SONY PWS-110NM1 IP Live Production System Instruction Manual

June 1, 2024

SONY PWS-110NM1 IP Live Production System


Product Information


  • Product Name: IP Live System Manager
  • Software Version: 3.2
  • Operating Environment:
    • CPU: Core i5 3 GHz or higher
    • Memory: 8 GB or higher
    • OS: Windows 8.1 64-bit, Windows 10 64-bit
    • Browser: Google Chrome


IP Live System Manager is application software for routing control of video and audio signals, managing the IP Live Production System for distributing signals via a network.


  • Control of video and audio signals
  • Support for various device types and control protocols
  • User authority configuration
  • Basic screen structure for easy navigation

IP Live Production System Structure

The system includes NDCP devices, host CPUs, I/O connectors, network GenLock modules, control signals, AV signals, sync signals, and network switches.

Operation Authority

Operation authority can be assigned to users with functions available according to their authority level (Administrator, Manager, Operator).

Basic Screen Structure

The basic screen structure includes a global menu, service select button, menu display, system status indicator area, and notification icon for easy navigation and monitoring.

Usage Instructions

1. Recommended PC Operating Environment

Ensure your PC meets the specified CPU, memory, OS, and browser requirements. Use Google Chrome for optimal performance.

2. Operation Authority Configuration

Assign operation authority to users based on their roles (Administrator, Manager, Operator) to access specific functions.

3. Basic Navigation

Utilize the global menu for system navigation, service select button for selecting services, and system status indicators for monitoring errors or warnings.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Can IP Live System Manager run on devices with dynamic IP addresses?
    • A: No, the software presumes it is running on a device with a static IP address.
  • Q: Which browser is recommended for operating IP Live System Manager?
    • A: Google Chrome is recommended for operating the software.

IP Live System Manager
Help Software Version 3.2 IP Live System Manager
© 2015 Sony Corporation


This section provides information about and describes the basic operation of IP Live System Manager. · Features · Operation Authority · Basic Screen Structure · Logging In/Out


IP Live System Manager is application software for routing control of video and audio signals, and

managing the IP Live Production System for distributing video and audio signals via a network.

· Configures required settings for routing control and management of video signals and tally

information for the IP Live Production System.

· Routing control of IP Live Production System audio signals is also supported.

· Registers devices, such as cameras, switchers, and AV servers, and configures/monitors parameters.

  • Control of the following types of devices is supported, according to the device control protocol

and type of stream. Unless otherwise specified specifically, the word “device” refers to the

following types of devices. Control protocol SMPTE RDD 38 NDCP (Networked Device

Stream SMPTE RDD 40 NMI (Networked Media

Control Protocol) AMWA NMOS (IS-04, IS-05, IS-09) Dante Ember+

Interface), SMPTE ST2110 SMPTE ST2110 Dante, AES67 ­

· Can switch AV stream source/destination signals between devices, such as cameras, switchers, and AV servers, using AV routing functions from a control panel or web-based user interface.
· Detects and monitors the network topology state. · Supports IP Live Production System redundancy structures, enabling various modes of operation. · Using an external routing system link function, interface group crosspoints can be switched from an
external routing system. · NDCP devices with multiple modules* can be controlled and managed.

  • NDCP devices may have option boards that can be added or removed, and these additional or removable units are called “modules.” · Audio devices that support the Session Announcement Protocol (SAP) can be registered to perform audio routing. · Operation with MSU or RCP integration is supported using the Ember+ protocol. · Audio console Audio Follow Video (AFV) control is supported using the Ember+ protocol.

IP Live Production System Structure
The following diagram shows a typical structure for an IP Live Production System.


IP Live System Manager

NDCP Device
Host CPU
I/O connectors
Network GenLock Module (Leader)

Control signal AV signal Sync signal

Network Switch

NDCP Device
Host CPU
I/O connectors Network GenLock Module (Follower)
NDCP Device
Host CPU
I/O connectors Network GenLock Module (Follower)

Note IP Live System Manager presumes that it is running on a device with a static IP address.

Recommended PC operating environment for display of IP Live System Manager GUI

CPU Memory OS Browser

Core i5 3 GHz or higher 8 GB or higher Windows 8.1 64-bit, Windows 10 64-bit Operation using Google Chrome has been verified.
Update to the latest version, as required.
The browser window zoom factor should be set to
100%. 1920×1080 or higher recommended

Operation Authority

Operation authority can be assigned to each user when configuring IP Live System Manager user

information. The table below shows the functions available according to the user authority.

Yes: Available

­: Not available Function
[Dashboard] [Monitoring] >

Available functions Administrator
Yes Yes

Manager Yes Yes

Operator Yes Yes



Function [Monitoring] >

Available functions Administrator

[Streaming Flow] [Monitoring] > [Settings]


[System Controller] >


[Routing] [System Controller] >


[Settings] [AV Router] > [Routing]


[AV Router] > [Settings]


[Maintenance] > [Status]


[Maintenance] >



Manager Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes

Basic Screen Structure

Operator Yes
­ Yes
­ ­ Yes ­

Global menu
Always displayed on each screen. Used to select screens, check system status and notifications, log out, and other operations.

(1) Service select button
Displays the name of the currently displayed service. Click this button to display a menu with a list of services used for selecting the screen to display according to the desired operation.
· [Dashboard] screen · [Monitoring] screen · [System Controller] screen · [AV Router] screen · [Maintenance] screen
(2) Menu
Displays the menus available for operations on each screen.
(3) System status indicator area
If any error occurs in the system, this area is displayed red. If a warning occurs, the area is displayed yellow. In both cases, a message relating to the error or warning is displayed.

(4) Notification icon
Displays the number of pending notifications sent from the system. Clicking the icon displays a list of the notifications in a pop-up, and selecting a notification switches the display to the corresponding application screen (switching to an application screen is not possible if there are no notifications).
(5) Help icon
Click to display a menu used to select this Help and to display the system version information.
(6) User icon
Click to display a menu used for checking the names of the currently logged-in users. Also used to configure user preferences and to log out of the system.
[Dashboard] screen
This screen is used to check the status of IP Live System Manager, status of network switches managed by IP Live System Manager, and status of devices managed by IP Live System Manager. This screen is always displayed after startup in the initial system state.
System Status
Displays the operating status of the system.
Device Status
Displays the status of the network switches and devices registered in the system. You can also group network switches and devices by creating a named group. For details, see “Dashboard Settings.”





Status icon

Indicates the presence or

absence of errors or warnings

occurring for network switches

and devices using the following

colors of the notifications.

Green: Normal state with no

warnings or errors

Yellow: A warning has been


Red: An error occurred

Gray: Device disconnected state


Number of warnings/errors

Displays the numbers of errors

and warnings occurring for

network switches and devices.


Number of connected/registered Displays the number of switches


or devices that are currently

connected in the system and the

number registered in the system.

You can filter the results to display only the network switches and devices on which an error or warning has been issued.
All Devices: Displays all the network switches and devices. Warning & Error Devices: Displays the network switches and devices for which a warning or error has been issued. Error Devices: Displays the network switches and devices for which an error has been issued.
Show Model Group
You can switch the display to show/hide the default device group displayed in [Device Status].
Device Information
Displays information for the network switch or device selected in [Device Status].


Displays task information for the past 30 days returned in a notification from the system about the network switch or device selected in [Device Status].
[System Controller] screen
This screen is used to configure and manage the crosspoint matrix and control panel setup, and workgroup settings defined for each selected use case. This screen is also used to register/manage AV interface groups and to register/manage external routing systems.
[AV Router] screen
This screen is used to manage IP Live devices and hardware managed directly by IP Live System Manager. It is also used to display the crosspoint matrix of all interfaces and to control AV routing. On the crosspoint matrix screen, you can display configuration information for the selected source/destination interface group and the configuration edit screen of the parent device. On the following tabs of the [AV Router] screen, you can display the connection status of the source/ destination interfaces ([Streaming Flow] screen) of the selected device and the connection status ([Network Topology Monitoring] screen) of the selected device.
· [Device] tab · [I/O] tab · [Network] tab · [Dante I/O] tab

[Monitoring] screen
This screen is used to construct and monitor network topology information.
[Maintenance] screen
This screen is used to perform system maintenance. It displays various notifications from the system, and is used to install licenses, perform system backup/restore operations, configure the system name, add users to the system, configure SNMP traps, configure Syslog, output system logs, configure Dante interfaces, and configure NMOS settings.

Logging In/Out

Logging in
Log in to IP Live System Manager. 1. Launch a browser, enter the URL of IP Live System Manager in the address field, and press the Enter key. The login screen appears. 2. Enter a user ID in [User ID]. 3. Enter the password in [Password]. 4. Click the [LOGIN] button. The [Dashboard] screen of IP Live System Manager appears by default.
· Place a check mark in the [Remember the credentials to skip the login.] checkbox to automatically log in when you enter the URL of IP Live System Manager in the same browser subsequently.
· After 10 consecutive unsuccessful attempts to log in using the same user ID, logging in using the same user ID is temporarily disabled for 1 minute. Wait 1 minute or restart IP Live System Manager in the locked state to reset the lock.

Logging out


in the global menu, and click [Logout] in the displayed menu.


Configuration Method

This section describes the procedures for setting up IP Live System Manager for operation. · Configuration/Operation Overall Flow Overview · Dashboard Settings · Configuring Router Operation · Configuring Network Topology Monitoring · Configuring External Routing System Integration · Configuring NS- BUS Device Integration · Configuring Camera Integration · Configuring Audio Follow Video (AFV) · Configuring Ember+ Controller Integration · Building Redundancy Structures · Recovering from Redundancy Errors · IP Live Production System Structure · Control Protocols Supported by IP Live System Manager · Disabling Unnecessary Network GenLock Modules · About the NMOS Function · About the Source/Destination Control Function of NMOS-compatible Devices
Configuration/Operation Overall Flow Overview
1. System configuration · Configuring the server to match the usage environment (Administrator) Installing an end user license in global menu > [Maintenance] screen > [Settings] > [License] > [License List] screen Installing a device setup plug-in for a new NDCP device in global menu > [AV Router] screen > [Settings] > [Device Plug-in] > [Device Plug-in List] screen Creating Administrator, Manager, and Operator users in global menu > [Maintenance] screen > [Settings] > [User] > [User List] screen Registering a Syslog server in global menu > [Maintenance] screen > [Settings] > [Syslog] > [Syslog] screen Configuring SNMP trap settings in global menu > [Maintenance] screen > [Settings] > [SNMP] > [SNMP Trap] screen Configuring Dante network interface settings in global menu > [Maintenance] screen > [Settings] > [Dante] > [Dante Interfaces in IP Live System Manager] screen Configuring NMOS settings

in global menu > [Maintenance] screen > [Settings] > [NMOS] > [NMOS Configuration] screen · Configuring network switch information (Administrator/Manager)
Importing network switch information for use by the system (Manager or higher) in global menu > [Monitoring] screen > [Settings] > [Network Switch] > [Network Switch List] screen Creating a network topology layout (Manager or higher)
in global menu > [Monitoring] screen > [Settings] > [Layout] > [Topology Layout] screen
2. Routing operation configuration (Manager or higher) · Enabling a new NDCP device for use
in global menu > [AV Router] screen > [Settings] > [Device] > [Device] screen

[Authorize] · Changing NDCP device settings
in global menu > [AV Router] screen > [Settings] > [Device] > [Device] screen

[Edit Device] screen Creating a device settings snapshot allows you to change the settings of all devices at the same time. · Configuring syncing using one of the following methods Registering sync groups (Network GenLock Group settings)
in global menu > [AV Router] screen > [Settings] > [Network GenLock Group] > [Network GenLock Group List] screen Registering sync groups (`Ext. Ref in’ Group settings)
in global menu > [AV Router] screen > [Settings] > [Ext. Ref in Group] > [Ext. Ref in Group List] screen · Managing routing settings information as a workgroup
in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Settings] > [Workgroup Settings] > [Workgroup List] screen · Creating a crosspoint matrix Grouping source/destination interfaces
in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Settings] > [AV Interface Group] > [AV Interface Group List] screen Assigning a source/destination interface group to a workgroup
in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Settings] > [Workgroup Settings] > [AV Interface Group Assignment] > [AV Interface Group Assignment] screen Showing/hiding source/destination interfaces and changing the display order

in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Settings] > [Workgroup Settings] > [Matrix Profile] > [Matrix Profile] screen Configuring tally settings
in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Settings] > [Tally Settings] > [Tally Settings] screen Configuring AFV settings
in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Settings] > [Ember+ Device] > [Ember+ Device List] screen
in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Settings] > [Tally Settings] > [Ember+ Settings] > [Ember+ Settings] screen · Configuring NS-BUS device integration
in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Settings] > [NS- BUS Device] > [NS-BUS Device List] screen · Configuring camera integration
in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Settings] > [Ember+ Device] > [Ember+ Device List] screen
in global menu [System Controller] screen > [Settings] > [Camera Linkage Settings] > [Camera Linkage Settings] screen · Configuring Ember+ controller integration
in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Settings] > [Ember+ Device] > [Ember+ Device List] screen · Creating a control panel
in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Settings] > [Workgroup Settings] > [Control Panel Profile] > [Control Panel Profile] screen

