June 5, 2024


Dear Sir/Madam

Congratulations and thank \ou Ior choosing our product. Please read this document careIull\ beIore \ou use this product in order to obtain the best perIormance in complete saIet\.
For Iurther details or assistance, please contact the DEALER where \ou purchased the product or visit the TEC+NICAL ASSISTANCE CENTRES page on our website www.edilkamin.com.


– AIter \ou remove the packaging, please inspect the unit Ior an\ damage or missing parts remote control, connecting sleeves, warrant\ booklet, glove, CD/technical data sheet, spatula, desiccant. In case oI anomalies please contact the dealer where \ou purchased the product immediatel\.
You will need to present a cop\ oI the warrant\ booklet and valid prooI oI purchase. – Commissioning/ testing
Commissioning and testing must be perIormed b\ an authorized Edilkamin Technical Assistance Centre. Failure to do so will void the warrant\. Commissioning, as speci¿ed in standard UNI 1083 Rev. 200 section ³3.2´ consists in a series inspections to be perIormed with the insert installed in order to ascertain the correct operation oI the s\stem and its compliance to applicable regulations.
To locate the Technical Assistance Centre closest to \ou, please ask \our local dealer, call our toll-Iree number, or visit our website www.edilkamin.com.

  • Incorrect installation, incorrect maintenance, or improper use oI the product, shall relieve the manuIacturer Irom an\ damage resulting Irom the use oI this product.

  •  the prooI oI purchase tag, necessar\ Ior identiI\ing the insert, is located

  • on the top oI the package

  • n the warrant\ booklet Iound inside the ¿rebo[

  • on the ID plate aI¿[ed to the back side oI the unit
    This documentation must be saved Ior identi¿cation together with the valid prooI oI purchase receipt. The data contained therein must be reported when reTuesting inIormation and made available should servicing be reTuired

  • All images are Ior illustration purposes onl\ actual products ma\ var\.


The undersigned EDILKAMIN S.p.a. with head oI¿ce headTuarters at Via Vincenzo Monti 47 – 20123 Milan – Ital\ – VAT IT00192220192
Declares under its own responsabilit\ as Iollows
The wood pellet stoves speci¿ed below is in accordance with the 89/10/EEC Construction Products
WOOD PELLET STOVES, trademark EDILKAMIN, called NANCY Year oI manuIacture ReI. Data nameplate Serial number ReI. Data nameplate
The compliance with the 89/10/EEC directive is besides determined b\ the compliance with the European standard UNI EN 1478200 the wood pellet stove NANCY is in compliance with the reTuirements oI the European directives 2006/95/EEC – Low voltage directive 2004/108/EEC – Electromagnetic compatibility directive EDILKAMIN S.p.a. will decline all responsability oI malIunctioning or damage to the eTuipment in case oI unauthorized substitution, assembly or modi¿cations oI any sort on the said eTuipment on the part oI non-EDILKAMIN personnel.


7he NANCY stove produces hot air using wood pellets as fuel, whose combustion is controlled electronically. +ereunder is the explanation of its functions (the letters refer to Ŏgure ).
7he fuel (pellets) is provided by the storage hopper (A) and, to the combustion chamber (D) by means of a feed screw (B), which is driven by a gear motor (C).
7he pellets are ignited by the air that is heated by an electrical resistance (E) and drawn into the combustion chamber by a smoNe extractor (F).
7he fumes produced during the combustion process are extracted from the hearth by the same centrifugal fan (F), and expelled through the outlet (*) located on the lower part of the stove.
7he stoves are designed to allow warm air to be channelled, to heat an adMacent room.
7hree outlets are set up to channel warm air (on the rear, side and top). 8se the most suitable one (hence the caps will have to be used to close off the other outlets) connecting it with the speciŎcally designed optional .I7 8.


