Active Silicon 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board User Guide

June 5, 2024
Active Silicon

3G-SDI Camera Interface Board
User Guide


This guide is designed to get you quickly up and running with the Harrier 3G- SDI Evaluation Kit (AS-CIB-3GSDI-002-EVAL-B) and the Harrier 3G-SDI Camera Interface  Board (AS-CIB-3GSDI-002-A). The interface board can be purchased with a Sony FCB-EV7520 camera as a pre-assembled unit, shown in Figure 1 (AS- CIB-3GSDI-002-7520-A).
This document should be read in conjunction with the Harrier 3G-SDI interface board datasheet and other documents available on Active Silicon’s website, (see 3G-SDI/HD- SDI AF-Zoom Block Camera with Sony FCB-EV7520 – Downloads section): with-sony-fcb-ev7520a/ 

Figure 1. Harrier 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board mounted on a camera. A  30-way micro coax (KEL) cable connects the interface board to the Sony camera.| Figure 2. Block diagram of Harrier 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board showing the position of connectors and SW1, SW2, and SW3 DIP switches.

The Harrier 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board can be customized to deliver application-specific functions; USB/HDMI, HDMI-only or USB-only interface boards are also available. For more details contact Active Silicon.

Evaluation Kit Contents

The Evaluation Kit (AS-CIB-3GSDI-002-EVAL-B) contains all the parts needed to evaluate the Harrier 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board and all camera solutions based on this camera interface board.
Note that the evaluation kit does not include a Harrier 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board or camera, these need to be ordered separately.
Please check that you have all the parts listed below:

  • Harrier Evaluation Board (Figure 3)
  • 9-way cable (Figure 4)
  • 4-way cable (Figure 4)
  • White 8-way cable (Figure 4)
  • H.FL micro coaxial cable and BNC adapter (Figure 5)
  • 30-way micro coax cable (KEL cable; Figures 1 and 6)
  • USB Type A to mini USB Type B cable
  • Multi-region 12V power supply (please fit the adapter suitable for your region)

Figure 3. Harrier Evaluation Board| Figure 4. Harrier Evaluation Board cables
Figure 5. H.FL micro coaxial cable and BNC adapter| Figure 6. 30-way micro coax cable (KEL cable)

Harrier Evaluation Board Overview

Active Silicon 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board - figure
7Figure 7. Harrier Evaluation Board diagram

The Harrier Evaluation Board connects to the camera interface board using the supplied cable kit.

  • I/O (J102) – 4-way cable (connects to interface board J2).
  • Power/control, RS-232 (J103) – 9-way cable (connects to interface board J3).
  • JTAG (J104) – white 8-way cable (connects to interface board J4, not required for normal use).

The board is powered by the 12V power supply via a barrel connector (J306). This supply is also used as a power supply for the camera and is connected to the camera via the  Power Switch (SW302). When the Power Switch (and camera power supply) is switched ON the PWR ON LED will illuminate.
For more information please see the Harrier Evaluation Board datasheet on the Active Silicon website (see Harrier 3GSDI Camera Interface Board Evaluation Kit – Downloads section).

Sony Camera Control Application

To evaluate the serial communications capability you will need an application that can provide RS-232, RS-485 or TTL serial communication via a COM port, for example the  Sony Camera Control software application.

Setting up the System

To get the 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board running, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Connect the camera to the camera interface board connector (J1) using the 30-way micro coax cable (connector type: KEL USL00-30L). (If you have purchased a pre-assembled camera module, e.g. AS-CIB-3GSDI-002-7520-A, this cable will be already be connected).

  2. Connect the camera interface board I/O connector (J2) to the Harrier Evaluation Board I/O connector (J102) using the black 4-way cable.

  3. Connect the camera interface board PWR/CTRL connector (J3) to the Harrier Evaluation Board PWR/CTRL connector using the 9-way cable. For:
    RS-232 connects the 9-way cable to J103,
    RS-485 connects the 9-way cable to J203.
    TTL communications connect the 9-way cable to either J103 or J203.

  4. For analog camera output (720p50 & 720p60 modes only), connect the J301 (Analog) BNC socket on the Harrier Evaluation Board to a monitor that can display analog video using a suitable BNC adapter/cable.

  5. For 3G-SDI/HD-SDI camera output, connect the H.FL micro coaxial cable to the J5 (SDI video) socket. Connect the other end of the H.FL micro coaxial cable to the  BNC adapter and use a 75 Ohm 3G-SDI/HD-SDI digital video quality BNC cable to connect the adapter to a 3G-SDI/HD-SDI capable monitor/display.

  6. For serial communications with the camera, use the mini USB–USB Type A cable to connect the mini USB socket on the Harrier Evaluation Board to a PC. The USB PWR  LED should light up indicating a live connection to the PC. Three serial interfaces will appear as COM ports on the PC and be accessible to PC software. These  COM ports can be tested using the HarrierControl command line software or the Sony Camera Control application.
    Both of these applications can be downloaded from the Software pages at

  7. Set/check the interface board DIP switch settings, e.g. SW1(1-4) OFF (no mode change on power up), SW2 (1,2) OFF (RS232 serial communications), SW3 OFF (HD- VLC mode off).

  8. Connect the power supply barrel connector to the Harrier Evaluation Board power input connector (J306).

  9. Set the Harrier Evaluation Board power switch (SW302) to OFF (left viewed from above).

  10. Plug in the power supply and switch ON the Harrier Evaluation Board power switch (SW302).
    The PWR ON should light up.

