velleman AERON 250 II User Manual

June 4, 2024

velleman AERON 250 II



To all residents of the European Union

Important environmental information about this product

This symbol on the device or the package indicates that disposal of the device after its lifecycle could harm the environment. Do not dispose of the unit (or batteries) as unsorted municipal waste; it should be taken to a specialized company for recycling. This device should be returned to your distributor or to a local recycling service. Respect the local environmental rules. If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities. Thank you for choosing HQPower T! Please read the manual thoroughly before bringing this device into service. If the device was damaged in transit, don’t install or use it and contact your dealer. The VDP250SC8M2 should contain: 1 x 8-channel scanner, 1x IEC-approved power cord and this manual.

Safety Instructions

Risk of electroshock during installation: touching live wires can cause life-threatening electroshocks.
Indoor use only. Keep the control unit and monitor away from rain, moisture, splashing and dripping liquids.
Do not touch the device during operation as the housing heats up.
Unplug the mains lead before opening the housing.

  • Damage caused by disregard of certain guidelines in this manual is not covered by the warranty and the dealer will not accept responsibility for any ensuing defects or problems.
  • A qualified technician should install and service this device.
  • Do not switch the device on immediately after it has been exposed to changes in temperature. Protect the device against damage by leaving it switched off until it has reached room temperature.
  • This device falls under protection class I. It is therefore essential that the device be earthed. Have a qualified person carry out the electric connection.
  • Connect the device to the mains only when installation is complete. Never let the power cord come in contact with other cables.
  • Make sure that the available voltage does not exceed the voltage stated in the specifications of this manual.
  • Do not crimp the power cord and protect it against damage. Have an authorized dealer replace it if necessary.
  • Disconnect the device from the mains to clean it or when it is not in use. Handle the power cord by the plug only.
  • Clean a dusty power cord with a dry cloth.
  • If extension cords are used make sure the core diameter is sufficient. All warnings concerning the power cord apply to extension cords.
  • Make sure no liquid or any object can enter the housing or come in contact with the electric circuit, including the power cord. Failure to do so may lead to malfunction, short-circuits or electroshocks.
  • Never leave a powered device unattended.
  • There may be some smoke or a particular smell when the device is activated for the first time. This is normal and any smoke or smell will gradually disappear.
  • Do not look directly at the light source as sensitive people may go into an epileptic seizure if they do.
  • Note that damage caused by user modifications to the device is not covered by the warranty.
  • Keep the device away from children and unauthorized users.

General Guidelines

  • Refer to the Velleman® Service and Quality Warranty on the last pages of this manual.
  • This device is designed for professional use on stage, in discos, theatres, etc. The VDP250SC8M2 should only be used indoors and connected to an alternating current of max. 230 VAC~50 Hz.
  • Lighting effects are not designed for permanent operation: regular operation breaks will prolong their lives.
  • Do not shake the device. Avoid brute force when installing or operating the device.
  • Select a location where the device is protected against extreme heat (see “Technical Specifications”), dust and moisture. Respect a minimum distance of 0.5 m between the device’s light output and any illuminated surface.
  • Never operate the device where splashing or dripping water, rain, moisture or fog may harm the device.
  • Install the device 0.5m away from a smoke machine output nozzle.
  • Do not operate the device during thunderstorms.
  • Ensure sufficient ventilation by leaving 0.5 m of free space between the device and any other object.
  • Use an appropriate safety cable to fix the device (e.g. VDLSC7 or VDLSC8).
  • Familiarise yourself with the functions of the device before actually using it. Do not allow operation by unqualified people. Any damage that may occur will most probably be due to the unprofessional use of the device.
  • Use the original packaging if the device is to be transported.
  • All modifications of the device are forbidden for safety reasons. Never remove the barcode.
  • Only use the device for its intended purpose. All other uses may lead to short circuits, burns, electroshocks, crash, etc. Using the device in an unauthorized way will void the warranty.
  • The installation has to be approved by an expert before the device is taken into service.