3. Routing operations · Switching video on the [Routing] screen Crosspoint matrix
in global menu > [AV Router] screen > [Routing] > [Routing] screen (Manager or higher)

in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Routing] > [Routing] screen > Matrix View) Control panel
in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Routing] > [Routing] screen > Panel View) · Monitoring device status (Manager or higher)

(Xpt (Control

Monitoring device and source/destination interface status in global menu > [AV Router] screen > [Settings] > [Device] > [Device] screen
Network status NDCP interface status Genlock module status
4. Maintenance and system monitoring · Monitoring system on the [Dashboard] screen in global menu > [Dashboard] screen · Checking notifications issued by the system on the [Notification] screen in global menu > [Maintenance] screen

[Status] > [Notification] > [Notification List] screen · Monitoring the network topology on the [Network Topology Monitoring] screen Checking device connection state in global menu > [Monitoring] screen > [Topology] > [Network Topology Monitoring] screen Creating a network topology layout in global menu [Monitoring] screen > [Settings] > [Layout] > [Topology Layout] screen · Monitoring system status in global menu > [Maintenance] screen > [Status] > [System] > [System Status] screen You can also check the system status on the [Dashboard] screen. · Configuring syncing (Manager or higher) Syncing using Network GenLock: in global menu > [AV Router] screen > [Settings] > [Network GenLock Group] screen Syncing using external sync signal: in global menu > [AV Router] screen > [Settings] > [Ext. Ref in Group] screen · Backing up and restoring the operating environment (Administrator) IP Live System Manager in non-redundancy structure: in global menu > [Maintenance] screen > [Settings] > [Backup/Restore] > [Maintenance] screen IP Live System Manager in redundancy structure: in global menu > [Maintenance] screen > [Settings] > [Redundancy] > [Redundant System] screen · Checking the IP Live System Manager version (Operator or higher) in global menu > [About IP Live System Manager] > [About IP Live System Manager] screen

Dashboard Settings

You can create a named group using [Device Status] on the [Dashboard] screen, and then register network switches and devices in the created group. When registered on the [Dashboard] screen, you can select a device to change device settings and display the corresponding [Streaming Flow] screen or [Network Topology Monitoring] screen.
Creating a group
Use the following procedure to create a group. 1. Click the button. The [Create Device Group] dialog appears. 2. Enter a group name in [Name].
Tips To monitor the status of a device assigned to a group, place a check mark in [Watch Status].
When checked and a status notification is received from a device assigned to a group, the received status can be displayed in the system status indicator area of the global menu. When cleared, the status is not displayed in the system status indicator area. Up to four groups can have [Watch Status] enabled. 3. Click the [Browse] button. The [Select File] dialog appears.

4. Select a save destination folder from the folder hierarchy on the left side.
Tip Clicking the button adds a new folder below the selected folder. 5. Click the [Upload New File] button. The [Upload] dialog appears. 6. Click the [Browse] button, and select image data. 7. Click the [OK] button. A completion message appears when the upload finishes. 8. Click the [OK] button. The uploaded image data is displayed in the display on the right. 9. Select the image data to display as the background of the group button, and click the [Select] button. The [Select File] dialog closes. The selected image is displayed in the background of the group button. 10.Click the [Save] button. The group is registered, and is displayed in [Device Status].
Registering a device
You can register network switches and devices in a created group. 1. Select a created group, and click the [Assign Devices] button. The [Assign Device to Device Group] dialog appears. 15

2. Select the network switch or device to register in the group in [Unassigned List], and click the button.

The selected network switch or device moves to [Assigned List], and is registered in the group.
Tips You can select and register multiple network switches or devices. To remove a registered network switch or device from a group, select the network switch or
device to remove in [Assigned List], and click the button. In a redundancy structure, you can register the IP Live System Manager of another system. 3. After registering the network switch or device, click the [Close] button to close the dialog.
Changing group settings

Select the group to rename or to edit the image or description, and click the
Deleting a group


Select the group to delete, and click the button.

Changing device settings
Select a device in [Device Status], and click the

button in [Device Information].

Displaying the connection status of source/destination interfaces of devices
1. In [Device Status], select a device.


2. Click the (Go To Streaming Flow) button in [Device Information]. The [Streaming Flow] screen appears, displaying the connection status of source/destination interfaces of the selected device (see “Displaying the connection status of source/destination interfaces”).
Displaying the connection state of devices
1. In [Device Status], select a device. 2. Click the (Go To Topology) button in [Device Information].
The [Network Topology Monitoring] screen appears, displaying the connection status of the selected device (see “Checking Device Connection State”).
Showing/hiding device groups
You can switch the display to show/hide the default device group displayed in [Device Status]. 1. Place a check mark in [Show Model Group]. The default device group is shown. 2. Clear the check mark from the [Show Model Group] checkbox. The default device group is hidden.
Configuring Router Operation
Register devices in IP Live System Manager and configure the required settings for routing operation. Connect an NDCP device to the predetermined network switch port. When the device is detected, configure the required settings for operation. The following procedure assumes that the device setup plug-in to use has already been installed using the [Plug-in List] screen by a Manager or higher user.
1. Start IP Live System Manager and log in as an Administrator or Manager user. 2. Connect the device to the predetermined port of the network switch.
The device is added, and a notification is displayed on the notification icon in the global menu informing you that the device must be authorized. 3. Click the notification icon in the global menu to display the pop-up, and click the notification relating to the connected device. 4. On the [Device] screen, select the connected device and authorize the device. 5. Create a sync group using one of the following methods. On the [Network GenLock Group List] screen, create a Network GenLock group. On the [Ext. Ref in Group List] screen, create an `Ext. Ref in’ group. 6. On the [AV Interface Group List] screen, create an AV interface group. 7. On the [System Controller] screen, configure the workgroup settings and perform the following operations, as required. On the [Workgroup Settings] screen, create the workgroup. On the [Matrix Profile] screen, create a crosspoint matrix profile. On the [Control Panel Profile] screen, create a control panel profile.

8. On the [Workgroup List] screen, select the workgroup in which the device is assigned.
Configuring Network Topology Monitoring
Register network switch information in IP Live System Manager and configure the required settings for network topology monitoring.
1. Start IP Live System Manager and log in as a user with Manager or higher role. 2. On the [Network Switch List] screen, import the network_topology.json file prepared when
designing/changing the system or network. Alternatively, register a network switch manually. 3. On the [Network Switch List] screen, configure the SNMP settings of each network switch. 4. Connect the device to the predetermined port of the network switch. 5. On the [Topology Layout] screen, change the layout of each device.
Configuring External Routing System Integration
Configure the required settings for system integration with an external routing system. This topic describes the registration procedure for an S-BUS system.
Note For system integration with an S-BUS system, only crosspoint switching of interface groups for devices managed by IP Live System Manager is supported from the S-BUS system.
1. Start IP Live System Manager and log in as a user with Manager or higher role. 2. On the [AV Interface Group List] screen, create an AV interface group. 3. Configure the external routing system or gateway.
See “Configuring an S-BUS Gateway.” 4. Create the data for linking IP Live System Manager and the external routing system crosspoint
matrix. See “Creating External Routing System Setting Data.” 5. On the [External Routing System List] screen, register the S-BUS system data and import the external routing system data.
Configuring NS-BUS Device Integration
Configure the required settings for system integration with an existing external routing system. This topic describes the registration procedure for an NS-BUS device.
Note If a System Controller License (PWSL-NM20) is not installed, IP Live System Manager supports integration with up to three NS-BUS devices supporting the NS-BUS External Control protocol. To use four or more devices that support the NS-BUS External Control protocol, installation of the System Controller License (PWSL-NM20) is required. Also, for devices that support the NS-BUS External Control protocol, setup information for connecting to IP Live System Manager must be configured on the NS-BUS device in order to connect from the NS-BUS device to IP Live System Manager. For devices that support the NS-BUS

Routing/Matrix protocol only, setup information for connecting to a device must be configured in IP Live System Manager to connect from IP Live System Manager.
1. Connect an NS-BUS device and IP Live System Manager. For devices that support the NS-BUS External Control protocol: Connect from an NS-BUS device to IP Live System Manager. If the NS-BUS device uses TCP, connect to port 9710. If it uses TLS, connect to port 9711. For devices that support the NS-BUS Routing/Matrix protocol only: Connect from IP Live System Manager to an NS-BUS device.


to switch to the [System Controller] screen, and click the button on the [NS- BUS

Device] screen from the [Settings] menu to configure information for the NS- BUS device to connect.

2. Click

in the global menu and switch to the [System Controller] screen, and click [NS-BUS

Device] in the [Settings] menu to display the [NS-BUS Device List] screen.

3. Check that the NS-BUS device is displayed on the [NS-BUS Device List] screen.

4. Select an NS-BUS device from [NS-BUS Device List], and click the [Authorize] button.

Tip To monitor the status of an NS-BUS device, you can view the device by configuring the monitoring settings when creating a group on the [Dashboard] screen (see “Creating a group”).

Configuring Camera Integration

Configure Ember+ devices and configure the linkages with cameras.

1. Click

in the global menu and switch to the [System Controller] screen, and click [Ember+

Device] in the [Settings] menu to display the [Ember+ Device List] screen.

2. Set the Ember+ device information.

See “Creating Ember+ Device Registration Data.”

3. Click

in the global menu and switch to the [System Controller] screen, and click [Camera

Linkage Settings] in the [Settings] menu to display the [Camera Linkage Settings] screen.

4. Set the camera linkage information.

See “Creating Camera Integration Configuration Data.”

Configuring Audio Follow Video (AFV)

Configure Ember+ devices and configure Audio Follow Video (AFV) settings.

1. Click

in the global menu and switch to the [System Controller] screen, and click [Ember+

Device] in the [Settings] menu to display the [Ember+ Device List] screen.

2. Set the Ember+ device information.

See “Creating Ember+ Device Registration Data.”


3. Click

in the global menu and switch to the [System Controller] screen, click [Tally Settings] in

the [Settings] menu, and click [Ember+ Settings] to display the [Ember+ Settings] screen.

4. Configure Audio Follow Video (AFV) settings.

See “Creating Audio Follow Video (AFV) Configuration Data.”

Configuring Ember+ Controller Integration

Configure the required settings for system integration with an existing external routing system. This topic describes the registration procedure for an Ember+ device.
1. Connect an Ember+ device and IP Live System Manager.

2. Click

in the global menu and switch to the [System Controller] screen, and click [Ember+

Device] in the [Settings] menu to display the [Ember+ Device List] screen.

3. Check that the Ember+ device is displayed on the [Ember+ Device List] screen.

4. Select an Ember+ device from [Ember+ Device List], and click the [Authorize] button.

Configuring the Ember+ Provider Gateway Service
Integration with external routing systems which support the Ember+ protocol can be used by configuring the Ember+ Provider Gateway Service.
1. Install the Gateway License for Ember+ (PWSL-NM16). 2. Open the Services window in Windows.


3. Right-click [Ember+ Provider Gateway Service], and then click [Properties] in the displayed menu. The Ember+ Provider Gateway Service Properties dialog appears.
4. Select [Automatic] for [Startup type], and click [Apply]. 5. Click [Start] to start the service, and click [OK] to close the properties dialog. 6. Start IP Live System Manager, and click [System Controller] > [Settings] > [Ember+ Device] in
sequence to display the [Ember+ Device List] screen. 7. Check that “Consumer Devices” is displayed on the screen.
8. Select “Consumer Devices”, and click the [Authorize] button. Tip
For details about [Authorize] and [Deauthorize] in [Ember+ Device List], see “Authorizing an Ember+ device.” 9. To connect an external routing system, set the IP address and TCP port number (9092) of IP Live System Manager on an external routing system that supports the Ember+ protocol, and connect to the Ember+ Gateway.
Building Redundancy Structures
Configure the required settings for system operation in redundancy structures. The master IP Live System Manager is referred to as the “Primary,” and the backup IP Live System Manager is referred to as the “Secondary.” For details about configuring a redundancy system, contact your Sony service representative.
1. Configure the prerequisite settings for redundancy on the Primary and Secondary IP Live System Manager units. 21

2. Start IP Live System Manager and log in as an Administrator user. 3. Check that the status is normal on the [Maintenance] screen > [Settings] > [Redundancy] tab of the
Primary and Secondary IP Live System Manager units.
Recovering from Redundancy Errors
A redundancy error is when a data mismatch state occurs between the Primary and Secondary during operation in a redundancy structure. If this occurs, use the following recovery procedure.
1. Start IP Live System Manager on both the Primary and Secondary, and log in as an Administrator user.
2. Perform the following checks and procedures on the [System] screen > [Redundancy] tab of the Primary and Secondary IP Live System Manager units. i. Check if the [Redundant] status displays “Error.” ii. In IP Live System Manager on both the Primary and Secondary, click the [Maintenance Mode] button to set to maintenance mode. iii. On the IP Live System Manager unit you want to recover, click the [Sync From Remote] button. iv. In IP Live System Manager on both the Primary and Secondary, click the [Redundant Mode] button to set to redundancy mode.
IP Live Production System Structure
The following diagram shows a typical structure for an IP Live Production System. It shows the flow of data within a basic structure.
IP Live System Manager

NDCP Device
Host CPU
I/O connectors
Network GenLock Module (Leader)

Control signal AV signal Sync signal

Network Switch

NDCP Device
Host CPU
I/O connectors Network GenLock Module (Follower)
NDCP Device
Host CPU
I/O connectors Network GenLock Module (Follower)


Tips · The LAN connectors of IP Live System Manager and network switch are connected using Ethernet
cables. Likewise, the LAN connectors of the NDCP devices and network switch are connected using LAN cables. · The basic settings required for the system structure above are configured on the following screens. Also refer to Configuration/Operation Overall Flow Overview. Video signal settings:
in global menu > [AV Router] screen > [Settings] > [Device] > [I/O] tab Sync signal settings:
in global menu > [AV Router] > [Settings] > [Network GenLock Group] > [Network GenLock Group List] screen
in global menu > [AV Router] > [Settings] > [Ext. Ref in Group] > [Ext. Ref in Group List] screen

Control Protocols Supported by IP Live System Manager

The following diagram shows devices connected to IP Live System Manager and the related control protocols. The arrows indicate the connections, with the tip of an arrow indicating the server and the base of an arrow indicating the client.

