MGPL Library Services Management System User Guide

June 1, 2024

MGPL Library Services Management System




  • Staffing remained stable.
  • Other personnel news can be found in the Department reports.

Automation & Technology

  • The correct printer was finally installed in the Computer Room.
  • OSG continues routine and general maintenance of our computers and other automation systems.


  • The strategic plan was officially approved by the Board at their February meeting and introduced to the staff at the end of February.
  • We will be introducing it to the public in March. The Implementation Team met to begin planning annual objectives to meet our strategic directions. We will be soliciting more staff input for annual objectives at our ½ day staff in-service in April.
  • Our newly developed contract for performers and presenters (due to the new reporting requirements for independent contractors by the Illinois Department of Employment Security) has been sent to the library attorney for review. As required by law, we have begun reporting our independent contractors (ie – programmers/presenters) that we have booked for programs for the first quarter of the year to the IDES.
  • I completed the FY2024 Illinois Public Library Annual Report (IPLAR). Board President Macejak and Secretary Pelletier both reviewed and signed off on the IPLAR before submission, and a copy of the report has been included in the Board packets.
  • The audit is in its final stages and should be substantially complete by the end of March. Presentation of the audit will be scheduled once the final audit documents are produced.


  • The elevator modernization project began on February 5 and has proceeded with no major issues. The interior of the elevator is scheduled to be installed on March 14 – 15.
  • Roof repair work on the eyebrow roof around the south bay window is scheduled to start on March 11 to take advantage of the anticipated nice weather. This work should take approximately 2 – 3 days to complete and will cost $3,125.00.
  • Additional information on the building and grounds can be found in the report from Facilities Manager, Ed Tamras.


  • Department Managers meetings February 7, 21
  • ECC/DLIL Executive Committee meeting February 7
  • ILA Noon Network Webinar: Training PICs: Persons in Charge February 5
  • Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting February 8
  • Sikich – audit fieldwork/finalization meeting February 26
  • Strategic Plan Implementation Team meeting February 27
  • Besides the meetings listed above, I had several meetings throughout the month with Department Managers and other staff on a variety of personnel, collection, and building-related issues.

MGPL Access Services February 2024 Report

Jeffrey Ray, Access Services Manager


  • 87 Library Cards registered


  • 1,671 Morton Grove Public Library items were sent to other libraries to fill hold requests.
  • 3,015 hold items were processed by Circulation Staff for patrons to pick up at MGPL.
  • 12,375 items were checked in by Circulation Staff.
  • Tech Services Staff are continually receiving and processing Youth and Adult print and A/V materials.
  • 2/7/24 Shawn Cherian attended the Circulation Roundtable meeting.
  • Worked with Youth Services staff in adding a new face-out picture book collection (Informational) including cataloging and relabeling materials that were added to the collection.

MGPL Facilities & Maintenance February 2024 Report

Edmon Tamras, Facilities Manager

  • Elevator modernization work has begun.
  • Morton Grove Fire Dept. conducted the fire inspection of the library.
  • Did some repairs such as wall patching and paint, caulking around the windows, and trim work painting on the south bay window that was damaged due to ice build-up from the ice dam on the gutters.
  • Midwest Mechanical doing the quarterly PM’s on our HVAC. Replaced a leaking gas regulator and a condenser fan motor on two separate units that are covered in our contract.
  • Replaced the keyed door handles on the snack and cleaning supplies closet doors. The older locks were becoming harder to unlock.
  • Replaced the backup battery that was dead to one of the emergency lights.
  • Johnson Flooring was here to repair some of the vinyl tiles (LVT) in the staff lounge that have been popping up in some areas, but Phil the owner decided to pause the repair work until the spring/summer season. See Ed for more info.
  • Replaced a broken outlet in the Baxter room.
  • Dropped off packets to the Board of Trustees.
  • Made adjustments to our exterior light timers.
  • Continued to monitor the downspouts on the exterior of the building and manually turn ON the heat trace electrical cord when the downspouts are frozen.
  • Performed daily duties of cleaning the library.
  • Weekly draining of the fire sprinkler auxiliary moisture accumulator tubes.
  • Managed day-to-day operations.