  • 7 different dichroic colors filters + white
  • rainbow effect with adjustable speed in both directions
  • gobo wheel with 7 rotating gobos + open
  • strobe effect with adjustable speed via shutter
  • motorized focus
  • 3-facet prism with adjustable speed rotating in both directions
  • DMX-controlled, stand-alone or master/slave
  • sound control via a built-in microphone
  • control panel with LCD and encoder



  1. ventilation slots
  2. fixation screw
  3. mounting bracket
  4. lens
  5. mirror
  6. housing
  7. housing screw
  8. DMX output
  9. DMX input
  10. power cord connection / fuse holder
  11. LCD
  12. control LEDs
  13. encoder



  • Only fit or replace a lamp when the device is unplugged from the mains.
  • Let a lamp cool down before replacing it as the temperature of a lamp can reach 600°C during operation.
  • When handling a halogen lamp, do not touch it with your bare hands. Use a cloth to insert or remove it.
  • Do not install lamps with a higher wattage than what this device was designed for.
  • Replace any deformed or damaged lamp with a lamp of the same type (see “Technical Specifications”):
  1. Unscrew the 4 housing screws at the rear. Remove the housing.
  2. Unscrew the knurled screws of the lamp.
  3. Gently remove the old lamp from its holder and insert a new one.
  4. Retighten the knurled screws, replace the housing and tighten.

Remember the lamp is not a hot-restrike type. Please wait for approximately 10 minutes after having switched off the device before turning it back on.

Remark: Do not use the device when the cover is open.


  • Only fit or replace a fuse when the device is unplugged from the mains.
  • If the lamp burns out, chances are you will need to replace the fuse as well.
  • Replace a blown fuse with a fuse of the same type and rating (see “Technical Specifications”):
  1. Remove the fuse holder at the rear using an appropriate screwdriver.
  2. Remove the old fuse and install a new one.
  3. Replace the fuse holder.

Mounting the Device

  • Have the device installed by a qualified person, respecting EN 60598-2-17 and all other applicable norms.
  • The carrying construction must be able to support 10 times the weight of the device for 1 hour without deforming.
  • The installation must always be secured with a secondary attachment e.g. a safety cable.
  • Never stand directly below the device when it is being mounted, removed or serviced. Have a qualified technician check the device once a year and once before you bring it into service.
  • Install the device in a location with few passers-by that is inaccessible to unauthorized persons.
  • Overhead mounting requires extensive experience: calculating workload limits, determining the installation material to be used… Have the material and the device itself checked regularly. Do not attempt to install the device yourself if you lack these qualifications as improper installation may result in injuries.
  • Adjust the desired inclination angle via the mounting bracket and tighten the bracket screws.
  • Make sure there is no flammable material within a 0.5m radius of the device.
  • Have a qualified electrician carry out the electric connection.
  • Connect the device to the mains with the power plug. Do not connect it to a dimming pack.
  • The installation has to be approved by an expert before the device is taken into service.


REMARK: This device features an internal safety switch. This device will not switch on when the lamp is missing, defect or too hot.

DMX512 Connection

Connect an XLR cable to the female 3-pin XLR output of your controller and the other side to the male 3- pin XLR input of the VDP250SC8M2. Multiple VDP250SC8M2s can be linked through serial linking. The linking cable should be a two-core screened cable with XLR input and output connectors.

Occupation of the XLR Connection


  1. ground
  2. signal –
  3. signal+

DMX512 Chain with Termination

A DMX terminator is recommended for installations where the DMX cable has to run a long distance or is in an electrically noisy environment (e.g. discos). The terminator prevents corruption of the digital control signal by electrical noise. The DMX terminator is simply an XLR plug with a 1202 resistor between pins 2 and 3, which is then plugged into the XLR output socket of the last device in the chain. Please see the illustration.

Control Panel and LCD Menu

  • Switch the device on and off by connecting it with the mains using the power plug.

No DMX signal (2 running modes)

Sound| Sound-controlled mode. To select this function, disconnect the DMX signal, press the encoder and turn it in an anti-clockwise direction. Press again to confirm.
Auto| Automatic program mode. To select this function, disconnect the DMX signal, press the encoder and turn it in an anti-clockwise direction. Press again to confirm.

