COOPERS OF STORTFORD H672 Deluxe Metal Detector Instructions

June 4, 2024

Deluxe Metal Detector
H672 v02: 15/06/22
Please read and retain these instructions for future referenceCOOPERS
OF STORTFORD H672 Deluxe Metal Detector -



Unpack the components carefully. Please check all parts have been removed from the packaging.
With your Metal Detector, you can hunt for coins, relics, jewelry, gold, and silver just about anywhere. This metal detector is very versatile and easy to use.
The detector’s features include:
Earphone Jack – lets you connect earphones (not supplied) to the detector for privacy.
View Meter and Pointer – shows the probable type of metal being detected.
Waterproof Search Coil – lets you use the detector’s search coil even if you must put it under water.
Note: The search coil is waterproof, but the control housing is not waterproof.
Adjustable stem – lets you adjust the detector’s length for comfortable use.
Note: Your metal detector requires six AA alkaline batteries (not supplied)

All treasure hunters might be judged by the example you set. Here are a few basic rules you should follow while using your detector.

  • Always get permission before searching any site.
  • Respect the rights and property of others.
  • Observe all national, state, and local laws while treasure hunting.
  • Never destroy historical or archaeological treasures. If you are not sure about an object you have found, contact a museum or historical society in your area.
  •  Leave the land and vegetation as it was. Fill in any holes you dig.
  • Use your detector only in safe areas.
  • Dispose of any junk you find, only in approved areas. Do not leave it for the next treasure hunter to find.
  • Do not carry out metal detection on protected sites such as; those defined as Scheduled Monuments, Sites of Special Scientific Interest or military crash sites, and those involving human remain), and also those other sites on which metal-detecting might also be restricted (such as land under Countryside Stewardship or other agriculture/environment schemes).
  • You must report any potential treasure to your local Finds Liaison Officer or the British Museum (


Follow these steps to adjust the metal detector’s stem.

  1. Turn the stem’s lock nut clockwise until it loosens.COOPERS OF STORTFORD H672 Deluxe Metal Detector - until it loosens
  2. Lengthen or shorten the stem so when you stand upright with the detector in your hand, the search coil is level with and about 1/2 to 2 inches above the ground with your arm relaxed at your side.COOPERS OF STORTFORD H672 Deluxe Metal Detector - relaxed at your side
  3. Turn the stem’s lock nut anti-clockwise to lock it in place.

Loosen the knobs at the search coil’s end, then adjust the search coil to the desired angle. (The search coil should be parallel with the ground.) Tighten the knobs just enough to keep the search coil from rotating or wobbling.


You need six AA batteries (not supplied) to power your detector.


  • Use only fresh batteries of the required size and recommended type.
  • Do not mix old and new batteries, different types of batteries (standard, alkaline, or rechargeable), or rechargeable batteries of different capacities.
  1. If the detector is on, turn VOLUME on the control housing) to OFF. (The control clicks.)COOPERS OF STORTFORD H672 Deluxe Metal Detector - Cautions
  2. Press on the battery compartment cover and slide the cover off in the direction of the arrow.
  3. Insert the batteries into the compartment as indicated by the polarity symbols (+ and -) marked inside the compartment.
  4. Replace the cover.


  • Always remove old or weak batteries, batteries can leak chemicals that can destroy electronic parts.
  • If you do not plan to use the detector for a week or more, remove the batteries.
  • Dispose of old batteries promptly and properly.
  • Please change the batteries when the LOW BAT light is on.

You can connect a pair of stereo earphones (not supplied) to the detector so you can listen to it privately.
Using earphones also saves battery power and makes it easier to identify subtle changes in the sounds you hear, for better detection results.
To connect earphones to the detector, insert the earphones’ 1/8-inch plug into the EAR jack on the side of the control housing.

Note: The detector’s internal speaker disconnects when you connect earphones.

Listening Safely
To protect your hearing, follow these guidelines when you use earphones.

  • Set the volume to the lowest setting before you begin listening. After you begin listening, adjust the volume to a comfortable level.
  • Do not listen at extremely high volume levels. Extended high-volume listening can lead to permanent hearing loss.
  • Once you set the volume, do not increase it. Over time, your ears adapt to the volume level, so a volume level that does not cause discomfort might still damage your hearing.

Traffic Safety
Do not wear earphones while operating your detector near high-traffic areas.
Even though some earphones are designed to let you hear some outside sounds when listening at normal volume levels, they still can present a traffic hazard.


4. Hold down the RED button on the handle until the pointer on the view meter rests at or near 0, then release the RED button.
Note: Press the RED button on the handle at any time during operation to automatically return the pointer to 0.