  • Only use wood pellets with 6 mm diameter as fuel.
  • Should components fail, the stoves are equipped with safety devices that guarantee automatic shutdown. These are activated without any intervention required.
  • In order to function correctly, the stove must be installed in accordance with the instructions given herein and the door must not be opened during operation: combustion is fully automatic and requires no intervention.
  • Under no circumstances should any foreign substances be entered into the hearth or hopper.
  • Do not use flammable products to clean the smoke channel (the flue section connecting the stove smoke outlet to the chimney flue).
  • Hearth and hopper components must only be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  • The glass can be cleaned when COLD with a suitable product (e.g. GlassKamin Edilkamin) and a cloth.
  • Do not clean when hot.
  • Ensure that the stoves are installed and ignited by a qualified Edilkamin DEALER, in accordance with the instructions given herein.; these conditions are essential for the validation of the guarantee.
  • When the stove is in operation, the exhaust pipes and door become very hot (do not touch without wearing the thermal glove).
  • Do not place anything, which is not heat resistant near the stove.
  • NEVER use liquid fuel to ignite the stove or rekindle the embers.
  • Do not obstruct the ventilation apertures in the room where the stove is installed, nor the air inlets of the stove itself.
  • Do not wet the stove and do not go near electrical parts with wet hands.
  • Do not use reducers on the smoke exhaust pipes.
  • The stove must be installed in a room that is suitable for fire prevention and equipped with all that is required (power and air supply and outlets) for the stove to function correctly and safely.
  • Should ignition fail, DO NOT re-ignite until you have emptied the combustion chamber.


  • off-white laminam
  • Corten” effect laminam
  • wood effect laminam


+ot air channel ™ mm





is a combustion safety and control system which allows optimal performance in al conditions thanNs to two sensors measuring the pressure level in the combustion chamber and smoNe temperature.
7he detection of and subsequent optimisation of these two parameters is continuous in order to correct operation anomalies in real time.


system offers constant combustion, automatically regulating the draft based on the characteristics of the chimney ŏue (bends, length, shape, diameter, etc..) and environmental conditions (wind, humidity, atmospheric pressure, installations at high altitude, etc.). 7he standards for installation must be respected.


system is also able to recognise the type of pellets and automatically dMust the ŏow moment by moment to ensure the required level of combustion.



7he Dealer can install an optional on the A8; outlet for controlling the process of switching on and off (e.g. telephone remote, local thermostat), located at the rear oh the stove. Can be connected via
special optional trestle (code ). 7he serial port is located inside the coating on the left side


A bacNup battery is found on the control board (-9olt CR battery). Its failure (not considered a
product defect, but normal wear and tear) is indicated with the words “Battery checN”. For more detailed information, please contact the DEALER who has performed the Ŏrst st ignition


An outlet for the metre-long room temperature cable is provided on the bacN of the stove. 7he sensor, which will be attached to the wall using the bracNet provided, is wired onto the end of the cable


  • 7he heatable room dimensions are calculated on the basis home insulation in compliance with Italian law /9, and subsequent changes together with an expected heat output of .cal/mt per hour.

  • It is also important to consider the position of the stove in the room to be heated




  • THERMOCOUPLE: Placed at the smoke outlet to detect the temperature. Turns the stove on and off and controls its operation based on defined parameters.
  • AIR FLOW SENSOR: located in the suction channel, it is activated when the combustion air flow is not correct, with consequent pressure problems in the smoke circuit causing the stove to shut-down.
  • SAFETY THERMOSTAT: Trips when the temperature inside the stove is too high. It stops pellet loading, causing the stove to go out.


Refer to local regulations in the country of use for anything that is not specifically covered in this manual. In Italy, refer to standard UNI 10683 in addition to any Regional or Local Health Authority regulations. If the stove is to he installed in a block of apartments, consult the block administration before installing.
VERIFY COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER DEVICES The stove must NOT be installed in the same room as extractors, type B heating appliances and other appliances that may affect its operation. Sae regulation UNI 10683.
VERIFY THE POWER SUPPLY CONNECTION (the plug must be accessible) The stove is supplied with a power cable that is to be connected to a 230V 50 Hz socket, preferably fitted with a magnetotherrnic switch. In the event that the power outlet is not easily accessible, provide a device to cut off the power supply (a switch) upstream of the stove (must be provided by the customer). Voltage variations exceeding 10% can damage the stove. The electrical system must comply with the law; particularly verify the efficiency of the earthing system. An inadequate earthing system can cause anomalies for which Edilkamin cannot be held liable. The power line must have a suitable cross-section for the sto-ve’s power.