DMX address

Addr 001| To set the DMX address, press the encoder and turn it in a clockwi e direction to increase the value or in an anti-clockwise direction to decrease the value. Press again

to confirm.


Pan/tilt reverse

Reverse tilt Y| Reverse tilt. Press the encoder and turn it in an anti- clockwise direction. Press again to confirm.
Reverse tilt N| Normal tilt. Press the encoder and turn it in a clockwise direction. Press again to confirm.
Reverse pan Y| Reverse pan. Press the encoder and turn it in an anti-clockwise direction. Press again to confirm.
Reverse pan N| Normal pan. Press the encoder and turn it in a clockwise direction. Press again to confirm.

Chase speed

Chase Speed001| To set the chase speed, press the encoder and turn it in a cloc wise direction to increase t anti-clockwise direction to decrease the value (slower). Press again to confirm.

Control LEDS

Red Power ON
Yellow DMX out (sound/auto mode)
Green DMX in

Stand-Alone Mode

In stand-alone mode, your VDP250SC8M2 can be used without a controller. The scanner is equipped with a built-in microphone which allows a sound-controlled operation. Select the “Master mode” to use this function.

Master/Slave Mode

This operation mode allows all slave devices to operate synchronously with the master device. Connect the DMX out of one device to the DMX in of the next using a cable with XLR jacks. Set the master device to “No DMX sound” or “No DMX auto”. Set the address of all slave devices to 1. 
DMX Mode

All DMX-controlled devices need a digital start address so that the correct device responds to the signals. This start address is the channel number from which the device starts to “listen” to the DMX controller. Enter the correct number and read it from the display located on the base of the VDP250SC8M2. You can use the same starting address for a whole group of devices or enter an individual one for every device. When all devices have the same address, all the VDP250SC8M2s will “listen” to the control signal on one particular channel. In other words: changing the settings of one channel will affect all devices simultaneously. If you set different addresses, each device will “listen” to a separate channel number. Changing the settings of one channel will only affect the device in question. In the case of the 8-channel VDP250SC8M2, you will have to set the start address of the first VDP250SC8M2 to 1, the second VDP250SC8M2 to 9 (1 + 8), the third to 17 (9 + 8) and so on.

Detailed DMX Values per Channel

Channel Function From To Description


| ****

Shutter, strobe

| 0| 128| Gradual dimmer adjustment from 0 to 100%
129| 133| No function (shutter open)
134| 243| Random strobe effect with decreasing speed
244| 249| Shutter closed
250| 255| Shutter open


| ****

Colour wheel

| 0| 15| White
16| 31| Magenta
32| 47| Yellow
45| 63| Orange
64| 79| Green
80| 95| Red
96| 111| Blue
112| 127| Violet
128| 191| Forwards rainbow effect with increasing speed
192| 255| Backward rainbow effect with increasing speed


| ****

Rotating gobo wheel

| 0| 15| Open
16| 31| Gobo 1
32| 47| Gobo 2
48| 63| Gobo 3
64| 9| Gobo 4
80| 95| Gobo 5
96| 111| Gobo 6
112| 127| Gobo 7
128| 191| Forwards gobo change with increasing speed
192| 255| Backwards gobo change with increasing speed


| ****

Gobo rotation

| 0| 15| No rotation
16| 135| Forwards gobo rotation with increasing speed
136| 255| Backwards gobo rotation with increasing speed


| ****


| ****

| ****

| Push slider in order to move the mirror horizontally. Gradual mirror adjustment from one of slider to the other (0-255, 128-center). Mirror can be stopped at any position.
08.01.2010 6 ©Velleman nv|



  1. All screws should be tightened and free of corrosion.
  2. The housing, visible parts, mounting supports and the installation location (e.g. ceiling, suspension, trussing) should not be deformed, modified or tampered with e.g. do not drill extra holes in mounting supports, do not change the location of the connections.
  3. Moving mechanic parts must not show any signs of wear and tear.
  4. The electric power supply cables must not show any damage. Have a qualified technician maintain the device.
  5. Disconnect the device from the mains prior to maintenance activities.
  6. Wipe the device regularly with a moist, lint-free cloth. Do not use alcohol or solvents.
  7. Clean the mirror on a weekly basis; the interior, the cooling fans, the filters and the gobos should be cleaned monthly. Lubricate the gobo wheel twice a year.
  8. There are no user-serviceable parts apart from the lamp and the fuse.
  9. Contact your dealer for spare parts if necessary.