MGPL Adult and Teen Services February 2024 Report

Melissa Mayberry, Adult and Teen Services Manager


  • This month, we had 40 programs with 770 attendees.
  • Once again, we hosted an UnValentine’s Day program offsite. This year it was held at Sketchbook Brewery. Activities included card making, cupcake decorating, book recommendations, games, and socializing.
  • We had a smaller turnout this year, most likely because we did not offer food. Overall patrons had positive things to say about the event and expressed an interest in having more programs outside of the Library.MGPL-Library-Services-Management-System-FIG-1
  • Based on patron feedback, we decided to offer our monthly craft program in the evening, as well as its usual time in the morning. This allows those who work during the day, as well as teens, to attend this popular program.
  • This was the first month we offered the evening program, and the patrons who attended were all very excited to have it at this new time.
  • While coming up with a new craft every month can be a bit challenging for staff, this program provides our patrons the opportunity to relax, be creative, and socialize.
  • This month we presented several programs that were informational and timely. The Long Struggle for Peace in Israel-Palestine was presented by Dr.
  • David Faris, Associate Professor of Political Science, and Stand in the Shadow of the Moon, was presented by Professor Shane Larson.
  • With the number of attendees and the positive feedback we received, it show that our patrons have an interest in educational programs that promote life-long learning.

Book/Media Displays

  • UnValentines Day
  • Black Teen Romance
  • Pages of Diversity
  • Bloody Valentine
  • Black Voices
  • Black History Month
  • Dare to Dream

Book Rivers and Record Sets

  • Black History Month
  • Acts of Kindness
  • Bloody Valentine
  • Historical Romance
  • Black History Month for Teens
  • Teen Romance
  • New YA releases

Library Aware Newsletters

  • Best Seller Preview
  • New Fiction
  • New Non-Fiction
  • New AV
  • New Graphic Novels

Continuing Education/Meetings/Webinars

  • Nate attended the Booklist webinar: Graphic Novels for All
  • Marlene attended the Booklist webinar : Adult Faves
  • Wynn attended Keeping Up with Books: Year in Review 2023 presented by Novelist
  • Melissa attended a meeting of the Morton Grove Advisory Commission on Aging
  • Bob attended the NSAP/PULSE Virtual meeting
  •  Melissa attended the Strategic Plan Implementation Meeting

MGPL Marketing & Engagement February 2024 Report

Karina Guico, Marketing & Engagement Manager

  • The Marketing Team continues to promote and publicize library events, services, and news.
  • Sent out weekly e-blast and a few targeted emails
  • Created 30 new graphics and updated multiple items for AS and YS staff
  • Continued to design materials for different library events/services: Hello Neighbor postcard, Kid Librarian promotional materials, Robot and the Machine
  • Started to design summer reading logo
  • Posted on social media 69 times
  • Last month’s Instagram reel “What I Look Like When I’m Reading” increased in views and likes to 28,000 views and 1,221 likes.
  • This month’s top post is “Support Your Local Library Napkin” (10,500 views, 145 likes). Our reach increased by 59%and profile visits increased by 10%.
  • TikTok top post “All That Work and What Did It Get Me” (6,368 views, 192 likes).
  • Took photos at events and the photos were uploaded to Flickr. Videos posted on our YouTube channels.
  • Proofed copy for the April-May newsletter. Started layout.MGPL-Library-Services-Management-System-FIG-3

Community & Staff Engagement

  • Started to request donations for a variety of spring and summer events
  • Represented the library at the Village of Morton Grove’s Neighborhood Outreach Meeting
  • Organized (with the members of the Staff Appreciation Committee) February’s staff treat
  • Started a bi-weekly staff e-newsletter


  • Karina attended the webinar “Enabling a New Future of Work on the Frontline”
  • Karina attended the strategic plan implementation meeting
  • Karina attended the manager’s meetings

MGPL Youth Services February 2024 Report

Courtney Schroeder, Youth Services Manager


  • In February we provided 45 programs for 1321 people as well as the Library-wide Robot Romance program.
  • Katie brought back our pre-pandemic Make & Take Playgroup program. I had been running it on Tuesday evenings prior to 2020 with marginal success but moving it to Saturday brought in a huge crowd. We ended up running out of supplies and will be better prepared for a larger group next time. I am just excited to see it flourish because I think providing families with early learning activities on the go is important. What we do in the building to build early literacy skills is great, but we need those skills to be practiced every day. This month’s busy bag activity was using foam popsicle sticks to mimic patterns and shapes on cue cards. In April, they’ll arrange pompons on caterpillar shapes to practice color matching and counting skills.
  • Jess’ Mathematics Circus is building S.T.E.A.M. (ha!) as the months go on. Families are eager to participate in the storytime focused on pre-math skills since it’s not something you find anywhere else around.
  • This year, we had several families stop by for Drop-in Valentine Making who came specifically to make valentines since they have done it every year. I especially found the number of parents crafting cards alongside their kids to be endearing.
  • Natalie hosted a Create Your Candy Sushi program for tweens and teens to stretch their creativity and they had a blast. In the end, families out in the department were invited to join in the fun and everyone left on a sugar high.


  • In February the outreach team visited 37 groups (982 kids/teachers/parents) including Debbie representing the Morton Grove Public Library at Oakton Community College’s Infant and Toddler Conference.
  • We hosted several unfacilitated visits from  Jerusalem Lutheran students. This month we also created 5 book bags of 82 items for area classrooms.