The stove can be attached directly to brick and/or plasterboard walls. In the case of combustible walls (wood, for example), you must install adequate insulation in a non combustible material. You are required to adequately insulate the smoke exhaust pipe and the warm air channelling pipe, as they reach high temperatures. All elements made from combustible and/or heat- sensitive material located adjacent to the stove must be arranged at a distance of no less than 40 cm or otherwise be adequately insulated with non combustible insulating material, and in any case materials can not be placed at less than 80 cm in front of the stove as they are directly exposed to the heat radiating from the hearth.
AIR INTAKE There must be an air inlet behind the stove with a minimum diameter of 80 cm2. This must be connected to the outside in order to guarantee sufficient air supply to the stove for combustion. The air intake must be connected to the dedicated nozzle on the back of the stove (see pg. 23).


The stove must have its own smoke outlet (the smoke cannot be discharged into a smoke flue used by other devices). The smoke exhaust is expelled through the 8 cm-diameter outlet located on the back, right side or top. The smoke outlet must be connected to outside by means of suitable steel pipes and must be free from obstructions. The stove smoke dischar-ge must be connected with outside by means of steel or black pipes EN 1856 certified. The pipe line must be hermetically sealed. The pipes must be sealed and insulated using materials that are resistant to high temperatures(high temperature silicone or mastic). The only horizontal section allowed may be up to 2 m long. It is possible to use up to two curves with a maxi-mum angle of 90 ° (with respect to the vertical axis). A vertical section of at least 1.5m and an anti-wind terminal is necessary (if the discharge outlet is not in a chimney flue) (reference UNI 10683). The vertical dud can be internal or external. If the smoke channel is outside, it must be appropriately insulated. If the smoke channel is fitted inside a chimney flue, the latter must be suitable for solid fuel. If it is wider than 150 mm in diameter it must be improved by entering a pipe that has a suitable cross-section and is made of suitable material (e.g. 80 mm diameter steel). All sections of the smoke duct must be accessible for inspection. The chimney pots and smoke ducts connected to the solid fuel appliances must be cleaned once a year (verify whether a specific legislation exists in your count-ry). Failure to regularly inspect and clean the stove increases the probability of a fire occurring in the chimney pot. In that case, proceed as follows: Do not use water to extinguish the fire; Empty the pellet hopper; Con-tact specialist personnel before reigniting the stove.



(fie. II • Remove the diaphragm (C2 – Fig. 1) pre-cut in the lid (C -Fig. I) supplied separately. • Using the screws supplied, fix the connecting sleeve (A – fig. 1), supplied separately. • Put the lid back in place C • Fit the hot air conveyor pipe on the sleeve (A) through the hole obtained on the lid C.


• Remove the cast iron cap on the upper part of the side. • Remove the diaphragm (D – fig. 2) pre-cut on the metal sup-port inside the hole of the cast iron cap. • Using the screws supplied, fix the connecting sleeve (A – fig. 2 supplied separately). Fit the hot air conveyor pipe onto the connecting sleeve supplied separately (A – fig. 2) passing it through the cast iron hole. • In this case the cast iron cap is not longer used.


Remove the lid on the rear outlet (E -fig.2) and fix it in the new position (E – fig. 3). Install the dedicated connecting sleeve supplied separately (B -fig.3) and connect the hot air conveyor pipe.


The distribution of the hot air can be manually adjusted using lever L accessed by lifting up the upper left cast iron semi-top (fig. 4).
N.B. inorder to operate the control lever you must remove the security plate (I – fig.4).[”]


The distribution of the hot air can be manually adjusted using lever L accessed by lifting up the upper left cast iron semi-top (fig. 4).
N.B. inorder to operate the control lever you must remove the security plate (I – fig.4).
It is possible to channel all of the warm air into the room where the stove is installed (lever fully to the right), all of the air into the adjacent room (lever fully to the left) or partially to both rooms (lever in the central position).
An optional KIT 8 is available in order to channel the warm air (see page 29).


) Insulate the pipe in which the hot air passes in order to avoid heat dispersion. 2) Avoid bends in the hot air piping as much as possible. 3) It is recommended you create a duct no greater than 3m in length and xith a maximum of 2 bends.


NANCY is design to have the smoke exhaust pipe connected to the top, the back or the right side. The stove is supplied already set up for a top-connecting smoke exhaust pipe.
CONNECTING THE SMOKE EXHAUST PIPE ON THE TOP To complete connection simply fit a stainless steel chimney flue with an 8 cm diameter (not supplied) on the elbow joint (G fig.5) which is already mounted on the stove and accessible by opening the right glass door (fig. 5). NOTE: An inspection lid for cleaning (H) is located on the elbow joint (G). In this case you must use the pre-cut lid provided separately (C – fig. I on pg. 27), removing the diaphragm C2, instead of the uncut lid supplied.


