Keithley Instruments Inc 213 Quad Voltage Source User Guide
- June 16, 2024
- Keithley Instruments Inc
Table of Contents
Model 213 Quad Voltage Source
This quick reference guide contains descriptions of the features and operation of the Model 213. Also included is a programming example using a PC controller.
The following safety warnings should be obsewed before using Model 213 Quad
Voltage Source. Refer to main manual for detailed safety information and
complete operation instructions.
The Model 213 Quad Voltage Source is intended for use by qualified personnel
who recognize shock hazards and are familiar with the safety precautions
required to avoid possible injury. Read over the manual carefully before using
the instrument.
Before operating the instrument, make sure the line cord is connected to a
properly grounded power receptacle.
Exercise extreme caution when a shock hazard is pre- sent. Lethal voltages may
be present on connector jacks. The American National Standards institute
(ANSI) states that a shock hazard exists when voltage levels greater than 30V
RMS or 42.4V peak are present. A good safety practice is to expect that
hazardous voltage is pre- sent in any unknown circuit before measuring.
Inspect the connecting cables, test leads, and jumpers for possible wear,
cracks, or breaks before each use. For maximum safety, do not touch the Quad
Voltage Source connections, test cables or connections to any other
instruments while power is applied to the circuit under test. Turn off all
power and discharge any capacitors before connecting or disconnecting cables
or jumpers.
Do not touch any object which could provide a current path to the common side
of the circuit under test or power line (earth) ground.
Do not exceed the maximum signal levels of the instrument, as shown on the
rear panel and as defined in the specifications and operation section of the
instruction manual.
Instrumentation and accessories should not be connected to humans.
Maintenance should only be performed by qualified service personnel. Before
performing any maintenance, dis- connect the line cord and all test cables
from the instrument.
Six LEDs on the front panel of the Model 213 Quad Volt- age Source display the
status of the interface fee Figure 1).
TALK-On when the unit is in the talker state, off when the unit is in the
idle or listener state.
Listens – On when the unit is in the listener state, off when the unit is
in the idle or talker State.
SRQ – On when the unit has generated a service Inquest. oft when no SW is
pending. (See Service Request Mask command for more information.)
ERROR-On when an error has occurred, off when no error condition exists.
(See Error Query command for more information.)
TEST — Used in conjunction with the Test command to verify that
communication has been established with the unit. The TEST light will flash
when the unit is calibrating in the auto-calibration mode. It will then remain
lit when finished.
POWER — On when power is applied to the unit and the power switch on the
back panel is in the on position (de- pressed). Off if power is not present.
The Model 213 has one S-position switch @WI) accessible from the rear panel.
This switch determines the unit’s IEEE address and its operating mode (normal
or auto- calibration). The switch is read only when the unit is powered on
and should be set prior to applying power.
Figure 2 illustrates the factory default setting for SWI,
The Model 213 can be thought of as four isolated digital to analog converters
occupying one IEEE-488 bus ad- dress. Each port has a low (L), high (H), and
ground (chassis ground) line. Cha*sis ground may be connected lo the shield of
shielded cable if this type of cable is used lo carry the analog signals.
The maximum common-mode input voltage (the voltage between output LO and
chassis ground) Is 500V peak. Exceeding this value may damage the Interface.
The pinouts for all four analog ports are labeled on the real panel of the
unit and are shown in Figure 3. Each analog output is capable of sourcing and
sinking a maxi- mum current 0ff 10mA.
The Model 213 has eight digital input lines and eight digital output lines.
Figure 4 illustrates the digital I/O edge connector as viewed from the rear of
the instrument.
The digital output lines will drive two TTL loads. All digital input lines are
less than 1.5 TTL loads. Normal precautions should be taken to limit the input
voltages to -0.3 to +7.O volts. All IWO lines are referenced to digital ground
(pin 20).
In addition to interfacing with TTL logic Newts, the digital output lines can
be configured es high voltage/high cur- rent outputs. These outputs can sink
up to 100mA at 50 V DC through the use of open collector drivers with integral
diodes for inductive load transient suppression. This al- lows for interfacing
the digital outputs with relays. lamps and solenoids.
To configure the digital output lines for this purpose, it is necessary to
open the enclosure and reposition the configuration jumper according to the
procedure in Section 6 of the Model 213 Instruction Manual.
