Megalink AS AS ML2000 MLLiveArena Software User Guide
- June 1, 2024
- Megalink AS
Table of Contents
User manual for ML2000
ML Live Arena
Megalink AS
1.1 About MLLiveArena
MLLiveArena is Megalink’s application for live audience display on the arena
and the Internet.
MLLiveArena replaces the MLVis and MLLive applications.
MLLiveArena works and will be used much like MLLive was previously used. You
start the application (MLLiveArena Server) on one PC only. Then all the ranges
(MLRange) connect automatically.
Viewing is provided via a web browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc.). This can
be on a PC, a TV or similar. One is not dependent on the Internet for it to
work. The address to use is at the top of the user interface when starting the
From the server, it is easy to control which range or image is displayed on
each client.
1.2 System requirements
- Server must be a PC with 64bit Windows 10 or newer.
- Clients must have an up-to-date browser.
2.1 Server overview
Here’s what MLLiveArena Server looks like when it’s started. It consists of several parts:
- Address used to connect as a client
- Live ranges – These are connected ranges (MLRange)
- Images – Custom Images
- Slideshows – Use for automatic switching between different images or ranges
- Connected clients – Connected display PCs, big screens, etc.
- Live Internet – Address and display name for live viewing on the Internet
To display a range or image on a client, you can grab the blue lines with the mouse pointer and drag it wherever you want.
2.1.1 Live ranges
Connected ranges are shown here. These can be viewed directly without any
setup of any kind.
Click on a range to see information about the range and an address for
If you want to show the range on a client, you can easily grab the blue lines
with the mouse pointer and drag it wherever you want.
Click on Edit if you need to delete a range that is no longer in use.
2.1.2 Custom images
A list of custom images is displayed here. Click on an image to view its
information and address.
The image types that can be selected are:
- Lanes – For graphic shooting cards and list view. Lanes from several ranges can be combined into one image
- Clock – Large shooting clock for a range
- Image file – Displays a self-selected image file
- HTML – Displays a custom html page. For example, with convention information, advertising or AWeb from MLRes
To change, delete, or add a new image, click on Edit.
Click on the blue pencil to edit an image or the red trash can to delete it.
Click on the Edit button again to exit edit-mode.
2.1.3 Custom slideshows
Slideshows are used to
automatically switch between different ranges and custom images.
2.1.4 Connected clients
Here’s a list of all clients that are connected and what image or range that
are being on display.
To know which client appears on which screen, you can tap Identify. The name
of the client will then be displayed on each large screen. It’s easier to know
which client is where if you name them.
It can be done by clicking on the blue pencil.
Grab the blue lines with your mouse pointer and drag the client to a range,
image, or slideshow to switch views.
2.1.5 Live internet
Here is the address of the live ranges on the Internet. If a user goes to the
address your event will appear in a menu. Here you
can then choose to follow one or more shooters.
To make it easier to find the right event, it’s a good idea to add an event
name. This is in addition to the license name in the list. This can be added
in the settings.
2.2 Client view
A client is the app that runs on a large screen or viewing PC or similar. You
use web browsers such as Chrome, Edge, Safari.
To start, enter the address at the top of the user interface on the
MLLiveArena server. In this case, it is You will then
get a menu with current ranges, images, and slideshows.
It is also possible to enter the image address directly. For example,!/live/10m.
Feel free to rename the client so that it is easy to get an overview in the
server application.
Once you have selected a range or image, a menu will appear in the lower right
corner. Here you can choose to have the view cover the entire screen.
2.3 Setup in ML Range
ML Live Arena must be enabled in ML Range. This is done by entering Menu →
File → Interface.
- A: Enter the license code for Live Arena
- B: Check Active
- C: Enter the name of the range.
NB: Ranges names should not be changed retrospectively. Then there will be errors in the linking between MLRange and LiveArena. If you want to display an alternative holding name, this can be changed in Menu → Setup → Event. Under Setup → Event, there are also several choices specific to each range. See the picture above.
2.4 Change range name in MLRange
Sometimes you want to change the name of the range. For example, when a final
is to be run. This must not be done in the File → Interface menu. Instead, add
an alternate range name to the event.
This is done in the Setup → Event.
The new range name will appear at the top of the audience view and in the menu
2.5 Remote control and speaker mode
The remote control function allows you to sit somewhere other than where the
PC with LiveArena Server is located and control what is displayed on the
different clients.
In speaker mode, one can decide which lanes to display on a live range.
To get started, press the Remote Control button at the bottom of a client’s
Here, in the same way as on a server, you will control which images are displayed on which clients:
If you press the Speaker button at a client showing a live range, a menu appears where you can choose which lanes to display:
2.6 Automatic client startup
One can set up a PC to automatically display a range, picture or slide. How
this is done differs depending on the operating system you are using. Below
follows one example for setting it up on an Asus Mini PC:
Install windows 10 – set language and keyboard layout to English.
Run windows update to get in all current updates (if internet is connected)
Set computer name and IP address and subnet. Do not add gateway.
Go into advanced in IP 4 config, and activate Net bios over TCP/IP.
If WIFI card installed and normal use is wired, disable WIFI
Right click on the desktop and deactivate both screensaver and all types of power saving. Set both display and hibernate to “Never”.
Push windows button + R – write gpedit. msc (group policy editor)
a. Go into computer config – admin templates – all settings – windows components – windows update
b. Edit “configure automatic update” and select “disable” -
Push windows button + R – write regedit
a. Go into local machine – software – Microsoft – Windows NT – current version – Win Logon.
b. Change “Auto Admin Logon=1”
c. Add new string value – name it “Default Password” and enter the password for the computer to automatic logon. -
Install Google Chrome and set it to default browser
Set the star tpage of the browser to the correct picture in Live Arena.
Push windows button + R – write shell :startup
Add to google Chrome shortcut Target: “—start-fullscreen
Go to file user\App Data\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default and change content of file preferences “exit_typ”:”None” to avoid popup after taking power to the pc. Change properties of preferences to read only.
a. Add a shortcut to Chrome, and be sure it starts maximized -
Change bios to power on always to be able to start/restart pc by taking its power.
3.1 ML Range cannot connect to ML Live Arena Server
In some cases, ML Range fails to connect to Live Arena. This can have several
reasons. Live Arena may be blocked by Windows Firewall. Try turning this off.
If ML Range cannot find Live Arena, you can tell ML Range the IP address of
the PC running
Live Arena. It is done as follows:
- Close ML Range
- Open the file C:\Megalink\Range\MLRange.ini
- Under [LiveArena] there is a line that says #ip
- Change this to say:
- Restart ML Range.
[Live Arena] ip=
NB: Make sure there is no # in front of the line.
If Live Arena and ML Range are running on the same PC, you can set
ip= This will work even if the PC is not connected to any network.
3.1.1 ML Live Arena runs on a range PC without a network
See above. If ML Live Arena is running locally on the range PC without a
network, you must manually set ip=
[Live Arena] ip=
3.2 Client cannot connect to Server
If you cannot contact Live Arena from the client PC, there may be several
- Firewall – Try disabling the firewall
- Network problems – Check that both PCs are connected to the same network and that there is a connection.
- Incorrect IP address – If there are multiple network adapters on the ML Live Arena PC, there may be an incorrect IP coming up in the user interface. Check which IP is connected to the network.
3.3 Other questions
See Frequently Asked Questions on our website and filter on ML Live Arena.
Maybe you’ll find what you’re wondering about there.
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