  • Loosen the locking clamp (F-fig. 5) of the elbow joint and rotate it by 90 degrees.
  • Connect the stainless steel chimney flue with an 8 cm diameter, passing it through the pre-cut hole on the lower part of the sheet metal back


  • Remove the elbow joint (G – fig.6) • Remove the cast iron cap on the lower part of the side.
  • Remove the pre-cut diaphragm on the metal support inside the hole of the cast iron cap
  • Fit the stainless steel chimney flue with an 8cm diameter on the connecting sleeve (F – fig. 7) passing it through the cast iron hole.
  • In this case the cast iron cap is not longer used. • The elbow (G) can be used externally to collect condensation.


An air intaNe duct connected to the outside with a minimum diameter of 8 cms must be pre-set on the bacN of stove in order to guarantee sufŎcient air supply to the stove for combustion.
A hole (8 – Ŏg. 9) is pre-set on the bacN of the stove for attaching the duct.
Open the left front door (Ŏg. 8), detach the ŏexible pipe (7) from its support (S) and push it through the hole (8) on the bacN of the stove.
Connect the external air intaNe duct to the hole until reaching the outdoors.
7he external air intaNe duct must be less than metre in length, have no bends and must end with a 9q downwards section or a wind guard.

KIT 8 (CODE 297360)

NOTE: THE FIRST PART OF THE FLEXIBLE PIPE MUST BE COMPLETELY “RELAXED” IN SUCH A WAY TO ELIMINATE CORRUGATION. IN THIS WAY, THE INTERNAL DIAMETER WILL BE SLIGHTLY ENLARGED TO FAVOUR ENTRANCE. – Define the position of the stove with respect to the walling (fig. a). – Enable the hot air channelling control lever (see page 39). – Place the stove in its final position and fasten it to the wall using the supplied brackets (A and B) or, if necessary, an alternative system that will ensure the stove’s stability (see fig. 2). – Extend the aluminium pipe (2 – fig. l) for hot air channelling, without connecting the stove outlet. – Fit the aluminium pipe to the hot air outlet (A). – Install the terminal outlet (3) and its aluminium pipe (2).

Properly insulate the pipe in which the hot air passes in order to avoid

heat dispersion.





Start-up must be carried out as prescribed by point . of standard 8NI 8. 7his standard indicates the control operations to be carried out in situ, aimed at ascertaining correct system function.

Before igniting. You must consult the Edilkamin DEALER in your area when igniting the stove for the first time, in order for the stove to be calibrated according to the type of pellets and installation conditions, thereby validating the warranty.
There may be a slight smell of paint the first few times it is ignited, however, this will disappear quickly.
Before igniting you must check: • that installation is correct • the power supply • that the door closes properly to a perfect seal (inner righthand door). • that the combustion chamber is clean • that the display is on standby (the date, power or temperature flashes).
Filling the pellet hopper To access the hopper, open the left cast iron semi- top (A – fig.1) and remove the lid underneath (B – fig. 2).
NOTE: 1) gently accompany the semi-top during opening and closing. 2) use the glove supplied when filling the stove whilst it is running and therefore is hot.\

REMOTE CONTROL This controls all the functions.

Key to buttons and display: V : to turn off and on (to go from remote control on stand-by to remote control on) if- : to increase/decrease the various regulations A : to select Automatic function M : to select Manual function and access the control and programming menus

The display also shows other useful information in addition to the icons described above. – Stand-by position: shows room temperature (20°C), kg of pellets (15 kg) remaining in tank and current time (15.33) – Manual work phase: shows power set (Power 1), mom temperature (20°C), kg of pellets and autonomy remaining (15 kg 21 hrs) – Automatic work phase: shows temperature set (Set 22°C), room temperature (20°C), kg of pellets and autonomy remaining (15 kg 21 hrs).


Note: If the radio control is not used for a few seconds, the display will go dark as it has moved into the power saving function. The display can be reactivated by pressing any button.