Triggering is the process of changing a DAC output at the occurrence of a
trigger event. The three trigger events which can trigger a DAC port are: a
Command Trigger (@), an IEEE Group Execute Trigger (GET), or an external
trigger pulse applied the external trigger/SK2 in- put. Any DAC port may be
configured to trigger on one or more of these trigger sources. These trigger
sources and their relationship to a DAC port are shown in Figure 5.
As shown in the diagram, the trigger sources are routed to the ports using the
trigger mask commands. The trigger mask commands are illustrated as switches.
They are used to enable a trigger source to trigger the selected DAC port. All
trigger signals are then combined to allow a port to be triggered upon the
occurrence of any of the three trigger events.
Operation of the Model 213 is controlled by an internal 1msec timer. Each DAC
port is updated at a maximum rate of once every millisecond. When a trigger
event occurs, the DAC will output the programmed voltage within 1msec of
receiving the trigger.
The Model 213 contains an internal buffer consisting of 81921ocations numbered
0 to 8191. The bufferisshared by all ports. Each port may be given a different
section of the buffer or ports may use the same buffer locations without
This buffer may be loaded with voltage values to be out- put when the stepped
or waveform modes are used. All data in the internal buffer is saved in non-
volatile RAM.
Therefore buffer data which was previously loaded will be available at power
Figure 6 shows the factory default allocation of the internal buffer to each
of the DAC ports on the Model 213.
Four modes of DAC port operation are available: direct, indirect, stepped, and
waveform. Each port is independent and may be operated in a different mode.
Direct Control Mode
In the direct control mode, a DAC voltage is output upon receipt of the
Execute (X} command. Direct control is accomplished by selecting the DAC port,
the range or authoring, specifying the DAC output voltage, and issuing the
Execute command.
Indirect Control Mode
Indirect control implies that the DAC output will change only when a
trigger event occurs. Indirect control is accomplished by selecting the DAC
port, the range or authoring, specifying the DAC output voltage and the
desired trigger source. When the trigger event occurs, the programmed voltage
will be output.
Stepped Mode
In this mode, a sequence of DAC voltages is loaded into the Model 213
internal buffer. After the voltages are loaded into the buffer, the DAC output
can then be stepped through each of the values by using any of the three
trigger sources. When the last voltage in the buffer is output, th@ Model 213
will automatically return to the first location, thereby allowing the sequence
to be repeated. See Figure 7.
Waveform Mode
The waveform control mode may be used to control the DAC in an automatic
manner. A buffer is defined and volt- age values are loaded into the buffer.
Once the Model 213 is triggered, these preloaded voltage values are then
output at a regular interval. See Figure 8.
When the last voltage in the buffer is output, the Model 213 will remain at
that location if the number of cycle has been reached. The voltage stored at
this location is then output continuously. If the specified number of cycles
has not been reached, the Mode, 213 automatically canting use a, the first
buffer location.
Trigger (system command)
@| Command trigger. Triggers the ports in the command trigger mask (Trask).
This command does not require the Exe- cute Ixl command to operate.
Autorange (port command)
Al (default)
A?| Disable auto range for selected DAC poll
Enable Autorange for selected DAC port
Returns current Autorange setting.
Bufter Data
port command
Brng,volts | Writo volts value in buffer location for selected DAC port. |
Brng,#val | Write decimal bit value in buffer location for selected DAC port. |
Brng,#$valZ | Write hexadecimal bit value in buffer lo- cation for selscted DAC |
B?| Returns the range and value at the loca- tion pointer for the selected DAC
port in the format specified by the Output For- mat (On) command. Noles:
1. This command increments the loca- tion counter afler the value is written
to or read from the buffer.
2. Factory default vlaues are rng=0, volts=0.
3. Valid values ars rg=0-3, volts= number without a V prefix.
Control Mode {port command}
Co (defaull) | Direct mode |
C1 | Indirect made |
C 2 | Stepped mode |
C 3 | Waveform mode |
C ? | Returns current control mode for se- lected port |
Notes Selecting a control mode stops the prior mode activity and fearms the port for the selected mode.
Digital Qutput
(system command)
Dval | Cutputs the valus on the digital output port. |
D? | Beturns the current value cf the digital output port. |
1. Default output value = 0.
2. val = 0-255.