Professional Development/Training/Meetings

  • In February the Youth Services staff attended the following professional development and training meetings.
  • Natalie attended the EDIT YS Networking Meeting.
  • Debbie attended the Preschool Partnerships RAILS Networking Group Meeting.
  • Jess met with Irina from Niles Maine Library to talk about bringing Math Instruction programs to their library.
  • Jessie attended the HarperCollins Children’s Book preview webinar.
  • Courtney hosted the YS Managers networking group for managers in northeast Illinois.
  • Amy and Debbie watched the Ryan Dowd webinar on Autism.
  • Leslie attended the Booklist webinar, Meet the Artists! About picture book illustrators.
  • Natalie, Amy, and Jessie attended the webinar, Magnificent Middle Grade from Booklist.
  • Jess attended the IYSI Steering Committee.
  • Debbie attended two meetings of the ACH, Reading is a Right and Resident Interviews.
  • Courtney attended her monthly Project Ready EDI cohort meeting.

Programming Statistics – February 2024| |
Program Name:| # of


| Total


Adult Programs| 39| 762
Chair Yoga (Online)| 2| 48
Chair Yoga (In person)| 1| 16
Tai Chi (Online)| 2| 19
Crafting for Charity| 2| 25
Tuesday Movies| 4| 112
Social Seniors: Bingo| 1| 13
Social Seniors: Arts & Crafts| 1| 10
Social Seniors: Trivia| 1| 10
Social Seniors: Wits Workout| 1| 6
Indie Movie Night| 1| 7
Resume Workshop (Online)| 1| 2
The Long Struggle for Peace in Israel-Palestine (Hybrid)| 1| 60
Stand in the Shadow of the Moon (Hybrid)| 1| 168
A Conversation with Jerry Craft (Online)| 1| 3
Un-Valentine’s Day Celebration| 1| 12
Tech Talk: Tracking Books with Goodreads| 1| 2
Evening Crafts for Adults and Teens| 1| 9
Name That Tune (Online)| 1| 7
Self-Defense for Seniors| 1| 24
Meet the Author: Julia Quinn (Online)| 1| 4
Introduction to Google Docs and Drive| 1| 5
An Unfinished Journey: African American Music in Its Pivotal Decades (Hybrid)| 1| 16
Deadpool (Online)| 1| 3
Sleep Like a Baby (Hybrid)| 1| 92
Book a Librarian| 3| 3
LitLounge (Online)| 1| 16
Between the Lines (In Person)| 1| 8
Between the Lines (Online)| 1| 9
Senior Activity Kits| 1| 43
ESL Kits| 1| 9
Job Searching Kits| 1| 1
Teen Programs| 1| 8
LitLoot| 1| 8
| |
Youth Programs| 45| 1321
Anime Club| 1| 3
Bedtime Stories & More| 1| 7
Chess Academy| 1| 23
Crafternoon| 1| 8
Crafty Saturday| 1| 53
Create Your Candy Sushi| 1| 22
DIY Family Game Night| 1| 18
Drama Club| 2| 26
Drop-in Valentine Card Making| 1| 273
Family Engineering Night| 1| 21
Family Storytime| 1| 28
Goofball Science Club| 1| 4
Lego Builders| 1| 12
Listen Up!| 4| 119
Make & Take Playgroup| 1| 30
Mathematics Circus| 1| 23
Mini Music Makers| 1| 37
Monday Morning Playgroup| 4| 131
Preschool Storytime| 3| 42
Puppet Craft Storytime| 1| 23
Puzzle Gauntlet / Jr. Puzzle Gauntlet| 2| 14
STEMonade Stand| 2| 220
Tiny Science| 1| 8
Toddler Time| 3| 58
Wee Read| 8| 118
| |
Library-Wide Programs| 1| 33
The Robot & The Machine: A Puzzling Romance| 1| 33
| |
Talks/Tours inside the Library| |
Youth Services| 0| 0
| |
Adult/Teen Services| 0| 0
| |
Talks/Tours outside the Library| |
Youth Services| 37| 982
Golf| 2| 71
Hynes| 3| 180
Jerusalem Lutheran| 1| 19
Kids Academy| 4| 54
MCC/MEC| 1| 7
Melzer| 4| 74
MGPD Preschool| 1| 17
Montessori Academy of Morton Grove| 3| 32
Oakton’s Infant/Toddler Conference| 1| 250
Park View| 11| 138
Poko Loko| 5| 130
Sunny Bunny| 1| 10
| |
Adult/Teen Services| 0| 0
MCC Famished for Fiction| |
| |
Marketing & Engagement| 0| 0

