Fujian Ives Electronic Y68 Luxury Massage Chair User Manual

June 6, 2024
Fujian Ives Electronic

Luxury Massage Chair Y68

Massage Chair


Thank you for your patronage, Please read the instructions in detail before using.

1. Safety matters

1. Using the environment

  • Don’t be in The bathroom , sauna, Hot springs Such as special Use in a humid environment or safekeeping This machine, So as not to cause Moldy, Get an electric shock, fire or mechanical failure.

  • Do not use at room temperature above 40 degrees centigrade.

  • Do not use the machine outdoors.

  • Do not place the machine in an environment where there is too much dust, oil or oxygen.

  • Do not place the machine in a hot stove, stove or direct sunlight, which can cause the machine in the massage chair to overheat and cause fire.

  • Do not place the machine on uneven ground, The stents should be used in places such as the floor.

  • To prevent electric shock, please make sure that the socket is connected.
    Please consult the sales store when the socket is installed.

  • Do not use while smoking.

Safety matters

2. Uncomfortable with the massage chair
The following people are advised to consult with the physician before using (which may cause physical discomfort or even an accident)

  • A patient with malignant or malignant pus.
  • People with severe heart disease.
  • People with severe skin disease.
  • Severely osteogenic patients.
  • People who are pregnant.
  • Being recuperated under the doctor’s instructions, In particular, the body feels the difference.
  • A spinal anomaly or a back bender caused by an accident or illness.
  • Need quiet people.
  • Deformed joint.
  • The body has a “pacemaker” and other medical instruments.
  • Visceral disease Acute symptoms such as gastroenteritis, enteritis, dysentery, hepatitis, etc.
  • There is a severe blood circulatory disorder in the waist.
  • People with perceptual disabilities.
  • They have high fever symptoms.
  • Take care of children and make sure they don’t play with the product.

This Is not going to the body Is not complete, sensory or neurological disorder or lack of experience and knowledge of people (induding children) to use, unless there Is the one responsible for their safety supervision and guidance to their use of this product.

3. Please read all the instructions carefully before using

  • If you have health concerns, consult your doctor before using the product
  • Patients with heart disease consult your doctor before you use it
  • Do not allow children to use this product alone
  • Do not use the same site for more than 15 minutes
  • Prolonged use of the product leads to overheat and short life. If this happens, stop using the product cooling
  • Do not use this product directly for puffy, inflamed or rotten skin areas
  • This product is not a professional instrument, it can not be used for medical treatment
  • Do not use before bed, because this product is stimulative effect, will slow to fall asleep
  • Do not use this product when sleeping
  • Do not use this product because of physical defect causing action or paralysis of the lower limb
  • When children or disabled persons use this product, other adults must be p resent
  • The surface of the appliance is hot, and attention is paid to the use of heat insensitive

Look Out:

  • Massagers are limited to indoor use.
  • Use a massager in a low greenhouse. Don’t suddenly raise the temperatu re. It is recommended that the temperature gradually be adjusted to the normal range and then used.
  • If remove the massage by low temperature storage place to warm environment, may be because parts inside hydrosphere gathered and affect the operation of machine is normal, or even cause equipment failure. After the suggestion is moved, the product should be placed at the normal room temperature for an hour before starting to use.

4. Safe use

  • Be sure to read the manual carefully before using the massager for safety and proper use.
  • If the leather case of the massager is broken, do not use.
  • In order to prevent the massage effect to reduce or cause injury, do not use the other devices such as the massager and the electric blanket.
  • Do not use massages within an hour of eating to avoid the effect.
  • Do not operate the massager when the body is wet.
  • Do not operate the massager when the hands are wet.
  • Do not insert any items or flammable items into the massager. This can lead to electrical shock, failure, or fire
  • If the body feels any discomfort during massage, please stop operation immediately.
  • When used, please do not cover the massager so that the motor will be too hot to cause a failure or fire.
  • The sound is normal when operating, because of the noise made by the motor.
  • This product is not used as a self-diagnosis or treatment. If the diagnosis or treatment is needed, it should be handled by the professional medical personnel.
  • In the case of drug or medical condition, consult your doctor before using the product. If you feel uncomfortable, do not use the product.
  • The recommended time limit is 15 minutes. Once again, please confirm that the massager has been stopped for 15 minutes.
  • If you use it for a period of time, you may be able to activate the overheating protection device and automatically power off the power.

Look Out:

  • Avoid using massages after drinking or when your body is not properly used.
  • Do not massage the head, elbow, knee, chest, abdomen, etc.
  • Do not damage the power cord or operate the massager under the damaged condition of the power line. This may cause shock or malfunction. Please contact the service center for details.

5. Important safety instructions

When using electrical appliances, pay special attention and observe the following safety items:
Please read all the instructions before using this product:

Danger: to reduce the risk of electric shock, follow these instructions:
Please remove the power cord plug from the socket before using the finished product or cleaning product.

