Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160) Instructions
- June 2, 2024
- Documents
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How to Complete the Application:
- When you are ready, click on the button labeled “Start a New Application”. Please make sure to have your passport, information about other U.S. visas you have had, if any, and any other documents relevant to your intended travel to the United States ready. You will need information in those documents as you fill out the application.
- Write down the Application ID displayed on the top right-hand corner of the page. If you need to close the browser before submitting your application, you will need this Application ID to continue your application.
- Follow the instructions on each page. Make sure you answer all the questions—if you do not, your application may not be accepted.
- Your answers must be in English and must use the English alphabet. That means you cannot use letters like ñ, é, ü, or ç. For example, instead of writing “São Paulo,” write “Sao Paulo.” There is only one exception to this rule, which is when you are asked to provide your full name in your native alphabet; then you can use non-English characters.
- When you are finished answering all the questions, the program will let you check your answers to make sure they are correct. Please re-read them carefully so you do not make mistakes.
- Click on the “Sign Application” button to sign your application electronically.
- Once you have checked your answers, you can submit your application. When you do, you will see a confirmation page on your screen with a barcode.
Electronically submitting your DS-160 online application is the FIRST STEP in the visa application process. The next step is to review the internet page of the embassy or consulate where you plan to apply for your visa. Most visa applicants will need to schedule a visa interview, though some applicants may qualify for visa renewal. The embassy or consulate information may include specific local instructions about scheduling interviews, submitting your visa application, and other frequently asked questions.
If you do not plan to complete your application within the next 30 days,
download your application to your computer by clicking the “Save” button at
the bottom of the last completed page. Follow the instructions. When you are
ready to complete your application, select “Upload an Application”.
Note: Only download your application to a computer that cannot be accessed by
anyone who does not have your permission to see or record your personal data.
If you download your application a shared or public computer, such as a
computer in a cyber café or library, your personal information may be able to
be accessed by other users.
If you have previously submitted a DS-160 application, you may use that information to complete a new application. You will need the Application ID from your previously submitted application to do this. To access previously submitted application information, click the “RETRIEVE AN APPLICATION” button and follow the instructions. If you use this option to complete a new application please make sure to carefully review to ensure that all information is current and correct.
Common Errors: Please be sure you review your application in order to avoid common errors in the following requested information areas:
- Visa type requested;
- Current home address;
- Prior travel to the U.S.;
- All travel to other countries in the past 5 years; and Name of person and (if applicable) organization preparing the DS-160 application on your behalf.
If you stop working on this application for more than 20 minutes, your session will expire and you will have to start over, unless you have recorded your Application ID Number or have saved your application to a file on your computer.
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