To learn how the detector reacts to different metals, you should test it before you use it the first time. You can test the detector indoors or outdoors.

Indoor Testing

  1. Remove any watches, rings, or other metal jewelry you are wearing, then place the detector on a wooden or plastic table.

  2. Adjust the search coil’s angle so the flat part faces the ceiling.
    Note: Never test the detector on a floor inside a building. Most buildings have metal of some kind on the floor, which might interfere with the objects you are testing or mask the signal completely. Test with the coil in the correct direction. Otherwise, the test result will be wrong.COOPERS OF
STORTFORD H672 Deluxe Metal Detector - result will be

  3. Rotate VOLUME to the 11 o’clock position.

  4. Set DISCRIMINATION to its midpoint.

  5. Hold down the RED button on the handle until the pointer on the view meter rests at or near 0, then release the RED button.

  6. Move a sample of the material you want the detector to find (such as a gold ring or a coin) about 2 inches above the search coil.

When the detector detects ferrous metal, the sound becomes lower or even disappears. Meanwhile, the meter pointer moves to the left. When the detector finds a non-ferrous metal, it makes a louder sound and the meter pointer goes to the right.

COOPERS OF STORTFORD H672 Deluxe Metal Detector - goes to

If the detector does not detect the material, check the battery power and verify that the battery is properly connected.


  • If you are using a coin, the detector detects it more easily if you hold it so a flat side is parallel with the flat side of the search coil (not the edge).

Outdoor Testing and Use

  1. Find an area on the ground outside where there is no metal.

  2. Place a sample of the material you want the detector to find (such as a gold ring or a coin) on the ground.
    (If you are using valuable metal such as gold to test the detector, mark the area where you placed the item, to help you find it later. Do not place it in tall grass or weeds.)

  3. Rotate VOLUME about two-thirds clockwise. Set DISCRIMINATION to its midpoint.

  4. Press and release the RED button on the handle until the pointer is at or near 0. Then release the RED button.

  5. While holding the search coil level and about 1-2 inches above the ground, slowly move the search coil over the area where you placed the sample, sweeping the search coil in a side-to-side motion.

Search Coil Sweeping Hints:

  • Never sweep the search coil as if it were a pendulum. Raising the search coil while sweeping or at the end of a sweep causes false readings.

COOPERS OF STORTFORD H672 Deluxe Metal Detector - Sweeping

  • Sweep slowly – hurrying makes you miss targets.

  • When the detector detects ferrous metal, the sound becomes lower or even disappears. Meanwhile, the meter pointer moves to the left. When the detector finds a non-ferrous metal, such as nickel, pull tabs (aluminum), zinc, or copper, it makes a louder sound and the meter pointer goes to the right.
    If the detector does not detect the material, check the battery power and verify that the battery is properly connected.

  • Use DISC to enable the detector to discriminate different metals.


  • The detector responds with a strong signal on the meter when it detects the most valuable metal objects. If a signal does not repeat after you sweep the search coil over the target a few times, the target is probably junk metal.
  • False signals can be caused by trashy ground, electrical interference, or large irregular pieces of junk metal. False signals are usually broken or non-repeatable.

Try finding other metals in the area. When you find a metal item, wait a few seconds, to allow the detector time to reset (or, press the RED button on the handle to return the pointer to the center of the view meter).

After you become familiar with how your detector works, you can fine-tune it to make it more selective in what it finds.
Discrimination is the detectors’ ability to differentiate between types of metal. The detector’s DISCRIMINATION setting determines whether the detector will distinguish between different types of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
You can set DISCRIMINATION from minimum (fully anti-clockwise), to maximum (fully clockwise), or anywhere in between. As you set DISCRIMINATION to higher levels, the detector first discriminates iron, then metal objects like pull tabs and nickel.
When you set DISCRIMINATION fully clockwise, silver still cannot be discriminated. The sound will be lower or even disappear and the pointer will move to the left when the unit detects discriminated metal. The sound will be higher and the pointer will move to the right when the unit detects silver.


  • Each time you use the detector in a different area, you must adjust DISCRIMINATION. Each search location presents new challenges.
  • Each time you adjust DISCRIMINATION, you have to press the RED button on the handle to return the meter pointer to the 0 positions.
  • You can identify what kind of metal is detected according to the setting of DISC.