External Routing System Controller

S-BUS Primary Station

Ember+ Controller

TSL Device

External Routing

ROT16 [8004/TCP]

Ember+ [9092/TCP]


NS-BUS Device*

Discovery [9780/TCP, 9781/TLS]

NS-BUS External Control [9710/TCP, 9711/TLS]

NS-BUS Router/Matrix [9720/TCP, 9721/TLS]

S-BUS Gateway

Ember+ Gateway

External Routing [11700/TCP]

NS-BUS External Control

NS-BUS Configuration
[9730/TCP, 9731/TLS]

RDD38, NDCP [9004/TLS] NDCP Devices Stream : NDCP, ST2110

IP Live System Manager

Dante Devices Stream : IP Audio

IS-04 Query [18870/HTTP] NMOS RDS

Manifest SDP [HTTP]

IS-04 Registration [HTTP]

IS-04 Query [HTTP]

NMOS Registration & Discovery

Manifest SDP [18080/HTTP]

IS-04 Query [18870/HTTP]



Registration System Parameters

[18872/HTTP] [18878/HTTP]


NMOS Node (3rd Vendor System

NMOS Node (Device)

SAP [9875/UDP]

SAP Audio Devices Stream : AES67, ST2110-30

IS-05 [HTTP]


Ember+ Devices (MSU, RCP, Audio Console)

  • The supported protocols vary depending on the device.


Item NDCP Device
Dante Device
External Routing System Controller S-Bus Primary Station

Description Device controlled by NDCP (Networked Device Control Protocol) defined in SMPTE RDD38. These are devices that support NMI and devices that support ST2110 for video and audio signals. NDCP Device setting:
in global menu > [AV Router] screen > [Settings] > [Device] Tip You can also display the settings screen of a device from the following screens.
· Dashboard · Routing · Streaming Flow · Network Topology Monitoring IP audio device controlled using the Dante protocol. Dante Device setting:
in global menu > [Maintenance] screen > [Settings] > [Dante] in global menu > [AV Router] screen > [Settings] > [Device] Tip You can also display the settings screen of a device from the following screens.
· Dashboard · Routing · Streaming Flow · Network Topology Monitoring System controller that supports the External Routing protocol. This enables routing operation from a system controller. External Routing setting:
in global menu > [System Controller] screen > [Settings] > [External Routing System] S-Bus primary station that supports the ROT16 protocol. This enables routing operation from a primary station. See “Configuring an S-BUS Gateway.”

Item Ember+ Controller NS-BUS Device
TSL Device NMOS node NMOS RDS SAP Device
Ember+ Devices

Description Ember+ system controller that supports the Ember+ protocol. This enables routing operation from an Ember+ system controller. See “Configuring Ember+ Controller Integration.” Device supporting the NS-BUS External Control, NS-BUS Router/Matrix, or NS-BUS Configuration protocol. The supported protocols vary depending on the device. NS-BUS External Control: For an NS-BUS device supporting this protocol, the matrix information managed by the System Controller layer in IP Live System Manager, and name information of the AV interface groups making up that matrix information can be acquired. IP Live System Manager crosspoints can be switched based on the acquired information. NS-BUS Router/Matrix: For an NS-BUS device supporting this protocol, crosspoint switching can be controlled from IP Live System Manager by supplying IP Live System Manager with the matrix information managed by the NS-BUS device. NS-BUS Configuration: Protocol for configuring an NS-BUS device. Devices that support the TSL UMD v5 protocol. Stream transmitting/receiving devices that support NMOS. Service for collectively managing information of NMOS devices connected to the system. A device that supports device registration using the Session Announcement Protocol (SAP). It is registered in IP Live System Manager as a SAP device, and displays “SAP” under [Control Protocol].
Note When creating a flow on a device, use the ASCII character code for the flow name in SAP. Devices controlled using the Ember+ protocol. See “Creating Ember+ Device Registration Data.”

Disabling Unnecessary Network GenLock Modules
You can disable unnecessary Network GenLock settings. For example, after deleting a Network GenLock group, the Network GenLock settings of the leader device may still be enabled. Use this procedure to disable the Network GenLock settings of the Unmanaged leader device.
1. Start IP Live System Manager and log in as an Administrator user. 2. Switch to the [Network GenLock Group List] screen. 3. Click , and click [Disable GenLock Modules] in the displayed menu.
The [Unmanaged GenLock Module List] screen appears. 4. Select the genlock module that you want to disable, and click the [Disable GenLock Modules] button. A confirmation message appears.
Note The [Disable GenLock Modules] button is enabled only when a connected genlock module is selected. 5. Click the [Yes] button. The selected genlock module is disabled, and deleted from the list.
About the NMOS Function
IP Live System Manager supports the NMOS proxy function. I/O devices managed under IP Live System Manager can be registered in NMOS Registration & Discovery System (RDS) as NMOS devices instead of regular devices by IP Live System Manager. Browsing RDS registration information allows you to acquire information, such as the multicast address of third-party stream transmitting devices (see “Configuring NMOS”).
About the Source/Destination Control Function of NMOS-compatible Devices
IP Live System Manager supports the source/destination control function of NMOS devices. IP routing control is supported with third-party NMOS devices incorporated into the system (see “Configuring NMOS”).

Routing Operations

This section describes the routing operations for connecting source and destination signal interfaces of registered devices.
· Routing by Specifying Crosspoints · Routing using Control Panels
Routing by Specifying Crosspoints

On the [System Controller] screen, click the

(Xpt Matrix View) button to display each group of

source interfaces (top) and destination interfaces (right) of the registered devices in matrix format. This

enables you to switch the connections of the interface groups, comprised of similar interfaces, while

viewing the connections visually.





Link to Workgroup screen

Click the link to move to the

corresponding workgroup screen.

Only Manager users or higher

can move.


Routing screen select button

Switches the display of the

[Routing] screen.


Level filter

Filters the source interface and

destination interface groups to

be displayed by level hierarchy.






Source interface group list

Displays the registered source

interface groups. Interface group

names are displayed in tool tips.

Tally lamps are also displayed

for destination interface groups

that display tally lamps and

for connected source interface

groups (see “Creating a Tally

Master and Tally Group”).


Lock switch

Locks the crosspoint selection

panel to prevent changes to

routing connections. When

locked, an orange border is

displayed around the crosspoint

selection panel.






[Inhibit] button

Clicking the [Inhibit] button,

turning it on ( ), sets the crosspoint to connection inhibited state. When the crosspoint is clicked,

is displayed on the selected crosspoint, and the crosspoint is set to connection inhibited state. Clicking the crosspoint again

removes the indicator and clears the connection inhibited state. Also, selecting a source (destination) interface group sets all the crosspoints included in the selected source (destination) interface group to connection inhibited state. Selecting the source (destination) interface group again clears the connection inhibited state from all the crosspoints included in the selected source (destination) interface group.

To enable the connection inhibit function for routing from an external routing system, see “Prohibiting Level Switching from an External Routing System” in the appendix.






[Protection] button

Sets the destination interface

group to Protect or Occupy state.

Each time the [Protection]

button is clicked, the settings

state switches between Protect

Occupy Protect/Occupy

release in sequence.

Clicking the [Protection] button

displays on the destination interface groups to indicate ready for selection. Each time a destination interface group is clicked, the state alternates between Protect/Occupy release in sequence. When Occupy is selected, switching of crosspoints for the specified destination interface group by other than the configured user is inhibited. When Protect is selected, switching of crosspoints for the specified destination interface group by any user is inhibited. This setting can be canceled by the configured user and Manager users or higher.






· If the user name of the NS-

BUS device and the user

name of IP Live System

Manager are the same, you

can set/release the Protect

state as the same user. To

enable this setting, see

“Enabling Protect State Set/

Release Function Sharing

when the NS-BUS Device

User and IP Live System

Manager User are the Same


· If the user names are

the same, the crosspoint

switching “Occupy” status

can be shared between

different NS-BUS devices.

· To enable the connection

inhibit function for routing

from an external routing

system, see “Prohibiting

Level Switching from an

External Routing System” in

the appendix.


[All Select] button

Enabled when the destination

interface group is in Protect or

Occupy state.

Clicking the [All Select] button

sets or releases the Protect/

Occupy state of all destination



Alias filter

Filters the source interface and

destination interface groups to

display by alias.


[Zoom] slider

Zooms the crosspoint selection

panel in/out.


Refresh button

Refreshes the display with the

latest information.






Properties button

Displays the [Profile] dialog for

changing the routing operation

mode and interface display.


Screen navigator

Displays the information in the

part of the window, indicated

by the orange frame, in the

crosspoint selection panel. You

can change the display position

by dragging the orange frame.

You can also click outside the

orange frame to display the

information in that part of

the screen. If the size of the

crosspoint matrix exceeds

128×128, the range of displayed

interface groups is displayed as

an index.


Preview pane

Click the button to open the

Preview pane to display level

configuration information for

the selected source/destination

interface group. If the selected

source/destination interface

group is registered in a tally

group, the tally color information

is displayed (see “Configuring a

Tally Display Device”). Clicking

the button closes the Preview pane.






· Clicking the (Go To Streaming Flow) button displays the [Streaming Flow] screen, displaying the connection status of the selected source/destination interface group (see “Monitoring the Connection Status of Source/Destination Interfaces”).
· Selecting devices in [Source List] and [Destination List]

and clicking the (Go to device settings page) button allows you to display the menu for the selected devices in a separate tab. The button is enabled when a device has a menu. · Selecting devices in [Source List] and [Destination List] and clicking the (Go To Topology) button displays the [Network Topology Monitoring] screen displaying the connection status of the selected devices (see “Checking Device Connection State”). · Selecting devices in [Source List] and [Destination List] and clicking the button displays the [Edit Device] dialog allowing you to check or edit detailed parameters of each device (see “Checking and editing parameters of a device”).






Destination interface group list Displays the registered

destination interface groups.

Interface group names are

displayed in tool tips.

Tally lamps are also displayed

for destination interface groups

with configured tally information

(see “Enabling Tally from IP Live

System Manager”).


Xpt Matrix Snapshot List

You can create snapshots of the

crosspoint matrix. See “Creating a

Crosspoint Matrix Snapshot.”


Crosspoint selection panel

Clicking the intersection between

a source interface group and

destination interface group

selects the corresponding


All the crosspoints in each group

are set, and the source interface

group and destination interface

group are connected (blue).

Crosspoint is in switchable state (gray).

Crosspoint is in unswitchable state due to a format mismatch or disconnected device (black).





Crosspoint is in Take mode state.

This indicates that a crosspoint

will be connected when Take

mode is invoked.

Some crosspoints within the group are in connected state.

If a crosspoint is in switching state, is displayed as shown below when the interface is disconnected. When the device is connected and becomes switchable, the crosspoint changes to connected state.

is displayed on the video stream monitoring crosspoint. See “Monitoring received video streams in another destination interface group.”


Error display area

Displays errors during crosspoint

operations. If an error occurs

on a device during crosspoint

operations, an error message is

displayed for the device.






[Take] button

Enabled in Take mode only.

Switches Take mode state

crosspoints to connected/

unconnected state. This allows

you to switch multiple items to

connected/unconnected state at

the same time.


[Release] button

Enabled in Take mode only.

Clears Take mode state.

Tip Take mode allows you to connect multiple selected crosspoints at the same time.

Switching crosspoints
Select the intersection point between a source interface group and destination interface group. Horizontal and vertical guides appears. Click the intersection to connect the selected source interface group and destination interface group (if connection is supported).

Changing the routing operation mode and interface display
You can change the routing operation mode and interface display using the [Profile] dialog.


Item Take Mode
Switch Mode

Description Enables/disables Take mode. When enabled, the selected crosspoints are set to Take mode state. Clicking the [Take] button sets the Take mode state crosspoints to either connected state or unconnected state. When disabled, the selected crosspoints are in either connected state or unconnected state. Sets the mode used for switching crosspoints. In Command mode, they are always connected, and connected state cannot be released. In Toggle mode, the crosspoint switches between connected state and unconnected state each time the crosspoint is clicked.


Item Interface Name Display
Zoom Profile Name Stream Control

Description Selects the display format of the interface names. This sets which characters are displayed when the name of the interface group is too long to display on the screen. When [Left & Right End] is selected, the starting characters and trailing characters of the interface group name are displayed. When [Left End] is selected, only the starting characters of the group name are displayed. Displays the zoom factor. Selects the profile of the crosspoint matrix. You can stop and start streams. Specify target streams (source or destination, or both), then click the [Start Stream] button to start the streams at the same time. Conversely, click the [Stop Stream] button to stop the streams at the same time. The stream operations are enabled only for NDCP devices and NMOS devices. Stream operations are not supported for IP Audio devices. Stream operations cannot be executed by a user with Operator authority.