  • The Checkout numbers and Renewal numbers exclude in-house cards as well as test cards
  • The line that reads “Number Of Items Currently Out” counts items with these.
  • Item Statuses: Checked Out’, ‘On loan to another library’, ‘Awaiting Pickup’, ‘In transit to another library’, ‘In-Transit to Home Library’ For More Information:


Checkins at your stations Leap Check-in 10777
Checkins at your stations Checkin Leap In Hous 1549
Checkins at your stations Self Check-in 18
Checkins at your stations Quick Check-in 31
Total Check-ins 12375
Checkouts at your stations Leap Checkout and Renewal 4797
Checkouts at your stations Self-check Check out 6508
Total Checkouts 11305
Renewals at your stations Auto-renewal 8414
Renewals at your stations Leap Checkout and Renewal 381
Renewals at your stations Self-check Check out 28
Renewals at your stations Power PAC Renewal 223
Renewals at your stations Third-party renewal 48
Renewals at your stations Inbound Telephony Checkout 3
Total Renewals 9097
Number of your Library’s items checked out system-wide 10675
Number of your Library’s unique items checked out system-wide 9778
Holds Placed through your interface 3115
--- --- ---
Holds placed for/by your patrons 3312
Holds Held 3015
Holds Located 0
Holds Checkout 2836
Holds Expired 0
Holds Cancelled 362
Holds Unclaimed 231
Number Of Items Currently Out 12019
Existing “MortonGrove” patron received a new barcode 37
Patron Expiration Date Extended More Than 30 Days: 10
Count of physical patron records at the beginning of 02/2024 9817
Minus Patron records physically deleted 45
Minus Patron library was changed from “MortonGrove” to some other CCS library
Plus Patron records physically added 87
Plus Patron library was changed from some CCS library to “MortonGrove” 1
Count of physical patron records at the end of 02/2024 9858
Minus In-House and Test Cards 10
Minus Expired Cards 284
Unexpired Patrons on file 9564
Leap Registration Patron Lib=MortonGrove 87
Leap Registration Patron Lib=CCSL 15

Monthly ILLINET numbers Number of items borrowed by your library and supplied by a CCS library| | 2081
Number of items lent by your library to a CCS library| | 1671

Morton Grove Public Library


  • Circulation between a library’s branches is excluded from these numbers.
  • For example, circulation of an Algonquin Main item at the Algonquin Branch is excluded.

The columns are labeled as follows:

  1. Lending Library
  2. Intra-CCS – To CCS Libraries
  3. Other Ill. – To Other Libraries or Systems in Illinois
  4. Outside Ill. – To Libraries Outside of Illinois
  5. TotalTotal Sent by Lending Library
  6. Percent   Held – Lending Library Holdings to System-Wide Holdings
  7. Percent Intra-CCS – Lending Library Intra-CCS ILL to System-Wide Total Intra-CCS ILL


Algonquin 2,847 226 45 3,118 3.12 4.12
Cary 1,311 69 20 1,400 2.97 1.90
CCSL 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00
Crystal Lake 1,566 140 24 1,730 3.00 2.27
Des Plaines 4,432 308 358 5,098 5.15 6.41
Ela 3,001 138 0 3,139 3.22 4.34
Evanston 3,606 143 69 3,818 6.53 5.22
Fox River Valley 2,376 102 17 2,495 2.87 3.44
Fremont 2,140 84 23 2,247 1.80 3.10
Glencoe 1,478 49 21 1,548 2.26 2.14
Glenview 4,324 170 99 4,593 4.64 6.26
Grayslake 2,630 79 11 2,720 3.30 3.81
Highland Park 2,685 114 46 2,845 4.15 3.88
Huntley 1,704 58 5 1,767 2.72 2.47
Indian Trails Public Library 2,559 136 107 2,802 3.28 3.70
Lake Forest 1,469 37 0 1,506 3.00 2.13
Lake Villa 2,072 104 30 2,206 2.98 3.00
Lincolnwood 886 18 3 907 2.12 1.28
McHenry 1,299 14 3 1,316 2.62 1.88
Morton Grove 1,395 63 12 1,470 3.57 2.02
Niles 3,846 105 97 4,048 4.81 5.56
Northbrook 3,294 191 172 3,657 4.60 4.77
Palatine Public Library 3,772 121 47 3,940 4.13 5.46
Park Ridge 2,568 104 49 2,721 3.43 3.72
Prospect Heights 1,869 76 18 1,963 2.72 2.70
Round Lake 1,468 46 53 1,567 3.02 2.12
Warren-Newport Public Library 1,602 0 0 1,602 3.49 2.32
Wilmette 3,426 122 86 3,634 4.89 4.96
Winnetka-Northfield 2,369 104 17 2,490 2.99 3.43
Zion-Benton 1,124 83 43 1,250 2.60 1.63
Total 69,118 3,004 1,475 73,597 100.00 100.00

2024 Statistics — Morton Grove Public Library

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