Error Query
(port command)
E? | Astuns the error status which indicates the last error encountered. |
Error Status | Codes: |
E 0 | No error |
E1 | Invalid command |
E2 | Invalid command parameter |
E3 | Command conflict |
E 4 | Calibration write protected |
E 5 | Non-volatile RAM error |
Notes: Upon reading the error status the error s cleared.
Buffer Definition
{port command}
Fstart,size| Specifies starling location and number of locations usedin the
internai buffer for ihe selscted port. 0 5 start 5 8191; 1 5
size 5 8192
F?| Returns the starting buffer location and number of locations used in the
defined buffer.
Notes: The sum of start+size must bo less than or equal to 8192, The default
values are 0,1024; 1024, 1024; 2048,
1024; and 3072, 1024 for ports 1 thru 4 respectivaly.
Get Trigger Mask
(system command)
Gmask| Sets bits in tha GET trigger mask which specities which ports will be
triggered upon receipt of a bus GET command.
G-mask| Clears the spacified bits in the GET trig- ger mask.
Go| Clears all bits in the GET trigger mask.
G?| Returns current GET trigger mask.
The mask bits are as follows:
Bit0| Enable triggor to DAC port 1 (1).
Bit 1| Enabls trigger to DAC port 2 (2).
Bit 2| Enabls trigger to DAC port 3 (4).
Bit3| Enabls trigger to DAC port 4 (8).
Notes: The default mask value is 0.
Oftset Cailbration
(port command)
Hval| Spacifies tha offsel constant for selected
range and port. Range is +255.
H?| Returns the offset constant for selected range and port.
Notes: Calibration constants must be programmed while using the direct con-
trol mode (CO). Autorange must be dis- abled to program calibration constants.
The current voltage output is retriggered upon execution of this command.
Default value is 0.
{port command)
It| Specily time interval (in miliseconds) used with the waveform control
Range for t is 1-65535.
17| Reoturns the current interval. Notes: The default value is 1000 (1 sec-
Gain Calibration
(port command)
Jpos, neg| Specifies the gain constant for boih po- larities of the selected
range and port. pos and neg = 0-255.
J?| Returns the gain constants for selected range and port.
Notes: Calibration constants must be programmed while using the direct con-
trol mode (C0). Autorange must be dis- abled (A0} to program calibration con-
slants. The current voltage output is retriggered upon execution of this com-
mand. Default values are 128, 128.
EOI Contro}
(system command)
Ko | Assart EQl on last bus terminator. |
K1 (default) | Disable EOL. |
k ? | Returmns the current EOI control setting. |
Locatlon Pointer
(port command)
Lval| Specifies the current buffer location.
Range for val is 0-8191.
L?| Returns the current buffer location in the format specified by the Output
Format {On) command. The value returned after an L? s the first location that
will be used in stepped and waveform modes.
Service Request Mask
(system command)
Mmask| Sets bits in the service request mask which specifies which Model 213
events will generate a bus service request.
M-mask| Clears the specified bits in the service re- quest mask.
Mo| Clears all bits in the service request mask.
m?| Relurns current service request mask.
The mask bils are as follows:
Bito| Enable SRQ on DAC port 1 ready for trig- ger (1).
Bit1| Enable SRQ on DAC port 2 ready for frig- ger (2).
Bit2| Enable SRQ on DAC port 3 ready for trig- ger (4).
Bil3| Enable SRQ on DAG port 4 ready for trig- ger (8).
Bit 4| Enable SRQ on Trigger Overrun (18).
Bit§| Enable SRQ on error (32).
Bit7| Enable SRQ on External input transition (128).
Number of Cycles
(port command)
Nval| Specifies the number of cycles through tha buffer in the waveform mode.
val is 0 65585, whero 0 is continuous.
N?| Returns the number of repetitions speci- fied for use in the wavoform
Notes: The default value is 1. C
‘Output Format
(system command)
00 (default) | Sets output formal 1o volis in +10.0000 (fixed). |
0 1 | Sels output formatin volts in docimal bits. |
0 2 | Sets output format in volts In hexadeci- mal bits. |
o? | Returns current outpul format selected. |
Port Select
(system command)}
P {dataul) | Select DAC port 1. |
p2 | Select DAC port 2. |
P3 | Select DAC port 3. |
P4 | Select DAC port4. |
P2 | Returns currently selected port. |
Extornal Trigger Mask
(system command)
Qmask| Sels bits in the external trigger mask which specifies the active adge
of the ax- ternal input fine and which ports will be triggered upon a
transition of that line.