When finished, click the [Save] button to save the settings.

Interface group state display

The display of the source interface group and destination interface group changes according to the

connection state. Source interface group Destination interface




All sending/receiving All interfaces within the

interface groups are

sending or receiving.


Source interface group Destination interface group

Partially sending/ receiving

Only some of the interfaces within the interface group are sending or receiving.

Not sending/receiving

None of the interfaces within the interface group are sending or receiving.

No device

No device is connected.

Error/warning display
If an error or warning occurs for a source or destination interface, or a GenLock sync problem occurs in a source or destination interface group, the corresponding source or destination interface group is displayed in a different color. Errors are displayed in red, and warnings in yellow. Move the mouse cursor to the interface group to display the error/warning message in a pop-up.
Routing using Control Panels

On the [System Controller] screen, click the

(Control Panel View) button to display control panels

with buttons for registered crosspoints, source interface groups, and destination interface groups. You

can preconfigure control panels for each group and then perform routing operations using the web user

interface of each control panel.






Link to Workgroup screen

Click the link to move to the

corresponding workgroup screen.

Only Manager users or higher

can move.


Screen select button

Switches the display of the

[System Controller] screen.


Profile selection

Selects the profile of the control

panel. You can customize the

buttons displayed in the custom

button area for each workgroup

using control panel profile



Lock switch

Locks the custom button area

to prevent changes to routing

connections. When locked,

an orange border is displayed

around the custom button area.






[Protection] button

Sets the destination interface

group button to Protect or

Occupy state.

Each time the [Protection]

button is clicked, the settings

state switches between Protect

Occupy Protect/Occupy

release in sequence.

Clicking the [Protection] button

displays on the destination interface group buttons to indicate ready for selection. Each time a destination interface group button is clicked, the state alternates between Protect/ Occupy release in sequence. When Occupy is selected, switching of crosspoints for the specified destination interface group button by other than the configured user is inhibited. When Protect is selected, switching of crosspoints for the specified destination interface group button by any user is inhibited. This setting can be canceled by the configured user and Manager users or higher.

If the user name of the NS-BUS device and the user name of IP Live System Manager are the same, you can set/release the Protect state as the same user. To enable this setting, see “Enabling Protect State Set/Release Function Sharing when the NS-BUS Device User and IP Live System Manager User are the Same User.”






[All Select] button

Enabled when the destination

interface group button is in

Protect or Occupy state.

Clicking the [All Select] button

sets or releases the Protect/

Occupy state of all destination



[Zoom] slider

Zooms the custom button area



Refresh button

Refreshes the display with the

latest information.


Properties button

Displays the [Profile] dialog for

changing the routing operation

mode and interface display.


Custom button area

Displays the registered groups

of crosspoints, source interfaces,

and destination interfaces as

buttons. The following button

types are displayed.

Crosspoint group button

Displays a list of the crosspoint

groups registered in the

crosspoint button. is displayed

on the video stream monitoring

crosspoint. See “Monitoring

received video streams in

another destination interface






Destination interface group


Displays the names of the

source interface groups that are

currently being received.

Source interface group button Displays a list of the names of destination interface groups that are currently receiving.
Switching state indicator appears when an interface is
disconnecting. When the device is connected and becomes switchable, the crosspoint changes to connected state.

Tips · The tally color is displayed
on buttons of groups registered in a tally group (see “Configuring a Tally Display Device”). · You can customize the button name and color for each workgroup using control panel profile settings.





Error display area

Displays errors during crosspoint

operations. If an error occurs

on a device during crosspoint

operations, an error message is

displayed for the device.


[Take] button

Enabled in Take mode only.

Switches Take mode state

buttons to connected/

unconnected state. This allows

you to switch multiple items to

connected/unconnected state at

the same time.


[Release] button

Enabled in Take mode only.

Clears Take mode state.

Tip Take mode allows you to connect multiple selected crosspoints at the same time.

Switching the connection state in Destination mode
In Destination mode, you switch connection state by pressing a destination interface group button and source interface group button in that order.
1. Click a destination interface group button.

2. Click a source interface group button to which to connect.
The selected destination interface groups and source interface groups are connected (if connection is supported).

In Take mode, connections enter Take mode state.


Tips · You can change the selection mode using the [Profile] dialog. · Only one source interface group can be selected for each destination interface group.
Switching the connection state in Source mode
In Source mode, you switch connection state by pressing a source interface group button and destination interface group button in that order.
1. Click a source interface group button.
2. Click a destination interface group button to which to connect. The selected destination interface groups and source interface groups are connected.
In Take mode, connections enter Take mode state.
Tips · You can change the selection mode using the [Profile] dialog. · Only one destination interface group can be selected for each source interface group. Also, Take
mode is supported for multiple destination interface groups.

Changing the routing operation mode and interface display
You can change the routing operation mode and interface display using the [Profile] dialog.

Item Take Mode
Switch Mode
Select Mode

Description Enables/disables Take mode. When enabled, the selected buttons in the custom button area are set to Take mode state. Clicking the [Take] button sets the Take mode state buttons to either connected state or unconnected state. When disabled, the selected buttons in the custom button area are in either connected state or unconnected state. Sets the mode used for switching connections. In Command mode, they are always connected, and connected state cannot be released. In Toggle mode, a button switches between connected state and unconnected state each time a button in the custom button area is clicked. Sets the source interface group and destination interface group connection method. In Destination mode, you switch connection state by pressing a destination interface group button and source interface group button in that order. In Source mode, you switch connection state by pressing a source interface group button and destination interface group button in that order.

Item Interface Name Display

Description Selects the display format of the button names. This sets which characters are displayed when the name of the button is too long to display in the button. When [Left & Right End] is selected, the starting characters and trailing characters of the button name are displayed. When [Left End] is selected, only the starting characters of the button name are displayed. Displays the zoom factor.

When finished, click the [Save] button to save the settings.

Crosspoint button state display
The display of the crosspoint buttons changes according to the connection state. All connected: All crosspoints registered in the crosspoint button are in connected state.

Partially connected: Only some of the crosspoints registered in the crosspoint button are in connected state.

All unconnected: All crosspoints registered in the crosspoint button are in unconnected state.

Take mode state: Crosspoints are in Take mode state. Take mode is supported for multiple crosspoints.


Error/warning display
If an error or warning occurs for a source or destination interface, or a format mismatch or GenLock sync problem occurs on a source or destination interface, the corresponding source or destination interface is displayed in a different color. Errors are displayed in red, and warnings in yellow. Move the mouse cursor to the interface to display the error/warning message in a pop- up.
Device disconnected indication
A icon is displayed when a device within a source/destination interface group becomes disconnected from IP Live System Manager.

System Settings

This section describes the configuration of system settings. · Changing the Password · Setting the Startup Page Displayed After Logging In · Registering Users · Registering Sync Groups (Network GenLock Group Settings) · Registering Sync Groups (`Ext. Ref in’ Group Settings) · Checking Device Parameters · Registering an External Routing System · Creating External Routing System Setting Data · Checking NS-BUS Device Settings Information · Creating an NS- BUS Device Settings Snapshot · Creating Ember+ Device Registration Data · Creating Camera Integration Configuration Data · Creating a Tally Master and Tally Group · Enabling Tally from IP Live System Manager · Enabling the Same Tally Lamp as AV Interface Group (Source) in AV Interface Group (Destination) · Copying AV Interface Group (Source) Tally Information · Registering a Tally Display Device · Configuring a Tally Display Device · Creating Audio Follow Video (AFV) Configuration Data · Creating a Tally Settings Snapshot · Configuring Usage Environment Data Presets · Creating a Source/Destination Interface Group Snapshot · Registering Network Switches · Installing Device Setup Plug-ins · Creating a Device Settings Snapshot · Creating a Multicast Settings Snapshot · Configuring Dante Interfaces · Configuring NMOS · Checking Miscellaneous Information · Backing Up/Loading Configuration Data · Configuring Redundancy · Installing a License · Creating a Virtual Interface · Creating a Dante Interface for AES67 Reception · Creating a Source/Destination Interface Group · Applying an Interface Name Received from an NS-BUS Device to a Source/Destination Interface Group · Configuring Alias Names for Source/Destination Interface Groups · Monitoring the Connection Status of Source/Destination Interfaces

· Creating a Workgroup · Changing the Crosspoint Matrix Layout · Creating a Crosspoint Matrix Snapshot · Registering Control Panel Operation Buttons · Assigning Users with Access to Workgroups
Changing the Password

Click the

(User) icon in the global menu, and click [My Settings] in the displayed menu to display

the [My Settings] screen. You can change the login password on the [Account] tab.

Item Old Password New Password Retype Password

Description Enter the current password. Enter the new password. Enter the same password entered in [New
Password]. Saves the settings.

After saving the settings, click the [Close] button to close the [My Settings] screen.


Tip The password must contain eight or more characters, including at least one alphanumeric character, to prevent account information from being easily accessed.
Setting the Startup Page Displayed After Logging In

Click the

(User) icon in the global menu, and click [My Settings] in the displayed menu to display

the [My Settings] screen. You can set the startup page displayed after logging in on the [Page] tab.

Item First Landing Page After Login
System Controller Default Profile Settings
Topology Default Profile Settings

Description Specifies the initial screen to display after logging
in. Specifies the screen to display after moving to the
[System Controller] screen. Specifies the screen to display after moving to the
[Monitoring] screen. Saves the settings.

After saving the settings, click the [Close] button to close the [My Settings] screen.


Registering Users


in the global menu and switch to the [Maintenance] screen, and click [User] in the [Settings]

menu to display the [User List] screen. You use this pane to register users for IP Live System Manager.

Tip Clicking

refreshes the display with the latest information.

Registering a new user
Use the following procedure to register a new user. 1. Click the button. The [Create New User] dialog appears.

2. This dialog is used to register user information. Item User ID Role

Description Enter the ID of the user to register. Select the operation authority granted to the
user to register.


Item User Name Password

Description Enter the display name for the user to register. Enter the login password.

3. Click the [Save] button. The user is registered, and is displayed on the [User List] screen.
4. Click the [Close] button. The dialog closes.

Changing user settings
Use the following procedure to change user settings. 1. Select the user to edit, and click the button. The [Edit User] dialog appears. 2. Change the display name for the user in [User Name]. 3. Click the [Save] button. The settings are saved. 4. Click the [Close] button. The dialog closes.

Deleting users
Use the following procedure to delete users.
1. Select the user to delete, and click the button. A confirmation message appears.
2. Click the [Yes] button. The selected user is deleted from the list.
Tip If the Protect state setting is shared with an NS-BUS device, a user with the same name as the NS-BUS device cannot be deleted.

Registering Sync Groups (Network GenLock Group Settings)
Network GenLock is a function that synchronizes the clock and sync signal of each network-connected device in the system. A single or multiple sync signals can be controlled within a single NDCP device, and the unit that controls the sync signals is called a “genlock module.” A group of genlock modules for operation using the same sync signals forms a Network GenLock group. Within the group, one module is specified as the leader (Leader) for each PTP domain, while all others act as followers (Follower). The followers receive clock information and sync signals sent by the leader to sync all operations to enable the sending and receiving of video between devices.



in the global menu and switch to the [AV Router] screen, and click [Network GenLock Group]

in the [Settings] menu to display the [Network GenLock Group List] screen. You can register, edit, and

delete Network GenLock groups.

Tip Clicking

refreshes the display with the latest information.

Registering a new Network GenLock group
Use the following procedure to register a new Network GenLock group. 1. Click the button. The [Create New Network GenLock Group] dialog appears.


2. Enter the name of the Network GenLock group in [Name]. 3. Select a profile from [Profile].
Select [NMI Profile] if an NDCP device is the PTP leader. Select [ST2059 Profile] if a non-NDCP device is the PTP leader. For details about each parameter, see “ST2059 parameter settings.” 4. Click the [Save] button. The settings are saved. 5. Click the [Close] button. The dialog closes, and the registered Network GenLock group appears in the [Network GenLock Group List]. Note [ST2059 Profile] can only be assigned for NDCP V1.4 devices or later.
Changing Network GenLock group settings
Use the following procedure to change Network GenLock group settings. 1. Select the Network GenLock group to edit, and click the button. The [Edit Network GenLock Group] dialog appears. 2. Click [Name] to edit the name of the displayed Network GenLock group. Tip The [Profile] setting cannot be changed. 3. Click the [Save] button. The settings are saved. 4. Click the [Close] button. The dialog closes.
Registering a leader
Use the following procedure to register a leader for a registered Network GenLock group. 1. Select the Network GenLock group for which to register a leader, and click the [Leaders Settings] button. The [Network GenLock Leader Settings] dialog appears. 2. Configure each parameter, and click the [Save] button. The settings are saved. Note For a Network GenLock group with [Profile] set to [ST2059 Profile], only [Duplicate] and [PTP Domain No.] can be configured. 3. Click the [Close] button. The dialog closes.