Filling the cochlea. The lust time you use the product. or should the tank be completely emptied of pellets, to fill the cccka press both keys “+” and’ -” on the remote control at the sante time, holding for a few seconds. As you release the keys. the display should show the wording “LOAD”. This should be carried out before ignition if the stove has stopped due to having run out of pellets. at the end of operation to empty the combustion pot before turning. It is quite normal for sonic pellets to remain. that the cochlea cannot suction.
Automatic igniting. With the stove on stand-by. press and hold the key r. on the remote control for 2 seconds. This will start-up the ignition procedure. showing the wording ‘START’. At the sante time. a countdown in seconds begins (from 1020 to 0). Ignition is not at a preset time. however its duration is automatically shortened if the board reports that cenain tests have been passed. The flame appears after about 5 minutes.
Manual Igniting. Temperatures of below 3C will not allow the electrical resistance to heat sufficiently. In this case. or should the resistance be temporarily out of action. Diavolina® type fin-starters can be used. Insert a piece of lit Diavolina into the combustion chamber, close the door and press W the remote control.
POWER REGULATION • Remote control manual operation With the stove working. press the key “M” on the remote control once. The display will show the word “POWER r. (specifying the power at which the insert is working). Press the keys -+” or “= ‘to increase or decrease the insert’s working power (from “POWER Pr to “POWER P5”).
• Remote control automatic operation Press key “A” to switch to automatic operation. adjusting the temperature desired for the room (use the “+” and “-” keys to set the temperature front 5°C to 35C. and the stove will regulate working power required to reach the temperature set. If a temperature below that of the room is scis the insert will stay on “POWER PI”.
Tlingit& off With the stove running, press and hold the key W rom the remote control for? seconds. The turn-off procedure will begin. showing a countdown on the display from 9 to 0 (for a total of 10 minutes). The mm-off phase involves: • Interruption of pellet supply • Maximum ventilation. • Smoke expulsion motor.
Never null the Sue out whilst the device is still in the process of turning off.


Clock regulation Press and hold the key ’51’ for 2 seconds to access the ‘Clock” menu. This allows you to set the internal electronic board clock. By then pressing the key ”

M”. the following data appears in sequence and can be regulated: day. month. year. hour. minutes. day of the week. The wording “SAVE??” w ill appear for confirmation with “Sr. This will allow you to check that the operations performed arePellet emcee system Before enabling the system. you need to load a sack of pellets into the tank and use the stove until the loaded fuel has run out. This allows for a than system road tO.I. After this. the lank can be filled completely and the stove started up. When running. at the time at which a whole 15 kg sack of pellets can be loaded. the display will show the word “Reserve” flashing. At this point, after having poured in a sack of pellets, you need to ‘inform’ the memory that you have loaded 15 kg. To do so. proceed as follows:

  1. press the “M” key (for approximately 34 seconds) until the word -Clock” appears.
  2. press the “+” key until the word “Reserve” appears.
  3. press the “M” key until the following screen appears.

then use the “” Ney to taNe the Ŏgure ( ) to the value equal to the .g of pellets loaded ( Ng in the above example).
. press the “0” Ney to conŎrm
. press the Ney to exi

After having completed the above procedure, after having consumed the Ng, the wording “Reserve” will appear
ŏashing at intervals. After which the operation must be repeated, from point to point .


Should the remote control be broken, the bask functions can also be accessed by means of a red emergency button located under the external hatch. on the left (see fig. 7). To press the button once or more to enable the function desired:
I. A STOVE OFF by pressing the red button for 2 senoras this turns on. 2. A STOVE ON by pressing the red button for 2 seconds this turns off. 3. A STOVE ON manual mode, by pressing the red button. you go from P1 to P3. 4. A STOVE ON automatic mode. by pressing the red button, you go from 5°C to 30°C.
RADIO ANTENNA Stove dialogues with the remote control by means of radio waves. The radio signal is received by the radio control by meant. of a small antenna beneath the external hatch (see fig. 7).


In accordance with An. 13 of the Legislative Decent No. 151. dated 25 July X05. -Implementation of Directives: 20IrJ95/EC. 200(2/96/EC and 1303/108/EC pertaining to the reduction of hazardous substances used in electrical and electronic equipment. as well as disposal of waste”. The crossed-cut wheeled bin symbol shown on the equipment or on the packaging indicates that the product must be disposed of separately at the end of its useful life. Tlicreforc. at the end of the equipment’s useful life, the user most hand in the equipment to suitable collection facilities for electrical and electronic waste. or returnit to the retailer when a new, equivalent appliance is purchased in a ratio of one to one.

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