Warning: to reduce the risk of fire, burn, shock, or injury to others, follow these instructions:

  • No one beside watch, please be sure to pull out the electrical appliances of the power cord plug from the socket, in addition, when idle, or device/disassembly parts before, also be sure to pull out the electrical appliances of the power cord plug from the socket
  • To avoid overheating, electric shock, or injury, Do not place the product under a pillow or blanket.
  • If the product is used or close to the child, physical dysfunction and the disabled, there needs to be a well-thought-out guide.
  • Be sure to use this product in accordance with the purposes stated in the manual. Do not use spare parts recommended by non-manufacturers.
  • When the following condition occurs, do not use this product: the power cord or the power plug is damaged, the operation is abnormal, once fell the ground or the damage, once dropped the water. Please return the product to the service center for inspection and repair.
  • Do not drag the power cord to move the product or use the power cord as a grip.
  • The power line must be kept safe from the heating surface.
  • Do not operate the product without obstructing the air port. Please keep your mouth open. Avoid being blocked by cotton and hair.
  • Do not insert objects into any openings of the product.
  • Do not use this product outside.
  • Do not operate this product in the use of spray products or oxygenated places.
  • To turn off the power supply, please turn off all the operation control and remove the plug from the socket.
  • If a child, physical or mental function or mental retarder wants to use a massager, someone must be guided and responsible for their safety.
  • Be sure to supervise and confirm that children do not use massages as a swimming instrument to ensure their safety.

6. You should not use massages
If any of the following conditions occur, switch off the switch immediately, disconnect the power supply, and contact the service center.

  • If you throw water on a massager, it can cause Get an electric shock.
  • The skin of the massager is broken and the inside of the machine is exposed.
  • If the massage is abnormal or severe pain, please stop the massage immediately and seek medical advice.
  • Any machine malfunction or abnormal condition in use, Please stop using it immediately.
  • In the case of current interruption in use, the user should avoid injury due to the sudden recovery of power.
  • When lightning strikes.

7. Massager assembly and maintenance

  • Do not attempt to disassemble or repair massages on your own, and touch the internal machine which may cause failure or Get an electric shock.
  • The massager can only be repaired by the company’s maintenance service center. Users Do not disassemble or repair themselves.

8. Use the power cord, plug and power cord to avoid electrical shock or mechanical failure

  • Please check that the voltage does meet the specifications of the product, and the massager USES AC only.
  • Do not insert or remove the plug when the hands are wet.
  • When removing the power cord plug, please hold the plug itself. Do not pull the power cord.
  • Although the automatic heat protection device automatically stops the product operation, it is important to cut off the main power supply after each use.
  • Do not wrap the power cord around the massager so as not to damage the power cord.
  • Do not use massages when the power cord is damaged.
  • If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the company’s service center or full-time staff.

2. Matters needing attention

1. Safety precautions

  • Check whether the power adapter conforms to the specified parameter and the output polarity.
  • When drawing power lines, hold the power cord plug instead of the power cord;
  • Do not use the power cord to suspend or shake the machine, causing the power cord to break and not work properly.
  • Do not let the weight hold the power cord or hand controller.
  • Do not throw the machine or drop the machine to the ground or water.
  • Do not use machines in wet conditions.
  • Don’t use a wet hand operator;
  • Do not pull the wire of the manual.

2. The following situation Immediately stop using and plug the power cord out of the socket

  • Broken or damaged power cord;
  • Accidentally splash water on the product, hand controller;
  • Damaged or exposed parts of the relevant parts;
  • Abnormal during massage (severe pain, smoking, odors, etc.);
  • Sudden power cuts, lightning strikes, and high-speed driving.

Look Out:

  • Do not use during sleep or after meals for 30 minutes.
  • Do not use this product in a drunken or untimely fashion;
  • Do not knead the massage head to the elbow, knee, chest or abdomen directly.
  • Do not use for more than 30 minutes in a row, and then rest for 10-20 minutes to extend your machine life.


Please do not let the people under the age of 18 years, and who can’t control their own behavior (such as: the mental patient, intellectual disabilities, paralysed patients, etc.) separate operations massage chair or access to different parts of the massage chair. This could lead to electric shock or damage to the user or malfunction of the machine.

3. Prepare for a massage

1. Massage chair move method

When moving, press the head of the chair with both hands to massage the position so that the chair The rear root moves the pulley to full contact with the ground and then slowly pushes.

Don’t move people. Don’t be prone to damage
The board moves on a small pulley.

Massage Chair

2. Place of massage chair
Please leave room for the massage chair when you are ready to massage

  1. The place where the massage chair is placed should have enough space for the back of the chair to lie down and the foot stand up.
  2. Make sure you have at least 25cm in the back of the massage chair and at least 25cm in front.
  3. Make sure there is no obstacle in front of the massage chair.
  4. To prevent damage to the ground, please place a carpet under the massage chair so as not to injure the ground.


3. Start the power supply

Plug the plug into the power socket and turn on the power switch.