Registering a follower

Use the following procedure to register a follower to a registered Network GenLock group. 1. Select the Network GenLock group for which to register a follower, and click the [Assign Followers] button. The [Assign Network GenLock Follower] dialog appears. 2. Register the genlock module to act as a follower using the [Assign Network GenLock Follower] dialog. 3. Click the [Close] button. The dialog closes.
Applying sync group settings to the genlock module of an NDCP device
Use the following procedure to write specified Network GenLock group values to the genlock module of an NDCP device.
1. Select the Network GenLock group to apply to a genlock module of an NDCP device, click , and click [Stop All Stream] in the displayed menu.
2. Click the [Apply] button. A confirmation message appears.
3. Click the [Yes] button. The values managed in the Network GenLock group are written to the genlock module of the NDCP device.
Note In versions prior to 2.2.0, all NDCP devices within a sync group are reconfigured after adding a new NDCP device to a sync group. Accordingly, an error occurs on transmitting/receiving NDCP devices if the stream is not stopped. In version 2.2.0 and later, functions have been added that allow you to select devices individually, stop transmitting, and apply changes to settings.
Stopping the genlock module of an NDCP device
If a genlock module of an NDCP device, which does not belong to a Network GenLock group, is running, unexpected packets may be sent and received. If this occurs, use the following procedure to disable and stop the running genlock module of the NDCP device that does not belong to a Network GenLock group.
1. Click , and click [Disable GenLock Modules] in the displayed menu. The [Unmanaged GenLock Module List] screen appears.
2. Select the genlock module of the NDCP device that you want to disable, and click the [Disable GenLock Modules] button. A confirmation message appears.
3. Click the [Yes] button. The genlock module of the selected NDCP device is disabled, and deleted from the list.

Note Even after an NDCP device is deleted from a Network GenLock group, the Network GenLock function does not stop on the device. The genlock module on the NDCP device must be stopped before deleting the device from the Network GenLock group.
Deleting a Network GenLock group
Use the following procedure to delete a Network GenLock group.
1. Select the Network GenLock group to delete, and click the button. A confirmation message appears.
2. Click the [Yes] button. The selected Network GenLock group is deleted from the Network GenLock Group List.
ST2059 parameter settings
You can configure the following ST2059-related parameters by selecting [ST2059 Profile] in the [Create New Network GenLock Group] dialog.

Item Communication Mode
Sync Interval (Log)

Description Specify the method for sending PTP delay request messages. Select [Mixed] to use both unicast and multicast methods. Select [Multicast] to use multicast only.
Tip [Mixed] is selected when [NMI Profile] is selected. Specify the average interval of synchronization messages sent by the master device. Can be set to [2Hz (-1)], [4Hz (-2)], [8Hz (-3)], [16Hz (-4)], [32Hz (-5)], [64Hz (-6)], or [128Hz (-7)].
Tip [64Hz (-6)] is selected when [NMI Profile] is selected.

Item Minimum Delay Request Interval (Log)

Description Specify the minimum delay allowed between PTP delay request messages. Can be set to [1Hz (0)], [2Hz (-1)], [4Hz (-2)], [8Hz (-3)], or [16Hz (-4)].
[16Hz (-4)] is selected when [NMI Profile] is selected.

[Network GenLock Leader Settings] dialog
This dialog is used to set each parameter for a leader of a Network GenLock group.


For a Network GenLock group with [Profile] set to [ST2059 Profile], only [Duplicate] and [PTP Domain No.]

can be configured.

Item Duplicate

Description Network Duplicate:

Set whether to provide redundancy for the

network path between the leader device and the

follower device. When the checkbox is checked,

two PTP domain numbers must be configured to

provide network path redundancy.

Leader Duplicate:

Set whether to provide leader redundancy. When

the checkbox is checked, device information for

two leaders ([Primary] and [Secondary]) must be



Item PTP Domain No. Name Manufacturer Device Interface Index of GenLock
Linked Device Name
Linked Serial Number
Connection GenLock Status
[Assign] button
[Ext. Leader Device] button
[Delete] button Save

Description Enter a PTP domain number in the range 0 to 127. Displays the name of the registered Network GenLock module. Displays the manufacturer of the device setup plug-in. Displays the device interface name and version number. Displays the index number of the genlock module of the NDCP device linked to the registered Network GenLock module. Displays the name of the genlock module of the NDCP device linked to the registered Network GenLock module. Displays the serial number of the genlock module of the NDCP device linked to the registered Network GenLock module. Displays the connection status of the NDCP device linked to the registered Network GenLock module. Displays the status of the genlock module of the NDCP device linked to the registered Network GenLock module. Displays the [Network GenLock Leader Settings] dialog. This dialog is used to specify the leader from the genlock module of an NDCP device. Displays the [Assign Ext. Leader Device] dialog. This dialog is used to register an external device as a leader. Deletes the leader configured using the [Assign] button. Saves the settings.

After saving the settings, click the [Close] button to close the dialog. Tip
If the [Leader Duplicate] checkbox is selected, [Secondary] and other parameters are displayed. The parameters are the same as for [Primary].


[Assign Network GenLock Follower] dialog
This dialog is used to register followers in a Network GenLock group.

Item button button

Description Displayed in both the [Unassigned List] and [Assigned List]. Click to refresh the corresponding list with the latest information. Registers the genlock module selected in [Unassigned List] as a follower. You can select and register the genlock modules of multiple NDCP devices. Removes the genlock module registered in [Assigned List] from the list, and releases the registration to a follower.

After saving the settings, click the [Close] button to close the dialog.

Creating an external Network GenLock leader device
To use a non-NDCP device as a Network GenLock leader device, the sync signal information that is output from that device must be able to be set and managed in IP Live System Manager. You can register a non-NDCP device (a device that outputs a PTP-based sync signal) as a leader device used for Network GenLock by specifying device information and network information for the device in [Network GenLock Leader Settings].
1. In the [Network GenLock Leader Settings] dialog, click the [Ext. Leader Device] button. The [Assign Ext. Leader Device] dialog appears.


Tip Clicking refreshes the display with the latest information. 2. Click the [Create] button. The [Create New Ext. Leader Device] dialog appears.
3. Enter the external device name in [Name], and enter the IP address of the external device in [IP Address]. Enter the MAC address in [MAC Address], as required. 61

You can create a leader device without specifying a MAC address. However, a MAC address is required in order to display the created leader device on the [Network Topology Monitoring] screen. 4. Click the [Save] button to save the settings, then click the [Close] button. The dialog closes and the [Assign Ext. Leader Device] dialog reappears. 5. Select the external device, and click the [Assign] button. A confirmation message appears. 6. Click the [Yes] button. 7. Click the [Close] button. The dialog closes. The created external Network GenLock leader device is displayed in the [Network GenLock Leader Settings] dialog.
Network redundancy cannot be configured when an external Network GenLock device is used as the leader.

Registering Sync Groups (`Ext. Ref in’ Group Settings)

The Ext. Ref in function synchronizes the sync signal of each device by sharing a single reference input signal with multiple devices. You can synchronize devices to a reference input signal by registering each device in an external reference sync (Ext. Ref in) group.


in the global menu and switch to the [AV Router] screen, and click [Ext. Ref in Group] in the

[Settings] menu to display the [Ext. Ref in Group List] screen. You can register, edit, and delete `Ext. Ref in’



Tip Clicking

refreshes the display with the latest information.

Registering a new Ext. Ref in’ group Use the following procedure to register a newExt. Ref in’ group. 1. Click the button. The [Create New Ext. Ref in Group] dialog appears.

2. Enter the name of an Ext. Ref in’ group in [Name]. 3. Click the [Save] button. The settings are saved and the dialog closes. The registeredExt. Ref in’ group is displayed in [Ext. Ref in Group List].
Changing Ext. Ref in’ group settings Use the following procedure to changeExt. Ref in’ group settings. 1. Select the `Ext. Ref in’ group to edit, and click the button.

The [Edit Ext. Ref in Group] dialog appears. 2. Change the setting of each parameter in the [Edit Ext. Ref in Group] dialog. 3. Click the [Save] button.
The settings are saved. 4. Click the [Close] button.
The dialog closes.

Registering an Ext. Ref in’ module Use the following procedure to register anExt. Ref in’ module in an Ext. Ref in’ group. 1. Select theExt. Ref in’ group for which to register an Ext. Ref in’ module, and click the [Assign Members] button. The [Assign Ext. Ref in Module] dialog appears. 2. Register theExt. Ref in’ module in the [Assign Ext. Ref in Module] dialog. 3. Click the [Close] button. The dialog closes.

Applying an `Ext. Ref in’ module to the genlock module of an NDCP device

Use the following procedure to apply an Ext. Ref in’ module, belonging to an Ext. Ref in’ group, to the genlock module of an NDCP device.

1. Select the Ext. Ref in’ group for which to apply a genlock module of an NDCP device, click click [Stop All Streams] in the displayed menu. 2\. Click the [Apply] button. TheExt. Ref in’ module is applied to the genlock module of the NDCP device.

, and

Stopping the genlock module of an NDCP device
If a genlock module of an NDCP device, which does not belong to an Ext. Ref in’ group, is running, unexpected packets may be sent and received. If this occurs, use the following procedure to disable and stop the running genlock module of the NDCP device that does not belong to anExt. Ref in’ group.
1. Click , and click [Disable GenLock Modules] in the displayed menu. The [Unmanaged GenLock Module List] screen appears.
2. Select the genlock module of the NDCP device that you want to disable, and click the [Disable GenLock Modules] button. A confirmation message appears.
3. Click the [Yes] button. The genlock module of the selected NDCP device is disabled, and deleted from the list.

Deleting an Ext. Ref in’ group Use the following procedure to delete anExt. Ref in’ group. 1. Select the`Ext. Ref in’ group to delete, and click the button.


A confirmation message appears. 2. Click the [Yes] button.
The selected Ext. Ref in’ group is deleted from the list. [Assign Ext. Ref in Module] dialog This dialog is used to register anExt. Ref in’ module in an `Ext. Ref in’ group.

Item button button

Description Displayed in both the [Unassigned List] and [Assigned List]. Click to refresh the corresponding list with the latest information. Moves the genlock module selected in [Unassigned List] to [Assigned List] to create a virtual Ext. Ref in’ module from the genlock module of the selected NDCP device. You can select and register the genlock modules of multiple NDCP devices. Removes the genlock module registered in [Assigned List] from the list, and releases the link to the virtualExt. Ref in’ module.

After saving the settings, click the [Close] button to close the dialog.

Checking Device Parameters


in the global menu and switch to the [AV Router] screen, and click [Device] in the [Settings]

menu to display the [Device] screen. A list of the NDCP devices connected to the system is displayed on

the [Device], [I/O], [Network], [GenLock], [Dante I/O], and [Dante Clock] tabs, allowing you to monitor the

various states of devices.


Tip Clicking refreshes the display with the latest information. [Device] tab The [Device] tab displays the status of each device (NDCP, Dante, NMOS) connected to the system by device in list view, allowing you to monitor the parameters of each device (see “Checking and editing parameters of a device”). You can also copy settings information from an existing NDCP device and apply them to another NDCP device on the [Device] tab (see “Copying parameters of an NDCP device to another NDCP device”).

· Detection of duplicate IP addresses is executed when the device list is displayed or updated. When detected, the [Check] button then turns blue. You can click the [Check] button to check NDCP devices with duplicate IP addresses.
· Click the button to open the Preview pane to display configuration information for the selected device. Clicking the button closes the Preview pane.
· In the Preview pane for an NMOS device, you can download a JSON file for an NMOS device registered in NMOS RDS. You can also download an SDP file for each sender displayed in [Sender List].
· In the Preview pane for an NDCP device, you can obtain an SDP file for all outputs displayed in the I/O List. You can also download an SDP file for each source interface group.
· When you click the (Go To Topology) button, the [Network Topology Monitoring] screen appears, displaying the connection status of the selected device (see “Checking Device Connection State”).
· Clicking the (Go To Streaming Flow) button displays the [Streaming Flow] screen, displaying the connection status of the selected source/destination interface (see “Monitoring the Connection Status of Source/Destination Interfaces”).
· If the enclosure name and slot number can be obtained from the NDCP board, the name of the enclosure in which the NDCP board is installed and the slot number are displayed in [Slot Name].
[I/O] tab The [I/O] tab displays the status of each NDCP device and NMOS device connected to the system by source/destination interface in list view. You can also configure source devices with a fixed multicast address for communication with external systems or export/import multicast address settings (see “Configuring a fixed multicast address”).

You can also place a check mark in [Display Disabled I/O] to display unused interfaces.
Tips · You can filter the NDCP devices to display by type (Video, Audio, Meta) using [Media Type]. · When you click the (Go To Topology) button, the [Network Topology Monitoring] screen appears,
displaying the connection status of the selected device (see “Checking Device Connection State”). · Clicking the (Go To Streaming Flow) button displays the [Streaming Flow] screen, displaying the
connection status of the selected source/destination interface (see “Monitoring the Connection Status of Source/Destination Interfaces”). · If devices with duplicated multicast addresses are detected, a warning mark is displayed on the left of names on the [I/O] tab. For details about setting whether or not to display the detection description in tooltips when the [I/O] tab is displayed or the contents of the list are updated, see “Setting the Indication Default for Duplicated Multicast Addresses.” [Network] tab The [Network] tab displays the status of each NDCP device connected to the system by network interface in list view. If an IS-05 compatible device is loaded as an NMOS device, the network interface of the NMOS device is displayed. If devices with duplicated IP addresses are detected, a warning mark is displayed on the left of names on the [Network] tab. You can place a check mark in [Display only conflicting IP addresses] to display only the interfaces with duplicated IP addresses.