Q-mask| Clears the specified bits in the external trigger mask,
Qo| Clears all bits in the extarnal trigger mask,
a?| Retums cument external trigger mask.
‘The mask bits are as follows:
Bito| Enable trigger to DAC port 1 (1).
Bit1| Enable trigger to DAC port 2 (2).
Bit2| Enable trigger to DAC port 3 (4).
Bit3| Enable trigger to DAC port 4 (8).
Bit7| External input iine edge sense: (128)
1=negative edge triggered
O=positive edge triggered
Notes: The bit 7 default valug is 0.
Range Select
(port command)
R0 | Select DAC Ground range. |
R 1 (defauit) | Select DAC £1V rangs. |
R 2 | Select DAC +5V range. |
R3 | Select DAC £10V range. |
R? | Returns DAC volt range. |
Noles: This command should notbe used when autorange is enatled.
System Defaults
{system command)
S o | Restores the faclory default value to NV- |
S1 | Saves the current settings as default val- uos to NV-RAM. |
S 2 | Rostores Gain and Offset cal constants. |
S3 | Saves current callbration constants to calibration NV-RAM. |
S ?, | Relurns the last Sn command executed. |
Command Trigger Mask
(system command)
Tmask| Sets bits in the command trigger mask which spscifies which porls will
be trig- gered upon raceipt of a lrigger command (@).
T-mask| Clears lhe specifiad bits in the command trigger mask.
To| Clears all bits in the command trigger mask.
T?| Returns current command trigger mask.
The mask bits are as follows:
Bit0| Enable trigger to DAC port 1,
Bit1| Enable trigger to DAC port 2.
Bit2| Enable trigger to DAC port 3.
Bit3| Enable trigger to DAC port 4.
Notes: The default value is 0.
(system command)
U 0 | Sand system status on talk. |
U1 | Send DAC port 1 status on talk. |
u2 | Send DAC port 2 status on talk. |
us | Send DAC port 3 status on talk. |
us | Send DAC port 4 stalus on talk. |
us | Send digital inpul purt status on talk. |
US | Send overrun status on talk. |
Us (default) | Returns actual output voltage and range. |
U ? | Returns programmed output voltage and range. |
Returns current status select selting.
Notes: All status commands are one shot.
Value Output
{port command)
Vvolts | Write volts value for selected DAC port. |
Vitval | Write decimal bit value for selscted DAC port. |
V#$valZ | Write hexadecimal bit value for selected C port. |
v? | Returns current range and value for se- lected port in the format |
specified by the Output Fermat (On} cormmand.
Notes: The current autorange and range affect the valus. When programming in
bits, autorange must be disabled. The digital port must be programmad in bits.
Test (system command)
WO (default) Tumn off TEST LED.
w1 Turn on TEST LED.
w2 Return state of TEST LED.
{system command)
X Execute command string.
Bus Terminator
(system command)
Y0 (default) | Bus terminator is carriage return ling feed. |
Y1 | Bus terminator is line fesd carriage re- turn, |
Y 2 | Bus terminator is carriage return only. |
Y3 | Bus terminator is fine feed only. |
Y? | Returns current bus terminator setling. |
The keyboard controller program is a simple BASIC pro-gram that accepts
commands from the PC keyboard and sends them to an IEEE-488 interface with the
lOtech Driver488 software. It then displays any responses on the PC screen.
The keyboard controller program is a con-venient method of exercising the
Model 213 and becom-ing familiar with the commands and their actions.
10 ‘ Keyboard Controller Program
30 ‘ For use with the lOtech Driver488 and an
40 IEEE-488 interface
190 PR1NT#1,CMO$
210 IF IOCTL$(2) “1” THEN 180
220 PRINT INPUT$(1,2);
200 GOTO210
Error Handier
320 10CTL# ,’BREAK”
340 INPUT#2,ST$
350 PRINT CHR$(7);”Error #*MID$(STS,15,2):” MID$(ST$,27)
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
All Keithley trademarks and trade names are the property of Keithley
Instruments, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of
their respective companies.
Keithley Instruments, Inc.
28775 Aurora Road » Cleveland,
Ohio 44139
440-248-0400 » Fax:
1-888-KEITHLEY (534-8453)
© Copyright 2000 Keithley Instruments, Inc.
Printed in the U.SA.
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Keithley Instruments Inc 213 Quad Voltage
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