  • Please check and determine whether the power line is under the massage chair.
  • Whether the ground line picks up.
  • Before plugging in the plug, make sure all the action buttons (including the power switch) are closed.

Massage Chair

The massage chair mainly constructs the name ‘ and function

massage chair

5. Control panel function profile

5, Control panel function profile

5, Control panel function profile

6. Instructions for the massage procedure

  1. Standby button
  • In the standby state of the massage chair, press ” ” to enter the working state, the
    automatic mode is 15 minutes, press 20 minutes again, press 30 minutes again, press
    ” ” massage chair again to stop working.

    1. Fully automatic key press
  • In the working state, press” ” to enter the stop state. Press” ” massage chair again
    to enter full automatic working state, you can choose other function keys.

    1. Neck
  • Press ” key in standby or working state, enter manual working state to start neck
    kneading function, LCD corresponding display , then press this key to close the function.

    1. Kneading mode
  • Press” ” button to adjust the direction of neck kneading under manual condition, and tum forward, reverse and forward respectively. 5. Waist

  • Press the key to enter the manual working state to start the waist massage LCD
    display under standby or working state, and then press this key to dose the function.

    1. Massage mode
  • Press button to adjust the direction of neck kneading under manual working
    condition, which Is forward-reverse-forward respectively.

    1. Speed
  • In the manual kneading or massage mode, press the speed and keys to
    adjust the kneading and massage speed at the same time. There are three speed
    adjustments. LCD displays

    1. Pressure
  • Press ” ” button to dose the airbag massage, then press this button to start the
    automatic airbag massage mode.

    1. Head (shoulder)
  • Press button in standby or working state, enter manual working state to start head
    (shoulder) air pressure function, and then press this button to dose the function.

    1. Buttocks
  • Press button in standby or working state, enter manual working state, and start hip
    pressure function. LCD display , then press this button to close the function.

    1. leg
  • Press  key in standby or working state, enter manual working state, start the leg
    pressure function, LCD display   the n press this key to close the function.

    1. Arm
  • Press key in standby or working state, enter manual working state, and start arm air
    pressure function, LCD display then press this key to close the function.

    1. Strength
  • In the manual pneumatic massage mode, press the and   keys to adjust the
    intensity of pneumatic massage at the same time, there are three speed adjustments. LCD

    1. Vibrating
  • Standard Section: Open the sole roller by default for the first time In working state, press the   key, then press this key while dosing the hip vibration/sole airbag function, and then switch in tum.

  • Upgrade: Open the sole rollers by default for the first time in the working state, press the ”   ” key, then press this key while closing the hip vibration/sole rollers function, and switch in turn. 15. Hot baking

  • Press ” ” button in standby or working state, turn off the hot-baking function, then
    press this button to turn on the hot-baking function, LCD display -:¢:- accordingly.

    1. Angle adjustment
  • Press the up and down buttons” ” and ” “to adjust the angle of back and leg, with
    personal comfort as the best.

    1. Bluetooth function
  • After 30 seconds of starting the massage chair, turn on the Bluetooth settings of the mobile phone and search for nearby Bluetooth devices. Sometimes the name of Bluetooth is not fixed. Users can see that the new Bluetooth device of their mobile phone is the Bluetooth device of the massage chair. If the connection is successful, they can play the Bluetooth stereo of the massage chair.

Note: Bluetooth audio and sole roller only have these two functions in the upgrade.

When the shutdown or timing time arrives, the massage chair enters the reset state, and the LCD display reset sign, all keys are invalid at this time.

7. Daily maintenance

  • Massage chairs should be kept clean and undusted at all times and placed in a non-moist area.
  • If you don’t use it for a long time, please cover it.
  • Don’t place the massage chair in the sun to be exposed to the sun or the hot spot, otherwise can cause the leather of massage chair to fade and accelerate ageing.
  • When cleaning massage chair, turn off the power switch and pull the plug.
  • Do not use the detergent that contains organic solution, such as benzene etc. Clean massage chair, can cause leather to decolorise, ageing, break etc.
  • If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced with a special soft line or special component purchased from the manufacturer or repair department.
  • Do not use any sharp items to cut the surface of the product.
  • Do not force or pressure products strongly.

Look Out:

  • Do not place the massager in direct sunlight or high temperature.
  • Wipe the massager with a clean cotton cloth.
  • Do not clean hands with wet cloth to prevent failure.

8. Troubleshooting

  • If you have a problem with a massager, please refer to the following tips and possible solutions. If the massager is still in trouble, please turn off the power and remove the plug and contact the service center of our company.
  • Please remove or repair massager, the user’s own disassembly or repair damage caused by failure, will cause the product to ensure the company has no responsibility for any consequences caused by this situation.


9. Technical parameters

  • Product Name: Luxury Massage Chair
  • Rated Voltage: 220VRated
  • Frequency: 50Hz
  • Rated Power: 150W
  • Rated Time: 15min
  • Safety Class: Class I
  • Executive Standard: 8B4706.1-2005 GB4 706.10-2008

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