· When you click the (Go To Topology) button, the [Network Topology Monitoring] screen appears, displaying the connection status of the selected device (see “Checking Device Connection State”).
· Clicking the (Go To Streaming Flow) button displays the [Streaming Flow] screen, displaying the connection status of the selected source/destination interface (see “Monitoring the Connection Status of Source/Destination Interfaces”).
[GenLock] tab

The various PTP status are displayed in list view on the [GenLock] tab. Click the Preview pane to display the PTP status details.

button to display the


Tips · Clicking refreshes the display with the latest information. · You can enter text in the search box to search for the PTP status to display. [Dante I/O] tab The [Dante I/O] tab displays the status of the audio interface of each Dante-enabled device connected to the system in list view.
Tips · When you click the (Go To Topology) button, the [Network Topology Monitoring] screen appears,
displaying the connection status of the selected device (see “Checking Device Connection State”). · Clicking the (Go To Streaming Flow) button displays the [Streaming Flow] screen, displaying the
connection status of the selected source/destination interface (see “Monitoring the Connection Status of Source/Destination Interfaces”). [Dante Clock] tab The [Dante Clock] tab displays the lock status of each Dante device connected to the system in list view.

NDCP device state display

You can monitor the following states of NDCP devices and Dante devices on the [Device] screen.

Display item



Device connection status


Device is connected with IP Live


System Manager, and is available. Device is not connected with IP


Live System Manager. Device is in an undefined state

because the gateway is down or

Device status

other reason. Warning state occurred in a


device. Error state occurred in a device.

Authentication state (NDCP

(Error) Success

Authentication succeeded when

devices only)

connecting NDCP device with IP


Live System Manager using TLS. Authentication failed when

connecting NDCP device with IP

Interface status


Live System Manager using TLS. Device is unavailable due to

disconnected device or other


reason. Device is connected, but is not


sending or receiving. Device is connected, and is

LAN port status

Active Inactive

sending or receiving. LAN port link is up. LAN port link is down.


Display item


GenLock Module (NDCP) or Clock Not In Use

(Dante) status




Description Syncing of the device is not in use. Syncing of the device is in progress. Syncing of the device is completed. Syncing of the device is in freerun mode (displayed only for NDCP devices).

ST2110 devices
IP Live System Manager supports ST2110 devices. ST2110 devices stream three types of data (video, audio, and ancillary data). Each stream for an ST2110 device is displayed on the [Routing] screen, and a crosspoint can be specified for streams individually.

Note To use an ST2110 device, a device configuration plug-in that supports ST2110 devices must be installed.

Checking and editing parameters of a device

Select a device on any tab and click the detailed parameters of the device.

button to display the [Edit Device] dialog to check or edit

To change device settings, click the [Stop All Streams] button to stop the streams beforehand. The [Edit Device] dialog display is different, depending on whether an NDCP device is selected or a Dante device is selected. When an NDCP device is selected: The dialog is comprised by common parameters, and the [System] tab, [Network] tab, [I/O] tab, [GenLock] tab, and [Maintenance] tab.


When a Dante device is selected: The dialog is comprised by common parameters, and the [System] tab, [Network] tab, [Receive I/O] tab, [Transmit I/O] tab, [Clock] tab, and [Maintenance] tab. The [AES67] tab is also displayed for AES67compatible devices.
Tip A Dante device AES67 source interface is displayed as a SAP device source interface because the Dante device sends SAP announcements to IP Live System Manager.

Common parameters

When an NDCP device or Dante device is selected:




Reacquires the parameters saved in the system.

[Synchronize] button

Reacquires the parameters of the device.

When an NDCP device is selected: Item [Stop All Streams] button [Start All Streams] button [Advanced] button

Description Stops all streams on the selected device. Starts all streams on the selected device. Displays the characteristic settings dialog of the
displayed NDCP device. The settings will vary
depending on the device.

[System] tab

The following parameters are displayed on the [System] tab.

When an NDCP device is selected:

Item Name

Description Sets the name of the device. When finished, click

Slot Name

the [Apply] button to apply the settings. Displays the name of the enclosure in which the

NDCP board is installed and the slot number.


Item Control Protocol Connection Transport Protocol Authentication Status Certificate Common Name Certificate Issuer Name Device Type
Product Information
Device setting page
When a Dante device is selected: Item Name Control Protocol Connection Product Information
Dante Information Sample Rate

Description Displays the protocol for controlling connections with IP Live System Manager. Displays the connection status of the device with IP Live System Manager. Displays the protocol used for connection with IP Live System Manager (TCP or TLS). Displays whether device authentication was successful. Displays the certificate information for device authentication. Displays the manufacturer, interface name, and interface firmware version information of an NDCP device for the device setup plug-in installed in IP Live System Manager and the device interface on the device side. If there is a mismatch between the device setup plug-in and the device interface information, a mismatch icon is displayed for each item in Device Type. Displays the structure information (manufacturer, model name, serial number) of modules installed in an NDCP device. Editing is supported for external I/O devices. Clicking the URL displays a link to a web menu page for configuring the various settings of the NDCP device (only for devices that support configuration using the web interface).
Description Sets the name of the device. When finished, click the [Apply] button to apply the settings. Displays the protocol for controlling connections with IP Live System Manager. Displays the connection status of the device with IP Live System Manager. Displays the structure information (manufacturer, model name, software, and product version) of modules installed in a Dante device. Displays Dante device information (model name, software version and firmware version). Sets the sample rate.

Item Pull-up/down
Preferred Encoding Device Latency
Unicast Delay Request Device Lock [Reboot] button

Description Sets the sample rate pull-up/down setting. This function is used to maintain the synchronization of video and audio after frame rate conversion. For example, if video is converted from 24 fps to 25 fps, Pull- up/down should be set to +4.1667%. Sets the bit depth when encoding. Sets the receive delay time. This is the delay time from the timestamp of the received audio stream until playout. Increase this value if the network transfer delay is large. Enables/disables the Unicast Delay Request function. Displays the status of the device lock function. Reboots the Dante device.

[Network] tab

The following parameters are displayed on the [Network] tab.



Network Interface list

Displays a list of LAN ports. Selecting a port

Enable LAN/Disable LAN

displays the parameters on the right. Enables/disables the LAN port. Whether the port

is actually switchable or not depends on the

Name Link Status IP Assignment

specifications of the device. Displays the name of the LAN port. Displays the status of the LAN port. Specifies whether to obtain an IP address

IP Address

automatically (DHCP) or to set a fixed IP address. Specifies a fixed IP address. Grayed out if [Obtain

Prefix Length

an IP Address automatically] is selected. Specifies the net mask. Grayed out if [Obtain an IP

Default Gateway

Address automatically] is selected. Specifies the default gateway address. Grayed out

DNS Server

if [Obtain an IP Address automatically] is selected. Sets the address of the DNS server. Displayed only

when a Dante device is selected. Grayed out if

MAC Address MTU

[Obtain an IP Address automatically] is selected. Displays the MAC address. Displays the MTU value specified for the LAN port.

Auto Negotiation

Displayed only when an NDCP device is selected. Displays the current link speed setting. Displayed

Link Speed

only when an NDCP device is selected. Displays the link speed of the LAN port.


Item Enable/Disable
IP Assignment
Transport Protocol IP Address Port Number [Reboot] button

Description Sets the method for specifying the IP Live System Manager IP address. Displayed only when an NDCP device is selected. When [Enable] is selected, IP Live System Manager is connected using the selected network. Uses an IP address obtained from a DHCP server if [Obtain an IP address automatically] is specified. To specify an IP address manually, select [Use the following IP address]. Displayed only when an NDCP device is selected. Displays the type of protocol currently in use. Displayed only when an NDCP device is selected. If [Use the following IP address] is specified in [IP Assignment], enter the IP address assigned to the device. Displayed only when an NDCP device is selected. If [Use the following IP address] is specified in [IP Assignment], enter the port number used for communication with the device. Displayed only when an NDCP device is selected. Reboots the Dante device. Displayed only when a Dante device is selected.

[I/O] tab

This tab is displayed only when an NDCP device is selected. The display can be switched between


When [View] is selected, status and other information for input/output connectors of NDCP devices are

displayed in list view. When [Edit] is selected, the following parameters are displayed. Depending on the

configuration of the modules installed in the NDCP device, the parameters of each module are accessed

via pull-down menus. You can check the following parameters relating to the structure of the module

selected in the pull-down menu. Item Stream Structure Link Pattern Enable clean video switching Enable hitless failover

Description Displays the stream structure. Selects the input/output connector link pattern. Enables/disables the Clean Switching function. Enables/disables the Hitless Failover function. See

Enable dual link List

“AV transfer path redundancy structure.” Enables/disables the Dual Link function. Displays a list of the input/output connectors. You

can get detailed information for an input/output

connector by selecting it and clicking the [Detail]


button. Displays the name of the input/output connector.


Item Status Enabled Type IP IN/OUT Stream Format
Quality Output Phase

Description Displays the status of the input/output connector. Displays a check mark for an enabled input/output connector. Displays the type of the input/output connector. Displays the IP input/output signal flow of the input/output connector. Displays the format of the input/output connector.
· If different formats are configured for multiple connectors when creating an external I/O device, the configured formats may not be displayed.
· Formats that are not displayed cannot be changed.
Displays the quality of the video data of the input/ output connector. Displays the output phase of the input/output connector.

[GenLock] tab

Displays the type of sync mode (`Ext. Ref in’ or Network GenLock) set for the NDCP device. Displayed only

when an NDCP device is selected.

The following parameters are displayed. Item Enable/Disable

Description Displays the setting of the genlock module

GenLock Status

function (on/off). Displays whether genlock module is locked,


stopped, or other state. Displays the operation mode of the genlock

Date & Time Source PTP Port List PTP Domain Number Leader IP Address

module. Displays the type of reference time signal. Displays PTP port information. Displays the PTP domain number. Displays the IP address of the leader.

Note When a device that belongs to a Network GenLock group for which [Profile] is set to [ST2059 Profile], [Communication Mode], [Sync Interval (Log)], and [Minimum Delay Request Interval (Log)] are displayed. For details about these parameters, see “ST2059 parameter settings.”
[Maintenance] tab (NDCP device)
The [Maintenance] tab is used to reboot NDCP devices, and to configure the Syslog server for export of system logs and SNMP agents. Displayed only when an NDCP device is selected.


Rebooting an NDCP device

The [Reboot] button is enabled if the NDCP device supports rebooting from IP Live System Manager.

Click the [Reboot] button to reboot the NDCP device.

Syslog server settings

Item button

Description Adds a Syslog server for exporting system logs to
the list. The following information is displayed for

a Syslog server in the list. The parameters for each

item on the right can be changed.

· IP Address

· Port

· Severity Level

· Transport Protocol

· Network Name Deletes the selected Syslog server from the list.

button IP Address Port Severity Level Transport Protocol Network Name

Enter the IP address of the Syslog server. Enter the port number of the Syslog server. Select the log level assigned to the Syslog server. Select the protocol used by the Syslog server. Clicking the [Edit] button displays the [Network

Interface List] screen for selecting the network

used by the Syslog server.

When finished, click the [Apply] button.

SNMP agent settings

You can monitor and control each NDCP device over a network if SNMP-compatible NDCP devices and an

SNMP manager for managing device information are connected to the system.

The network information and the destination SNMP manager for an SNMP agent are configured in

[SNMP Agent]. Item Enable/Disable

Description Enables/disables the SNMP

agent. Enable to configure

IP Address

settings. Enter the listening IP address of

the SNMP agent. Enter “” if

a network port is not specified.


Enter the listening port number

SysName SysContact

of the SNMP agent. Enter the system name. Enter the mail address of the


system administrator. Enter the system location.


Item Trap Settings SubAgent List

Community Settings List Enable/Disable
Name Version Access Mode
ACL Network Address ACL Prefix Length

Description Click the [Trap Settings] button to display the [Trap Settings] dialog to set the SNMP manager to which to send SNMP trap notifications. Sets the SNMP subagents. Select an SNMP subagent name and click the [Trap Settings] button to display the [Trap Settings] dialog to set the SNMP manager to which to send SNMP trap notifications. Selects the SNMP community. Enables/disables the SNMP community. Enable to configure settings. Enter the SNMP community name. Selects the SNMP version. Can be set to [V1], [V2C], or [V1_V2C]. Selects the access permissions for MIB information. Can be set to [READ_ONLY] or [READ_WRITE]. Enter the network address of the access control list (ACL). Enter the net mask length.


Item v3

User Settings List Enable/Disable Name Access Mode
Security Level

Authentication Type Privacy Type When finished, click the [Apply] button.

Description Selects the SNMP version v3 users. Enables/disables SNMP version v3. Enable to configure settings. Enter the name of the SNMP version v3 user. Selects the access permissions for MIB information. Can be set to [READ_ONLY] or [READ_WRITE]. Selects the security level used in SNMP version v3. Can be set to one of the following. NO_AUTH: No authentication nor encryption. AUTH: Authentication, but no encryption. AUTH_PRIV: Authentication and encryption. Selects the type of authentication used in SNMP version v3. Can be set to [MD5] or [SHA]. Enter the authentication password in [Passphrase]. Can be configured when [AUTH] or [AUTHPRIV] is selected in [Security Level]. Selects the type of encryption used in SNMP version v3. Can be set to [DES] or [AES]. Enter the encryption password in [Passphrase]. Can be configured when [AUTH PRIV] is selected in [Security Level].


