June 7, 2024



About the Game

Ready to claim your title as the most innovative artist at the table? In

ARTBOX, you’ll create masterpieces inspired by the words you’re dealt… but

there’s a catch. To complete your drawing, you’ll roll dice to decide which 4 shapes you can use – and you MUST use them all! Earn points by illustrating the most recognizable word or correctly guess what your opponents have drawn and you’ll win your own place in modern art history!

What’s in the Box

image 1


  1. Give each player a pencil, a screen, and several sheets from the notepad.
  2. Assemble the Drawings board and place it in the middle of the table.
  3. Shuffle the Word cards and place the deck face down above the Drawings board, leaving room for a row of drawings.
  4. Place Number tokens equal to the number of players next to the Word cards and return the rest to the box – they will not be used. Example. In a 4-player game, you’ll use tokens #1, #2, #3, and #4.
  5. Place the Shape cards below the Drawings board, again leaving room for a row of drawings.
  6. Place the Sandglass, Dice, and Victory tokens within easy reach.
  7. Decide who will be the first Maestro – either the player who most recently visited an art gallery, the most experienced player, or simply choose a player at random.

The game consists of several rounds, and each round is divided into 4 steps:

Step 1 – Prepare the Canvas

  1. Deal each player 2 cards from the Word deck face down. Secretly select 1 card to draw and return the other card to the bottom of the deck. Keep selected card behind the screen.
  2. After all players have chosen a card, the Maestro rolls the 4 dice and places them on the corresponding Shape cards.

Step 2 – Create Your Masterpiece

  1. Each player draws their chosen word behind their screen, using only the shapes indicated by the dice.
    Example. The Maestro has rolled the dice. Each player MUST USE EXACTLY these 4 shapes in their drawing: 1 Circle, 1 Square, 2 Triangles.

  2. As soon as a player finishes their drawing, they place their pencil in front of the screen and take the lowest Number token available (the first player to finish takes the #1 token, the second player takes the #2 token, and so on until all players have finished).
    Note: After the player takes a token, they may NOT make changes to their drawing!image 3

Step 3 – Identify Drawings

  1. Each player gives their completed drawing to the Maestro face down. The Maestro shuffles the drawings and places them in order next to the numbered slots on the Drawings board.
  2. Each player gives their Word card to the Maestro face down. The Maestro adds 1–3 cards from the deck, shuffles them with the players’ Word cards, and places them face up next to the Drawings board.
    • 3–4 players — add 3 cards.
    • 5–6 players — add 2 cards.
    • 7–8 players — add 1 cards.
  3. Using the back of a notepad sheet, each player secretly writes which of the displayed words they believe matches each of the numbered drawings.
  4. When one player has finished guessing, they turn the sandglass upside down. All other players may continue writing their guesses until the timer runs out.

Step 4 – Award Victory Tokens
During this phase, both the player whose drawing was correctly guessed by the most players and the player who guessed the most words each receive Victory tokens.

  1. Starting with drawing #1, the Maestro asks, “What is this a drawing of?” The player who created the drawing names the corresponding word and places their number token on the drawing.

  2. Each player that guessed correctly marks their sheet with a + in the numbered slot and the Maestro writes the total number of correct guesses on the drawing.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each remaining drawing.

  4. After all drawings are identified, the Maestro gives 1 Victory token to the player whose drawing has the most correct guesses. In the case of a tie, the Victory token is given to the player with the lower Number token.
    Note: If a drawing did not use all shapes correctly, it is NOT eligible to receive this Victory token. The player still competes for guessing the most drawings, but always loses in case of ties.

  5. The Maestro gives 1 Victory token to the player with the most correct guesses on their sheet. In the case of a tie, the Victory token is given to the player with the lower Number token.
    Note: A player may receive only 1 Victory token per round. If they received a token for having the most correctly guessed drawing, their sheet is not considered for the 2nd Victory token.

End of the Round
After both Victory tokens have been awarded, the round is over.

  • Check each player’s total number of Victory tokens to determine whether the game is over or whether another round will be played (see Game End & Victory).
  • If another round will be played, then the player to the left of the current Maestro will be the new Maestro for the next round.
  • The Number tokens are returned to their place next to the Word cards, players take back their drawings (to use the back for the next guesses), and a new round begins.

Game End & Victory

At the end of a round, if at least 1 player has collected enough Victory tokens, then the game is over.