No detector is 100 percent accurate. Various conditions influence the detection. The detector’s reaction depends on a number of things: the angle at which the target rests in the ground, the depth of the target, the amount of iron in the target, the size of the target, the soil condition, etc. The above indication is only tested in the air. The result on the ground may be varied

Because your detector is extremely sensitive, trash-induced signals and other sources of interference might cause signals that seem confusing. The key to handling these types of signals is to dig for only those targets that generate a strong, repeatable signal. As you sweep the search coil back and forth over the ground, learn to recognize the difference between signals that occur at random and signals that are stable and repeatable.
To reduce false signals when searching the very trashy ground, scan only a small area at a time using slow, short overlapping sweeps.

Accurately pinpointing a target makes digging it up easier.
Accurate pinpointing takes practice, and we suggest you practice finding and digging up small metal objects on your own property before you search other locations.
Sometimes, targets are difficult to accurately locate due to the sweep direction. Try changing your sweep direction to pinpoint a target.

Follow these steps to pinpoint a target.

  1. When the detector detects a buried target, continue sweeping the search coil over the target in a narrowing side-to-side motion.
    Make a visual note of the exact spot on the ground where the detector beeps.

  2. Stop the search coil directly over this spot on the ground. Then move the search coil straight forward away from you and straight back toward you a couple of times.
    Make a visual note of the exact spot on the ground where the detector beeps.

  3. Repeat Steps 1-2 at a right angle to the original search line, making an “X” pattern. The target should be directly below the “X” at the point of the loudest response.


  • If litter in an area is so heavy that you get false signals, slow your sweep speed and use shorter sweeps.
  • Recently buried coins might not respond the same as coins buried for a long period of time because of oxidation.
  • Some nails, nuts, bolts, and other iron objects (such as old bottle caps) oxidize and create a “halo” effect. A halo effect is caused by a mixture of natural elements in the ground and the oxidation created by different metals. Because of the metal mixtures, target signals might not be in a “fixed” position. This effect makes these objects very hard to detect accurately.


If your detector is not working as it should, follow the suggestions below to see if you can solve the problem.

Problem Suggestions
The detector displays false signals. You might be sweeping the detector’s

search coil too fast or at the wrong angle. Sweep the search coil more slowly and hold the detector correctly. See “Testing and Using the Detector” and “Pinpointing a Target”.
The detector might show a false signal if it detects heavily oxidized metals. Try pinpointing the target from several different angles (See “pinpointing a Target” ). If the detector does not display the same signal each time, the target is probably heavily oxidized metal.
The display does not show the correct metal type when the detector finds a target.| There might be more than one target in the area you are searching.
The target might be a type of metal that the detector does not recognize.
If the target is heavily oxidized, the detector might not display the correct metal type. This is not a malfunction.
The detector makes a constant tone, then goes silent when it finds metal| This is a normal function of the detector.


Your metal detector is an example of superior design and craftsmanship. The following suggestions will help you care for your metal detector so you can enjoy it for years.
Handle the detector gently and carefully. Dropping it can damage circuit boards and cases and can cause the detector to work improperly.
Use the detector only in normal temperature environments. Temperature extremes can shorten the life of electronic devices and damage the case of the detector.
Wipe the detector with a damp cloth occasionally to keep it looking new. Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the detector.
Keep the detector away from dust and dirt, which can cause premature wear of parts.
– Keep the Metal detector away from Children.
– Obtain permission before searching. Observe all Laws!!
– Check before digging! Watch for buried cables.
– Always fill any holes created after digging your find.


  • Keep batteries away from children and pets.
  • Do not mix used and new batteries.
  • Remove the batteries if left for long periods.
  • Never dispose of batteries in a fire.
  • Battery disposal spent or expired batteries must be properly disposed of and recycled in compliance with local regulations. For detailed information, contact your local authority.
  • Follow the battery manufacturer’s safety, usage, and disposal instructions.


  • Coopers of Stortford use recyclable or recycled packaging where possible.
  • Please dispose of all packaging, paper, cartons, and packaging in accordance with your local recycling regulations.
  • Plastics, polybags – these are made from the following recyclable plastic.

Code & Symbol|
Type of Plastic| ABS, HIPS
Commonly used for| CD’s, crisp packets, various flexible packaging, baby bottles, sunglass lenses
Notes| Not often or widely recycled

  • At the end of the product’s lifespan please check with your local council-authorized household waste recycling center for disposal.

The Enterprise Department
UK Head Office, 11 Bridge Street, Bishop’s Stortford, CM23 2JU
Tel: 0844 4824400, Fax: 01279 756595
EU address: D.S.B. LD, 160 Bd. de Fourmies, 59100 Roubaix, France
Tel: (+44) 1279 701269
UK Calls cost around 7 pence per minute plus your telephone company’s network access.
Please check with your telephone supplier.


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