[Trap Settings] dialog Item Trap Settings List Enable/Disable Name
Network Interface Name IP Address Port Version
Security Level
Authentication Type
Privacy Type

Description Selects the name of the SNMP manager to which to send SNMP trap notifications. Enables/disables SNMP trap settings. Enable to configure settings. Enter the SNMP community name if the SNMP version is set to [V1] or [V2C]. Enter the SNMP user name if the SNMP version is set to [V3]. Selects the network interface. Enter the IP address of the SNMP manager. Enter the port number of the SNMP manager. Selects the SNMP version. Can be set to [V1], [V2C], or [V3]. If [V3] is selected, [Security Level] is enabled. Selects the type of notification to send to the SNMP manager. Can be set to [TRAP] or [INFORM]. [INFORM] cannot be specified if the SNMP version is set to [V1]. Selects the security level used in SNMP version v3. Can be set to one of the following. NO_AUTH: No authentication nor encryption. AUTH: Authentication, but no encryption. AUTH_PRIV: Authentication and encryption. Selects the type of authentication used in SNMP version v3. Can be set to [MD5] or [SHA]. Enter the authentication password in [Passphrase]. Can be configured when [AUTH] or [AUTH_PRIV] is selected in [Security Level]. Selects the type of encryption used in SNMP version v3. Can be set to [DES] or [AES]. Enter the encryption password in [Passphrase]. Can be configured when [AUTH_PRIV] is selected in [Security Level].

[Receive I/O] tab (when a Dante device is selected)
Displays the receiving channels of the selected Dante device in list view. The connection and flow status (for example, Available or Transceiving) of each channel are displayed. Channels can be renamed.


[Transmit I/O] tab (when a Dante device is selected)
Displays the transmitting channels of the selected Dante device in list view. The connection and flow status (for example, Available or Transceiving) of each channel are displayed in [Channel List]. Channel labels can be changed to any value. You can also register a multicast flow in [Multicast Flow List].
Registering a multicast flow
You can also register a multicast flow in [Multicast Flow List]. 1. Click the [New File] button. The [Create Multicast Flow] dialog appears. 2. Select the channels to add to the multicast flow.


An AES67 multicast flow can be created if the selected Dante device is AES67 compatible. Place a check mark in [Create AES67 Flow] to add the selected channels to an AES67 multicast flow.

3. Click the [Create] button. The name of each created flow and the assigned channels, format, and multicast address are displayed in [Multicast Flow List].
Deleting a multicast flow

Select the multicast flow to delete from [Multicast Flow List], and click the [Delete] button.

[Clock] tab (when a Dante device is selected)

Displays information relating to the clock of the selected Dante device.




Displays the sync status of the Dante device.

Clock Source

Displays the clock source of the Dante device.


Dante device obtains a clock from a Dante

network, or acts as the master clock.


Dante devices obtains a clock from an external

Preferred Leader

word clock source. Set whether the Dante device acts as the master

clock. If Preferred Leader is enabled on two or

more devices, the device with the lowest MAC

Enable Sync To External

address functions as the master clock. Enables/disables syncing with an external source.


Item Primary v1 Multicast
Secondary v1 Multicast
AES67 Status

Description Displays the PTP clock status of the primary network interface. Leader: Dante device is the current PTP master clock on the primary Dante network. Follower: Dante device is a PTP slave on the primary Dante network. Passive: Does not use clock sync information from the primary interface. Link Down: Primary interface is not connected to the network. N/A: Dante device does not support clock status reports. Listening: Dante device state does not support operation as the master clock. Displays the PTP clock status of the secondary network interface. Leader: Dante device is the current PTP master clock on the primary Dante network. Follower: Dante device is a PTP slave on the primary Dante network. Passive: Does not use clock sync information from the secondary interface. Link Down: Secondary interface is not connected to the network. N/A: Dante device does not support clock status reports. Listening: Dante device state does not support operation as the master clock. Displays the PTPv2 clock status of an AES67compatible Dante device.

[AES67] tab (when a Dante device is selected)

This tab is displayed if the selected Dante device is AES67 compatible.



AES67 Mode

Enables/disables the AES67 function.

Multicast Address Prefix

Set the multicast subnet using the Multicast

[Reboot] button

Address Prefix field. Reboots the Dante device.

[Maintenance] tab (when a Dante device is selected)

This tab is used to reboot the selected Dante device or delete Dante device settings.



[Reboot] button

Reboots the Dante device.

Keep Network Configuration

Sets whether to retain Dante network settings

[Clear Config] button

when [Clear Config] is executed. Clears all Dante device settings.

Authorizing a device
Devices that are grayed out on the [Device] tab of the [Device] screen must first be authorized. Use the following procedure to authorize a device.
1. Select a connected device, and click the [Authorize] button. A confirmation message appears.
2. Click the [Yes] button. The selected device is authorized, and can now be controlled using IP Live System Manager.
To cancel device authorization
Select a device on the [Device] tab of the [Device] screen, and click the [Deauthorize] button.
Copying parameters of an NDCP device to another NDCP device
Use the following procedure to copy the settings of an existing NDCP device and apply them to another NDCP device that uses the same device setup plug-in. You can copy the settings of an existing NDCP device to another device when replacing or adding an NDCP device.
1. On the [Device] tab, click the [Copy Parameter] button. The [Copy and Paste Device List] screen appears.
2. Click [Normal].


3. Select the NDCP device whose parameters you want to copy in the left pane.
4. Select the parameters to copy in the center pane. The following parameters can be selected. [Frequency & I/O Settings] [Network Settings] [System Manager Client Settings] [Syslog Client Settings] [SNMP Agent Settings] [Extended Configuration] 87

5. Select the NDCP devices to which to copy the parameters in the right pane, and click the [Stop Stream] button.
6. Select the target NDCP devices again, and click the [Paste & Apply] button.

A confirmation message appears. Tip
More than one NDCP device can be selected. 7. Click the [Yes] button.
The copied parameters are applied to the NDCP devices selected in step 4.
To copy all NDCP device parameters
You can copy all the settings information of an NDCP device to another device (the IP address and device name are also copied). This allows a new device to inherit the setup information of a source device if the source device is substituted for any reason, such as device failure.

1. Check that the copy source device is not connected to IP Live System Manager (power is off or device is not connected to the network).
2. On the [Device] tab, click the [Copy Parameter] button. The [Copy and Paste Device List] screen appears.
3. Click [Maintenance]. 4. Select the NDCP device whose parameters you want to copy in the left pane. 5. Select the NDCP devices to which to copy the parameters in the right pane, and click the [Stop
Stream] button. 6. Select the target NDCP devices again, and click the [Paste & Apply] button.
A confirmation message appears. 7. Click the [Yes] button.
The parameters are copied. Tips · When copying all parameters, the target parameters to copy cannot be individually selected. · When copying all settings with [Automatically replace the following settings.] checked, the following
settings information is also applied to the copy destination device. Device Settings Snapshot GenLock Group Settings System Controller Settings Multicast Settings Snapshot Device assignment settings to groups on the [Dashboard] screen
Configuring a fixed multicast address
Use the following procedure to configure a fixed multicast address and port number used by an output video stream for the NDCP interface and NMOS interface of a source device.
Note It is not possible to configure a multicast address for a SAP device from IP Live System Manager.
1. Click the [Stop Stream] button. The stream stops.
2. On the [I/O] tab, select a source interface for which to configure a fixed multicast address, click , and click the [Edit Multicast] button in the displayed menu. The [I/O Settings] dialog appears.

3. Click [Manual] in [Multicast Settings]. 4. Enter the fixed multicast address and port number you want to use in [Multicast Address] and [Port
Number], respectively, in [Primary]. To use the Hitless Failover function, enter the fixed multicast address and port number you want to use for stream redundancy in [Multicast Address] and [Port Number], respectively, in [Secondary]. 5. Click the [Save] button. The fixed multicast address and port number are configured for the device selected in step 1.
Exporting/importing fixed multicast settings
You can export and import fixed multicast settings.
To export fixed multicast settings
1. Click on the [I/O] tab, and click [Export Multicast Settings] in the displayed menu. A confirmation message appears.
2. Click the [Yes] button. An Excel format file (*.xlsx) is downloaded.
To import fixed multicast settings
Notes · To import fixed multicast settings, the sending and receiving of signals on the interfaces to edit
must be stopped. · It is not possible to configure a multicast address for a SAP device from IP Live System Manager. 1. Click on the [I/O] tab, and click [Import Multicast Settings] in the displayed menu.
A confirmation message appears.

2. Click the [Yes] button. The [Select Import File] dialog appears.
3. Click the [Browse] button, select the file to import, and click the [OK] button. The file is imported.
Creating/exporting an external I/O device
To use an external device as a video source device, the multicast address and IP address of the video stream that is output from that device must be controlled and managed by IP Live System Manager. These can configured to receive streams from devices, such as ST2110 source devices from other manufacturers, that cannot be controlled directly from IP Live System Manager.
Exporting an external I/O device
1. On the [Device] tab, click , and then click [Export Ext. I/O Device] in the displayed menu. A confirmation message appears.
2. If you also want to export NDCP and NMOS device data as external I/O devices, place a check mark in [Include NDCP and NMOS devices.].
Tip Even if you place a check mark in [Include NDCP and NMOS devices.], if the device format is included in the Supported Format for NMI (Read Only) list, the devices will not be exported. 3. Click the [Yes] button. An Excel format file (*.xlsx) is downloaded.
Creating an external I/O device
1. On the [Device] tab, click , and then click [Create Ext. I/O Device] in the displayed menu. 2. Click [Download Sample Ext I/O Device Settings Excel File] to download an external I/O device
template file. 3. Edit the configuration file so that it matches the IP address of the device.
The external I/O device template file is composed by the following three worksheets. Version
Enter the version of the Excel file format (do not change). Device List
List of devices to create. Format List
List of formats supported by this tool.
Tip The actual value of the MAC address does not need to be configured. However, edit the setup file to make sure that the value is not the same as other MAC addresses registered in IP Live System Manager. 4. Using [Create Ext. I/O Device] > [Browse], upload the modified configuration file.


Only files with data format version 2.3, 3.0, or 3.1 can be imported. Before uploading, check that [File Version] is set to 2.3, 3.0, or 3.1 on the [Version] worksheet.

5. Select a registered external I/O device on the [Device] tab, and click the [Authorize] button. A confirmation message appears.
6. Click the [Yes] button. The selected external I/O device is authorized, and crosspoints can now be controlled using IP Live System Manager.

External I/O device template files

The external I/O device template file is composed of the [Version], [Device List], and [Format List] worksheets. The [Version] worksheet shows the version of the file. The [Device List] worksheet sets the names and network information of external I/O devices. The [Format List] worksheet is for reference only and lists the formats that can be configured in [Format] on the [Device List] worksheet.

[Version] worksheet
Item File Version

Description Shows the version of the data format. “3.2” is displayed when exporting a device. Set to 2.3, 3.0, or 3.1 when creating a device.

[Device List] worksheet
Item Device Name

Device Type IP Address
MAC Address

Primary Secondary
Primary Secondary

Hitless failover I/O

Index Name

Description Sets the name of the device. The device names must be unique. Sets the type of the device ([NMI] or [ST2110]). Sets the IP address. If [Hitless failover] is set to [OFF], the [Secondary] settings can be omitted. Sets the MAC address. If [Hitless failover] is set to [OFF], the [Secondary] settings can be omitted. The actual value for the MAC address is not required, however, edit the entries to make sure that the value is not the same as other MAC addresses of devices registered in IP Live System Manager. Sets the Hitless Failover function ([ON] or [OFF]). Set the index numbers and interface names of I/O interfaces (index number was added in version 3.2). Sets the media format, such as the video format and audio format. A list of supported formats is provided on the [Format List] worksheet which you can copy.


Item Multicast Address

Primary Secondary

Manufacturer(option) Model Name(option) Serial Number(option) Created/Updated Date(Reference Only)

Description Sets multicast address and port number of each I/O port. The multicast addresses must be unique. If [Hitless failover] is set to [OFF], the [Secondary] settings can be omitted. Sets the manufacturer of the device. (Can be omitted. This was added in version 3.0. In version 2.3, “Sony Corporation” is displayed.) Sets the model name of the device. (Can be omitted. This was added in version 3.0. In version 2.3, “External I/O Device” is displayed.) Sets the serial number of the device. (Can be omitted. This was added in version 3.0. In version 2.3, “00000001” is displayed.) Outputs the date and time the device was last modified. When loading, the last modified date and time are ignored. (This was added in version 3.2.)

[Format List] worksheet
The [Format List] worksheet is for reference only and lists the formats that can be configured in [Format] on the [Device List] worksheet.

Creating an NMOS Device
You can acquire registration information of a third-party system NMOS device, and register the NMOS device in RDS manually in NMOS Proxy mode.
On the [Device] tab, click , and then click [Query NMOS Device] in the displayed menu. Or when using NMOS Proxy mode, click [Register NMOS Device]. To acquire registration information from a third-party NMOS device via RDS, select [Query NMOS Device]. To register an NDCP device in RDS manually when using NMOS Proxy mode, select [Register NMOS Device].
Note When [Mode] is set to [Controller Mode] on the [RDS Configuration] > [NMOS Configuration] screen, [Register NMOS Device] cannot be executed (see “Configuring NMOS”).