  11. The camera will make audible mechanical noises as it goes through its power-up sequence and after a short time, the video outputs will be working.
    Note: if the DIP switches have been used to set the camera mode, and the mode last used was different from the DIP switch setting, it will take a few additional seconds for the camera interface board to detect this, change the camera mode and reset the camera to set the required video mode.

  12. If an analog monitor is connected to the Harrier Evaluation Board, and the camera mode is set to 720p50/720p60, you will see the camera output on the analog monitor.

  13. If the 3G-SDI/HD-SDI output is connected you will see the camera output on the 3G-SDI/HDSDI monitor/display.

Active Silicon 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board - figure

Figure 8. Harrier Evaluation Board connected to Harrier 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board and camera.

Setting the Camera Serial (VISCA) Control Interface (DIP Switches)

The Harrier 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board supports VISCA serial communication over RS-232, RS-485, and TTL communications interfaces (on the J3 connector). Select which one to use by setting DIP switches SW2-1 and SW2-2 on the Harrier 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board.

OFF OFF RS-232 VISCA communications on J3 pins 1 and 2.
OFF ON RS-485 VISCA communications with RS-485 termination disabled on J3

pins 1 and 2.
ON| OFF| RS-485 VISCA communications with RS-485 termination are enabled on J3 pins 1 and 2.
ON| ON| TTL VISCA communications on J3 pins 8 and 9.
Transceivers connected to J3 pins 1 and 2 will be shut down. Applications using this configuration should leave J3 pins 1 and 2 unconnected.

Table 1. Harrier 3G SDI Camera Interface Board DIP switch settings for selection of the camera serial communications interface type.

On the Harrier Evaluation Board, J103 supports RS-232 and TTL communications, and J203 supports RS-485 and TTL communications.
The Harrier 3G SDI Camera Interface Board is shipped by default with all DIP switches in the “OFF” position. In this state, the board is configured for RS-232 communications.

Setting the Camera Video Mode

Changing the video output mode of the Harrier 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board can be done using the serial control interfaces and an external controller. For more information on setting this up see the section Setting the Camera Serial (VISCA) Control Interface (DIP Switches) above.

Cameras usually start up in the same video mode that was set when the camera was powered down. Immediately after the camera power-up completes, the Harrier 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board reads the DIP switches SW1:1 to  4, and will then change the camera video mode to the mode set by the DIP switch (SW1:1 to 4) settings as shown in Table 2. below. This ensures that on application startup the camera is always in a known video mode; once the start-up is complete and the camera is in the selected mode, VISCA commands can be used at any time to change the camera video mode.

OFF OFF OFF OFF Default Camera Mode ‘ 0
OFF OFF OFF ON 1080p60 (2) i
OFF OFF ON OFF 1080p59.94 (2) 2
OFF OFF ON ON 1080p50 (2) 3
OFF ON OFF OFF 1080p30 4
OFF ON OFF ON 1080p29 5
OFF ON ON OFF 1080p25 6
OFF ON ON ON 1080i60 7
ON OFF OFF OFF 1080i59.94 8
ON OFF OFF ON 1080i50 9
ON OFF ON OFF 720p60 10
ON OFF ON ON 720p59.94 11
ON ON OFF OFF 720p50 12
ON ON OFF ON 720p30 13
ON ON ON OFF 720p29 14
ON ON ON ON 720p25 15

Table 2. DIP switch settings for selecting camera video output mode


  1. “Default camera mode”: on power-up, the camera will start in the video format/mode that was set/being used when it was last powered down. The video mode can then be changed using a VISCA serial command, followed by a camera reset (there is also the camera hard reset in the extended VISCA commands which will also serve this purpose).

  2. Due to the high data bandwidth required, these video modes (above 1080p30) require the camera to be set to dual LVDS mode. For other modes (1080p30 and below) the camera must be set to single LVDS mode. When using VISCA commands to change camera video mode the LVDS mode must be set correctly, otherwise, there will be no  video output from the camera.
    See your camera documentation for more information on VISCA commands for setting LVDS mode.

  3. The DIP switches to select the video format are only read on power-up.
    Therefore, to change the mode using the DIP switches, power down the camera, set the switches and then power up the camera. DIP switches will only be effective for the operating modes supported by the camera currently in use.

Test Pattern

To display a static test pattern (see Figure 9), press the PGEN button on the Harrier Evaluation Board.
Note: this button will only work if the 4-way cable is connected between the Harrier Evaluation Board (J102) and the camera interface board (J2).

Active Silicon 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board - figure
9 Figure 9. Static Test Pattern (PGEN pressed or set with VISCA command)

Reset Button

Pressing this button on the Harrier Evaluation Board causes the camera interface board and camera to reset. Some features require a camera reset to activate/complete certain  VISCA commands (e.g. change of video mode).
Note: this button will only work if the 4-way cable is connected between the Harrier Evaluation Board (J102) and the camera interface board (J2).

Analog Video Output

The BNC connector on the Harrier Evaluation Board will supply the analog video output of the camera interface board. The Harrier 3G-SDI Camera Interface Board generates the analog signal by downscaling the camera’s digital output. To enable this the camera must be set into 720p50/720p60 output mode. By default, when this camera video mode is set, both analog and digital outputs are enabled. A VISCA command can be used to select 4:3 or 16:9 analog output modes.

Technical Support

In case of any issues, please contact Active Silicon Technical Support at the telephone numbers below or by email at

Active Silicon Ltd
Pinewood Mews, Bond Close, Iver,
Bucks, SL0 0NA, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)1753 650600
Fax: +44 (0)1753 651661
Website:| North America:
Active Silicon, Inc.
479 Jumpers Hole Road, Suite 301,
Severna Park, MD 21146, USA.
Tel: +1 410-696-7642
Fax: +1 410-696-7643


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