Technical Specifications

power supply max. 230 VAC~50 Hz
power consumption max. 350 W
lamp 1 x Philips MSD 250 W, 6700K (order code LAMP250MSD ), 1 x Philips

MSD 250, 8500K (order code LAMP250MSD/2PH ), 1 x Xenpow MSD 250, 8000K (order code LAMP250MSD/2 ) or 1 x Sylvania MSD 250, 8500K (order code LAMP250MSD/2SYL ) – lamp not incl.
fuse| 5 A, 250 VAC (5 x 20 mm) (order code FF5N )
dimensions| 535 x 295 x 180 mm
total weight| 13.95 kg
max. humidity| 50% RH
operation temperature| -5°C ~ +45°C
max. ambient temperature| 45°C

Use this device with original accessories only. Velleman nv cannot be held responsible in the event of damage or injury resulted from (incorrect) use of this device. For more info concerning this product, please visit our website The information in this manual is subject to change without prior notice.


This manual is copyrighted. The copyright to this manual is owned by Velleman NV. All worldwide rights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or otherwise without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.

Velleman® Service and Quality Warranty

Velleman® has over 35 years of experience in the electronics world and distributes its products in more than 85 countries. All our products fulfill strict quality requirements and legal stipulations in the EU. In order to ensure the quality, our products regularly go through an extra quality check, both by an internal quality department and by specialized external organizations. If, all precautionary measures notwithstanding, problems should occur, please make appeal to our warranty (see guarantee conditions).

General Warranty Conditions Concerning Consumer Products (for EU)

  • All consumer products are subject to a 24-month warranty on production flaws and defective material as from the original date of purchase.
  • Velleman® can decide to replace an article with an equivalent article or to refund the retail value totally or partially when the complaint is valid and a free repair or replacement of the article is impossible, or if the expenses are out of proportion.

You will be delivered a replacing article or a refund at the value of 100% of the purchase price in case of a flaw occurred in the first year after the date of purchase and delivery, or a replacing article at 50% of the purchase price or a refund at the value of 50% of the retail value in case of a flaw occurred in the second year after the date of purchase and delivery.

Not covered by warranty

  • all direct or indirect damage caused after delivery to the article (e.g. by oxidation, shocks, falls, dust, dirt, humidity…), and by the article, as well as its contents (e.g. data loss), compensation for loss of profits;
  • frequently replaced consumable goods, parts or accessories such as batteries, lamps, rubber parts, drive belts… (unlimited list);
  • flaws resulting from fire, water damage, lightning, accident, natural disaster, etc. …;
  • flaws caused deliberately, negligently or resulting from improper handling, negligent maintenance, abusive use or use contrary to the manufacturer’s instructions;
  • damage caused by a commercial, professional or collective use of the article (the warranty validity will be reduced to six (6) months when the article is used professionally);
  • damage resulting from inappropriate packing and shipping of the article;
  • all damage caused by modification, repair or alteration performed by a third party without written permission by Velleman®.
  • Articles to be repaired must be delivered to your Velleman® dealer, solidly packed (preferably in the original packaging), and be completed with the original receipt of purchase and a clear flaw description.
  • Hint: In order to save on cost and time, please reread the manual and check if the flaw is caused by obvious causes prior to presenting the article for repair. Note that returning a non-defective article can also involve handling costs.
  • Repairs occurring after warranty expiration are subject to shipping costs.
  • The above conditions are without prejudice to all commercial warranties.

The above enumeration is subject to modification according to the article (see article’s manual).


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