Registering an External Routing System

You can link to an existing external routing system, such as an S-BUS system, by registering an external routing system in IP Live System Manager. Specifically, this allows you to switch interface group connections for devices managed by IP Live System Manager from an external routing system.


in the global menu and switch to the [System Controller] screen, and click [External Routing

System] in the [Settings] menu to display the [External Routing System List] screen. This screen is used to

register an external routing system in IP Live System Manager.

Tip Clicking

refreshes the display with the latest information.

Registering a new external routing system
Use the following procedure to register a new external routing system.
1. Click the button. The [Create New External Routing System] dialog appears.
2. Configure the [Name], [IP Address], and [Port] parameters in the [Create New External Routing System] dialog, and click the [Save] button. The port may require opening on the firewall, depending on the network environment. When the [Save] button is clicked, the [Router Settings] tab is enabled, ready for configuration.
3. On the [Router Settings] tab, click the [Import] button to import the file required for mutual control of IP Live System Manager and the external routing system. For details about creating external routing system setting data, see “Creating External Routing System Setting Data.”
4. Click the [Save] button. The settings are saved.

5. Click the [Close] button. The dialog closes. The registered external routing system is displayed in [External Routing System List].

[External Routing System List]

The registered external routing systems are displayed in [External Routing System List].




Displays the name of the external routing system.

IP Address

Displays the IP address of the external routing



Displays the port number of the external routing


system. Displays the following status of the external

routing system.


Link function of the external routing system is not



Link function of the external routing system is


available. Displays a description of the external routing


Changing external routing system settings
Use the following procedure to change external routing system settings. 1. Select the external routing system to edit, and click the button. The [Edit External Routing System] dialog appears. 2. Change the setting of each parameter in the [Edit External Routing System] dialog. 3. Click the [Save] button. The settings are saved. 4. Click the [Close] button. The dialog closes.
Deleting an external routing system
Use the following procedure to delete an external routing system.
1. Select the external routing system to delete, and click the button. A confirmation message appears.
2. Click the [Yes] button. The selected external routing system is deleted from the list.


[Create New External Routing System] / [Edit External Routing System] dialog
This dialog is used to configure external routing system parameters.

Tip The example screen above shows the creation of a new external routing system, but the display and operation are the same when changing external routing system parameters.

Common parameters

The name and network information of the external routing system to register are configured in the

common parameters section. Item Name

Description Enter the name of the external routing system to

IP Address

register. Enter the IP address of the external routing system

to register. For an S-BUS system, specify


Enter the port number of the external routing

system to register. For an S-BUS system, specify


11700. Enter a description of the external routing system,

as required.

When finished, click the [Save] button. The [Router Settings] tab is enabled, ready for configuration.

[Router Settings] tab

The crosspoints on the crosspoint matrix formed by the device interfaces managed by IP Live System

Manager are configured for routing from an external routing system on the [Router Settings] tab. You

can configure settings by importing a router settings file into IP Live System Manager.



Router Settings File Name

Displays the name of the imported router settings



Item Last Updated Time [Import] button
[Export] button Download Sample Router Settings File

Description Displays the date and time the router settings file was last imported. Displays the [Select Import File] dialog. Click the [Browse] button to select the router settings file to import, then click the [OK] button to import the file. For details about creating external routing system setting data, see “Creating External Routing System Setting Data.” Exports the current router settings to a file. Downloads sample external routing system data (Excel file).

When finished, click the [Save] button to save the settings.

Creating External Routing System Setting Data

When registering an external routing system on the [External Routing System List] screen, you need to create data that links the IP Live System Manager interface group crosspoint matrix with the external routing system crosspoint matrix, and import it into IP Live System Manager. This data is creating using Excel.

Excel file data structure
The Excel file is composed by the following three worksheets.

1. Index level map 2. Router location list 3. Router location configuration The worksheet names are optional, but the worksheet order must be as shown above. Example configurations for each worksheet are given below.
Worksheet 1: Index level map
This worksheet is used to configure data that links the index within an IP Live System Manager interface group to the level in an external routing system.

Column A: Set the level name used for management within IP Live System Manager. The level names must be unique. Column B: Specify the AV interface group sort order from 0. Column C: Set the level of the port of the external routing system.
Worksheet 2: Router location list
This worksheet is used to configure external routing system crosspoint matrix (Router Location) data.

Column A: Set the location name used for management within IP Live System Manager. The location names must be unique. Column B: Set the first interface number of the external routing system source interface group. Column C: Set the first interface number of the external routing system destination interface group.


The first interface numbers must be unique, because the interfaces are automatically linked in sequence from the start number specified on worksheet 2 to the interface groups specified on worksheet 3.

In this example, two interface groups are configured for both source and destination for Router Location

A on worksheet 3. If, for example, “2” was specified instead of “3” for Router Location B on worksheet 2,

then interface number “2” would be linked in two locations as shown below.

Router Location A Source Group CAMERA-01: 1 CAMERA-02: 2

Destination Group VTR-01: 1 VTR-02: 2

Router Location B Source Group CAMERA-01: 2 CAMERA-02: 3

Destination Group VTR-01: 2 VTR-02: 3


In this example, the values entered for Router Location B on worksheet 2 must be greater than or equal

to the value obtained by adding the number of interface groups for Router Location A specified on

worksheet 3 to the start numbers for Router Location A specified on worksheet 2. In this example, if a

value of “3” is specified for Router Location B, the interface numbers are configured correctly as shown


Router Location A Source Group CAMERA-01: 1 CAMERA-02: 2

Destination Group VTR-01: 1 VTR-02: 2

Router Location B Source Group CAMERA-01: 3 CAMERA-02: 4

Destination Group VTR-01: 3 VTR-02: 4

Worksheet 3: Router location configuration
This worksheet is used to configure data that links the IP Live System Manager interface groups to the external routing system interface groups.

Row 1 in columns A/B and C/D Set the location names specified on worksheet 2. Rows 2+ in columns A and C Set the source interface group names of each location. Rows 2+ in columns B and D Set the destination interface group names of each location.
Tips · The source (destination) interface group names configured for Source Group (Destination Group)
must be unique. · The source interface groups and destination interface groups are configured on the [AV Interface
Group List] screen.
Checking NS-BUS Device Settings Information


in the global menu and switch to the [System Controller] screen, and click [NS-BUS Device]

in the [Settings] menu to display the [NS-BUS Device List] screen. The status of each NS-BUS device

connected to the system is displayed in a list, allowing you to check the detailed parameters of each

NS-BUS device. You can also add NS-BUS devices manually and change settings. You can also reboot an

NS-BUS device, and turn beacons on/off for NS-BUS devices that have the beacon function.


[NS-BUS Device List] screen items

The following parameters are displayed on the [NS-BUS Device List] screen.




Displays the name of the NS-BUS device.


Displays the connection status of the NS-BUS



The NS-BUS device is connected to IP Live System

Manager, and operations for IP Live System

Manager are available from the NS-BUS device.


The NS-BUS device is disconnected from IP Live

System Manager, and operations for IP Live System

IP Address

Manager are not available from the NS-BUS device. Displays the IP address of the NS-BUS device

User Name

connected with IP Live System Manager. Displays the user name of the NS-BUS device.

Model Name

Displays the model name of the NS-BUS device.

Firmware Version Manufacturer Authorization

Displays the version of the NS-BUS device. Displays the manufacturer of the NS-BUS device. Displays the authorization status of the NS-BUS



You can set/release the Protect state as the same user from either an NS-BUS device or IP Live System Manager by setting the same name for the user of the NS-BUS device and the user of IP Live System Manager. To enable this setting, see “Enabling Protect State Set/Release Function Sharing when the NSBUS Device User and IP Live System Manager User are the Same User.”

Preview pane items

The following parameters are displayed in the Preview pane.



[Activate Beacon] button

Activates the beacon on devices that have the

[Deactivate Beacon] button

beacon function. Deactivates the beacon on devices that have the

Device Name Device setting page

beacon function. Displays the name of the NS-BUS device. Clicking the URL displays a link to a web menu

page for configuring the various settings of the

NS-BUS device (only for devices that support

NS-BUS External Control

configuration using the web interface). Displays the enabled/disabled state of NS-BUS

Protocol Info

external control. Displays the protocol (TCP or TLS) and protocol

version used by the NS-BUS device for

Authentication Status

communication with the system controller. Displays whether device authentication was

Certificate Common Name

successful. Displays the certificate information for device

Certificate Issuer Name

authentication. Displays the certificate information for device

NS-BUS Configuration

authentication. Displays the enabled/disabled state of the NS-BUS

Protocol Info

configuration. Displays the NS-BUS configuration protocol (TCP or

TLS) and protocol version used for connection with

NS-BUS Router/Matrix

IP Live System Manager. Displays the enabled/disabled state of the NS-BUS

Protocol Info

router/matrix. Displays the NS-BUS router/matrix protocol (TCP or

TLS) and protocol version used for connection with

Network Interface List

IP Live System Manager. Displays the network interface information list of

IP Address

the NS-BUS device. Displays the IP address of the network interface of

the NS-BUS device.


Item MAC Address

Description Displays the MAC address of the network interface
of the NS-BUS device. Displays a description of the NS-BUS device.

Adding an NS-BUS device
You can search for and add NS-BUS devices connected to the system.
Tip The target devices are those that support the NS-BUS Routing/Matrix protocol only. Devices that support the NS-BUS External Control protocol are excluded.
1. Click the button. The [NS-BUS Device Registration] dialog appears.
2. Specify the [Protocol], [Device IP Address1], [Device IP Address2], and [Device Port Number] items, and click the [Register] button. NS-BUS devices that have the specified information are added to the [NS-BUS Device List] screen. In single mode:

In redundancy mode: 103

Tips [Device IP Address1] is the main connection destination from IP Live System Manager. [Device IP
Address2] is the failover destination if [Device IP Address1] becomes unusable. In redundancy mode, when system A is configured using IP Live System Manager, only [LSM
A(Local)] is configured. When system B is configured using IP Live System Manager, only [LSM B(Remote)] is configured.
3. Click the [Close] button.
Changing NS-BUS device settings
Select an NS-BUS device, and click the button to edit the device settings on the displayed screen.
Authorizing an NS-BUS device
NS-BUS devices that are grayed out on the [NS-BUS Device List] screen must first be authorized. Use the following procedure to authorize a device.
1. Select a connected NS-BUS device, and click the [Authorize] button. A confirmation message appears.
2. Click the [Yes] button. The selected NS-BUS device is authorized, and IP Live System Manager crosspoint switching can be controlled from the NS-BUS device. Crosspoint switching operation of NS-BUS Router/Matrix compatible devices is also supported from IP Live System Manager.
To cancel NS-BUS device authorization
Select an NS-BUS device on the [NS-BUS Device List] screen, and click the [Deauthorize] button.
Copying parameters of an NS-BUS device to another NS-BUS device
Use the following procedure to copy the settings of an existing NS-BUS device to another NS-BUS device. You can copy the settings of an NS-BUS device to replace when exchanging an NS-BUS device.
1. On the [NS-BUS Device List] screen, click the [Copy Parameter] button. The [Maintenance] screen appears.
2. Select the NS-BUS device whose parameters you want to copy in the left pane.

3. Select the NS-BUS devices to which to copy the parameters in the right pane, and click the [Paste & Apply] button.
A confirmation message appears. 4. Click the [Yes] button.
The copied parameters are applied to the NS-BUS devices selected in step 3. Tip The NS-BUS Device Authorization settings are not copied.
Checking NS-BUS device settings information
Select an NS-BUS device on the [NS-BUS Device List] screen, and click the [Detail] button to display the [Detail] dialog. You can check settings of the selected NS-BUS device in the [Detail] dialog. If a router-compatible NSBUS device is selected, you can check the matrix interfaces that the selected NS- BUS device has.
Rebooting an NS-BUS device
You can reboot an NS-BUS device that supports remote booting from IP Live System Manager. 1. Select a connected NS-BUS device to reboot, and click the [Detail] button. The [Detail] dialog appears. 2. Click the [Reboot] button. A confirmation message appears. 3. Click the [Yes] button. The selected NS-BUS device is rebooted. Tips · Only NS-BUS devices with both [Connection] set to [Connected] and [NS-BUS Configuration] set to [Available] can be rebooted. · Clicking the [Synchronize] button reacquires the parameters of the NS-BUS device.

Displaying the connection state of NS-BUS devices
Use the following procedure to display the connection status of NS-BUS devices. 1. Select an NS-BUS device to display its connection state. 2. Click the (Go To Topology) button. The [Network Topology Monitoring] screen appears, displaying the connection status of the selected NS-BUS device (see “Checking Device Connection State”).

Deleting an NS-BUS device
Use the following procedure to delete an NS-BUS device from the list.
1. Select the NS-BUS device to delete, and click the button. A confirmation message appears.
2. Click the [Yes] button. The selected NS-BUS device is deleted from the list.
Tip Only NS-BUS devices with [Matrix Control] set to [Disconnected] can be deleted from the list.

Creating an NS-BUS Device Settings Snapshot

You can save the setup of multiple NS-BUS devices as snapshots and then switch the NS-BUS device setup combination during operation by applying the appropriate snapshot as required.


in the global menu and switch to the [System Controller] screen, and click [NS-B

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