  • 3–4 players – 5 Victory tokens.
  • 5–6 players – 4 Victory tokens.
  • 7–8 players – 3 Victory tokens.

The player with the most Victory tokens wins the game.
In the case of a tie, the player with the most guessed drawing during the last round is declared the winner. If still tied, the player with the lower Number token in the last round wins.

Drawing Requirements

To be considered for earning Victory tokens, a drawing must meet certain requirements:

  • The drawing must use the exact number of each shape that was rolled.
  • A rectangle may count as a square.
  • An ellipse or oval may count as a circle.
  • A line may only be straight.
  • Any type of triangle may be used.
  • All the shapes must be recognizable.

For example, you may NOT count a line as a side of a square, draw a second ellipse using the exact same contour of the first, or squeeze a triangle into a straight line.
Tip: There’s a frame on each sheet that defines the area for your drawing. Try to match your drawing with that frame.image

This drawing meets the requirements. It was guessed by 2 people, and there’s a token with the player’s number on the drawing.

Other Game Options

For Experienced Players
If you’ve already played several games and want a more challenging experience, you may change the rules to use the 2 different color sides of the Victory tokens:

  • Red Victory token – given to the player with the most guessed drawing.
  • Gray Victory token – given to the player with the most correct guesses on their sheet. Now, the game end when a player achieves a specific combination of tokens:
  • 3–6 players – the game ends when a player collects 2 gray and 2 red Victory tokens, or 6 Victory tokens of the same color.
  • 7–8 players – the game ends when a player collects 1 gray and 1 red Victory tokens, or 4 Victory tokens of the same color. In addition, you can optionally set a rule that requires the drawing to touch at least 3 sides of the frame on the sheet. They may not fully overlap with other shapes of the frame.

3 Players
If there are 3 players, during Step 1 – Prepare the Canvas, each player takes 3 Word cards and chooses 2 of them to draw. Both must be drawn before taking a Number token. When awarding Victory tokens, players count their combined points total for both drawings.

Simplified rules
For an even simpler version of the game perfect for young children (or young- at-heart adults), you may change the rules in the following ways:

  • The word can be drawn without using all the shapes.
  • Don’t use the Number tokens. Instead, turn over the sandglass when you start drawing (Step 2 – Creating Your Masterpiece)and all drawings are considered finished when the sand runs out. In the case of ties, each player receives a Victory token and players may receive 2 Victory tokens per round.
  • Lower the number of required Victory tokens to win by 2. Example. 3 Victory tokens in 4–player game.

Quick Rules

  • Each player takes 2 Word cards and secretly chooses one, the other is placed on the bottom of the deck.
  • The Maestro rolls dice and places them on the Shape cards.
  • Each player draws their chosen word using the shapes rolled.
  • The first player to finish takes the #1 token, the next player takes #2, and so on.
  • The Maestro takes each player’s drawing face down, shuffles them, and places them face up near the numbered slots on the board.
  • The Maestro takes each player’s Word card face down, adds random cards from the deck, and shuffles. The cards are placed face up near the drawing board.
  • Players match words with drawings and secretly note their guesses.
  • The first player to finish turns the sandglass upside down. After the time runs out, no one can take notes anymore.
  • The Maestro checks drawings one by one and writes the number of players who guessed correctly on each drawing.
  • The player with the most guessed drawing gets the 1st Victory token. In case of ties, the winner is the player with the lower number token.
  • The second Victory token goes to the player who guessed the most drawings. In case of ties, the winner is the player with the lower number token. A player may NOT gain 2 Victory tokens in the same round.
  • Players check the game end condition. If it has not been met, the next player clockwise becomes the Maestro and a new round begins.
  • If the game end has been reached, the player with the most Victory tokens wins. In case of a tie, the winner is the player with the most guessed drawing in the last round. If still tied, the player with the lower number token wins.image 7


Created by: Artem Lis.
Project manager: Roman Shamolin.
Creative director: Denis Plastinin.
Designer: Svetlana Argat.
English localization: Igor Kozlov.
English version of the game
Project managers: Maxim Istomin and Evgeniy Maslovskiy.
Graphic designer: Rafael Piloyan.
Editors: Eli Lester and Philip Kan.

© Jet Game Studio, LLC. 2020 Reprinting and publishing of any rules, components, or illustrations of this game without permission of the copyright owner are forbidden.

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