
7-866-evn-skyn (386-7596)
© 2027 EvenSkyn®

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